Hi, 18yo High School student here...

Hi, 18yo High School student here. My government teacher got me to hate Trump for a week because he said that Trump aquitted a judge who deported legal mexican immigrants.

Thing is, I can't find shit on this. This was just another blatant ass lie, right? Or did he actually do this?

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All your teachers in public and university schools will be leftists. Far as I can tell ICE is doing their job for once. If I have to follow the laws than so do they.

It wasn’t Trump; it was Israel.

>deported legal mexican immigrants.
What's the issue?

I don't think so, Trump is the anti-christ.

Legal means they achieved their legal status, anyone who denies a legal Hispanic their right to live here needs to be arrested.

teachers are right wing dingus

Presidents don't acquit anybody, your teacher is a fucking retard.

Your teacher is a propagandist retard, ask him for actual proof.

>right to live here

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A pardon is a government decision to allow a person who has been convicted of a crime to be free and absolved of that conviction, as if they were never convicted.


Your joking right?

Thanks guys. If Pol can't find dirt on Trump after literally tracking a guy down to the city/county using a picture that had a flag and a bird then he couldn't have done so.

a pardon and acquittal are two different thing retard

*needs to be running our country and kicking out the traitorous trash like you

I don't think you honestly realize it, but countries are determined by their demographics, not the other way around. If you replaced america with mexicans and no whites, you would have mexico over the entire continent, not modern or even 1950's america.

The people make the country. Whites made europe what it is. Whites made America what it is. And mexicans will make america what mexico is.

what about gays, asocial, and mentally retarded people. do they deserve to stay here?

They earned their legal status, constitutionally they are right to stay.

>the executive branch acquitted a judge

C'mon user, this is obviously false

None of Trumps pardons are for a judge

Guess what I was given public school in Florida and I'm still not finished with it of course I'm retarded

what if they commit a crime?

Mainly the male ones which we all know are few and far between.

wtf i love trump now?

They go to jail Jow Forumstard

>The state gave me a piece of paper
>Therefore you have to accept me
Let's take a helicopter ride, shall we faggot?

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a pardon is you're convicted of a crime and the state absolves you of your crime

an acquittal is you are charged and found not guilty. Acquittals are by juries, pardons are by governors/presidents

You have officially taught me more than my government class has so far.

you racist. he's a good hard working mexican and you want to put him in prison? i bet you communist put gays in prison as well

>My government teacher got me to hate Trump for a week because he said that Trump aquitted a judge who deported legal mexican immigrants.

I seriously hope this isn't real. I really, really hope you're trolling.

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That's how immigration works they all have a right to be here even the undocumented ones

Ask your teacher to prove his statement.


under communism do gays have the right to exist?

This is going to have to be done eventually, user.

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>kekistani education

I'm aware how it works however it doesn't suit the interests of the people any longer. Our current immigration policy instead favors the business needs of oligarchs. Importing a racially distinct underclass only serves to undermine the value of American labor while subjecting the "immigrants" to harsh working conditions and a culture into which they will never fully assimilate. It further keeps people divided, angry, and anxious while the oligarchs get richer and Americans get poorer. Jackboot Commies like you don't even realize you're touting the corporate line
>even the undocumented ones
I'm increasingly starting to believe you're not an American, and if you are remember that traitors are the first in the oven

>deserving of anything of the white man's
neck urself soyboy

In all honesty he more than likely isn't, a lot of teachers are like this. At least up here but that probably doesn't surprise you

Legal immigrants reserve the right to live freely in America, and they also will be held accountable to all Laws of the Land.

>deported legal mexican immigrants
But that's a good thing,

jesus, be more of a bigot

can gays exist under communism?

also the 4th plank of communism "Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels" Illegals and legals have no right to property

The modern world is a swirling cesspool and degenerate mess that has burdened our race, rather all of humanity for far too long. There is a cohesive self interested group of internationalistic elites who have completely mutated humanity from its beautiful state to a state of decadence and self destruction.
Groups have come and gone, our masters have gone as far as putting a man who we believe fights for our own interests in charge when in reality he's another puppet, there's only one way out of this.
There is only one way that we can ensure the existence of our people and a future for white children, and that is by building the Ethnostate.
Stop sitting on your ass on the internet all day, we're running out of time and we need you to join the Northwest Imperative......

don't get sucked in the racist trap op. victim culture comes from both sides.

Newfag detected, go back to the donald loser.

