Happening canceled

Happening canceled.
Praise God!

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How is it cancelled? They just haven't decided yet.


Where is that WWIII, doomsdayfags? Or am I supposed to wait ANOTHER 72 hours?
This is the biggest nothingburger I've seen on this board in a long time.

i dont even care anymore. dont want to die but also fug it

Bolton and Mattis are having complications deciding on action

The MSM 20 seconds after Trump attacks Syria:
>Trump is a blood thirsty and reactionary tyrant risking world war 3!

The MSM 20 seconds after Trumps announces he's not attacking Syria:
>"Trump is a callous Islamaphobic and Russian backed tyrant who doesn't care children are being gassed!"
Lose-lose no matter what. Fuck the MSM.

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Trips of truth

this was an obvious false flag if they had gone to war over it I'd lose all my respect for the man and I have a lot of it.


It was all an act :)

I wonder if anyone ever tells him to stop fucking tweeting
but I enjoy it so it's ok

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Prayers answered desu.

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Lol we need to show the hypocrisy in the coverage to show how silly it is.

its postponed for now

America will be judged. War is imminent

poor shills absolutely devastated, no more talking to each other endlessly on divide and conquer "well I voted for trump but..." threads. why live

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Nah, it's still gonna happen. Probably in 1-3 days.

America once again proving themselves the ultimate cucks

Hahaha trump is a pussy


>we wanna attack the guys you're defending but not hit you so uhhh where's your guys?

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He prolly shouldn't post emotional bullshit on twatter and embarrass himself

Am not laughing.

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i literally dont mind if others are laughing.

Pretty sure most Americans don't care about what MSM reports. Their primary focus is their few brainwashed viewers

His legacy is toast too. fucking WC.
Enough of that talk now shall we.

Nods and sways hand ...
Donald am disappointed in you.
Your not the mad man you said you were.

He's not going to attack syria. He's playing the media and dems right now, keeping his fans on edge, and when he announces he will pull out of syria he will seem even better to his fans. It really is 4d chess. The media and leftists look like warmongering idiots.

He's letting them decide their own fate, retard.

Fucks sake cmon just launch the fucking nukes this shit is pissing me off I just want war already cmon man I don't want to have to go to work


Trump needs to hire Ann Coulter. Ever since Bannon was fired, there have been zero American patriots in the Jew House.

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>Trump is trying to save the world from a ww3
>"m-muh laughing at him"
with hillary she would have decided to bomb entire syria.

((( non-Americans )))

fucking hell John Bolton is dr strangelove
and General Mattis is this guy

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Ann coulter is an opportunist, she doesn't actually care about anything

you do know that russia will strike back this time. They can't afford not to.

What a fucking bitch.
I'm all for peace but he jumped up and down crying war, got us involved, we sent subs and got clearance for an attack to punish a regime that is using chems, and he pussied out. What a total bitch.

lol when will people learn there is no reason behind news other than influence over your position

WE' are more - willing for war - than are not.

>Trump is a pussy for trying to avoid war with Russia
Really? Do you unironically want us to risk a war with Russia over some gassed kids in Syria? Or even worse, over a false flag? If you want to risk having American soldiers die over something so pointless and stupid, you’re a disgrace.

>Bannon was a patriot
Imagine being this shilled

Please don't use the word nothingbuger. It's a made up word by the left that insults mankind's intelligence. Thanks

Kill yourself, you fat whore

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Stop lying. She never sold out America to the jews.

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>over some (((gassed))) kids in Syria


>hey let know where your forces are so I don't destroy them
>"hahaha no"
>trump btfo

trump has never announced military action before it happens. that's why this was bullshit all along.
but why... for what purpose.

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you sound like an intelligent and mature individual

The guy is a joke. He makes us all look bad on Twitter, is he a 14 year old girl or the leader of a world super power?
Your country obviously didn't want to get involved in his twitter war because you decided against military action against Syria.

I'm not lying, she's so clearly an opportunist, like Milo.


Eh, I think they won't.

I'm absolutely uninformed, I admit it. Now that being said, what is the device in the center of the table? I can't make sense of it. America's Funniest Videos voting system?

Yeah I wish we had another pedo elite in power. Nothing like cold and impersonal to win your trust.

Tell me you aren't humiliated by a leader who updates a twitter account every hour about serious issues.
You're being led by a 14 year old girls mind.

>they can’t afford not to
Why not? Are they that reliant on the Assad regime?

welp, time to go to bed. maybe tomorrow bros

You completely failed to refute one word she has ever said or one action she has ever did. You are a liar and a bad one.

Losers always rationalize why they look stupid.

If May was on Twitter giving updates and talking to Russia via twitter I would be face palming.

they will

Your country has become a sitcom.

Because you're a cuck.

I don't care

>whining about drumps twitter
You're such a fucking queer lmao. Who fucking cares? ya, he's an eccentric billionaire, cry more you fucking pussy

And you won't even be able to own a knife, you can't own a gun, and shitskins are invading your country. Keeping talking shit about the freest country on the planet though, you useful idiot.

yes well, that is the 4D basket weaving angle, lets see

I can just imagine you saying that, and using every word you used with the 'lmao' and my fist just clenching and my teeth grinding until i punched your teeth into your throat.

>The country below me is the freest on the planet, don't say things about them or i'll get mad.

>The MSM 20 seconds after Trump attacks Syria:
inb4 all msm beeing all cheery for it though

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he'll probably lob a few more useless bombs just to please the warhawks. Trump will do something, but it won't amount to shit. I think he talked big in the media just to make it seem like he actually cared about this false flag. We'll see, but I think I'm correct.

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That is what will happen, it's how he operates. He literally wrote a book on it.

Woah epic comeback dude. Not that I expected better form a low T commie with an inferiority complex...

Fucking soft soy boy piece of shit.

I watched this bit on Morning Joe a minute ago, where Jeffrey Sachs is arguing that we need to withdraw from Syria immediately.

Mika and everyone else is rabid that we need to attack and the fact that we haven't yet attacked means Trump should be impeached.

What the fuck, why do people watch this shit?

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I would smash your face in. I would snap every bone in your face.

Ha. You’re a fucking insecure loser.

Indeed. Trump knows how to think critically and has deduced through reason that Assad did not gas those actors

>a numale with an inferiority complex raging incohorently
you go girl

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Let fucking France bomb them.
Fuck this.

drop your guns and your head would get stamped on over here. The only reason your people talk big is because of your guns. In an actual fight you are fuck all. I would stamp you into next week.

i know but i am not convinced.
if this is what's habbening, he'd have b8- ignited the hawks into a glow in bright daylight state though

oh no, I'm so scared of a tea-drinking sjw landwhale who can't even do 10 pushups

kill yourself, I can tell you've never been in a fight.

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>known faggot coward shies away from delivering after talking a lot, as usual
>this must be the work of magic fairies in the sky!

Worst case is Saud / Joos gassed those poor bastards. The irony.

Sure you would. You are an embarrassment to yourself.

This is the exact opposite of the truth. Why would their primary focus be people they've already mind-fucked as opposed to the rest of them?

I would love to see you walk into a pub in England with your stupid accent. You would last 5 minutes before someone was stamping your teeth out. Every single one of your Northern Americans are pussies.


Trump is shooting 85% numb nuts.

This sounds like best case desu

Says the impotent man behind a computer screen on the internet.

Israel did it

How can you tell? I'd snap your neck you little Canadian bitch. Nobody respects Canada, you are a joke, everyone views you are a joke.

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But...But...OBAMA!!! WAH! Our fucking President is an Internet tough guy. What a little orange pussy push over.

Bloomberg has described Emmanuel Macron as Trump’s “go-to guy in Europe.” The American president is said to trust Macron more than any other European leader. When the news of the alleged chemical weapons incident broke, it was Macron whom Trump phoned first – much to the chagrin of the British and their presumed “special relationship” with Washington.

In a series of follow-up calls, the French reportedly exchanged intelligence with the White House to show that chemical munitions had been used against civilians by the Syrian government forces of President Bashar Assad. It seems it was due to the French lead that Trump adopted such a bellicose position, blaming “animal Assad” and Russian leader Vladimir Putin for the “atrocity.”

Trump went on to warn Russia to get ready for “new, smart missiles coming.” However, the president then appeared to quickly back down, later intimating that a decision on whether or not to launch military strikes had not yet been taken.