>Deporting legal Mexican immigrants
If they’re brown, they shouldn’t be around

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tell me commie why do you avoid the fact that communism=the death of gay people

If you have to justify people's rights by comparing then to any form of communism the you have already lost.

Hey, Op.
What's your opinion on the mexicanization of the southwestern states (and the country as a whole), and how do you think this will turn out?

If i'm not mistaken, less than 30% of students in Texas in public schools are white,heardit on TDS, 20 and something percent.

>Implying I can figure out Reddit's layout
Been here for 7 years unfortunately

Because it's a retarded argument. There's no such thing as a "gay" person either, it's a made up identity like "straight"

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I don't care about the gay people, but I do care about American's Constitutional rights.

>cites communist tenants
>that's not real communism

What do you mean?!!!!! Everything is COMMUNISM!!!!!

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>I do care about American's Constitutional rights.
>right against unlawful search and seizure of property
>under communism there is no private property
do you even know anything about communism?

>communist talking about right to ownership of guns when their tenants prohibit any ownership of any property

Where did I cite communist tenants?

Not OP, but I'm a Yankee and personally I feel that the Empire was a mistake. We should never have expanded beyond the Pacific since all it did was pull us into European Imperialist wars which cannibalized the West. This is not the Republic my forefathers died for, and this is not the Republic I wish to pass to my children. That being said, I don't think people understand just how ingrained the idea of pushing to the Pacific was in American consciousness. Many colonies considered their royal charters to expand to the Pacific coast, and that it was our right to see it through. We built that land into what it is today and god damnit we'll keep it. If there aren't mass deportations we'll end up with an American Hitler
>inb4 le drumpf

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ahaha no

is your teacher a kike?

>personal property=Private property
You've been lied to

And yet

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Lol you don't have to, we already know better

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Please cite what is their legal right to be here you fucking kike faggot

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Why do you consider becoming a 1st world country "death and misery"?

I guarantee you they weren't legal

Gettin into the country illegally doesn't count faggot

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The left make up stuff all the time, come to Jow Forums and become enlightened, BUT, just agree and go along with lefty, you’ll be on your own soon

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Do you, how is that?

Venezuela and North Korea first world lol...

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>two countries I didn't mention

If they achieve citizen status why shouldn't they be held accountable to American laws? They are tax payers after all.

No one said it did, but there is a process which leads to being able to come here legally.

unfortunately, the entire public education system in America is a fraud. Never really used to be that way. There are plenty of people who are the product of public schools and they turned out just fine, unlike the brainwashed idiots that are churned out today

much of what you hear in school is a lie. An apple never hit newton on the head, the pilgrims did not have picnics with the indians. Milk isn't good for you, people should be weaned as babies. The Germans did not declare war on the english and french it was the other way around. Don't trust anything except the math class. Even science has been infected with politics.

Two countries in my photo doing the exact same faggotry China and the others adopted

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The amount of people who come in needs to be cut dramatically, and existing immigrants are only here by the grace of the people. Being born in America does not an American make, and appealing to "muh constitooshun" is a jackboot appeal to authority

You can thank the Prussian model

They need to be natural born citizens from 2 full fledged citizens. Otherwise only until after the obtain their own naturalization then why the fuck should we care.

Legally speaking^

Hegemony wise fuck them, their mere foreigness and presence makes them TOTALLY IMCOMPATIBLE TO WESTERN CIV AND THEY NEED TO GO BACK

As for commies, pic related

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God damn you're a faggot. And a fucking leaf, even worse.

He isn't wrong, and you don't even have a rebuttal other than
>hurr faggit leaf xD

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>aquitted a judge

How is he not wrong? He is fear mongering on a topic that wasn't mentioned nor very relevant to the issue.

If they are legal citizens they deserve to live here as much as you do.

Legal residents (non-citizens) can have their residency revoked for any number of reasons. Even naturalized citizens can have their citizenship revoked if:

1. They lied or concealed facts to gain their citizenship
2. They join a subversive group within five years of gaining citizenship.
3. They are being investigated as being part of a subversive group and are called to testify before congress and refuse, within 10 years of gaining citizenship.

Basically, if you're moving to the US don't be a criminal and you'll be okay.

>"Legal residents (non-citizens"


Are you that ignorant? Not everyone that is here legally is a citizen. Green Card holders are not citizens, they are considered legal residents and are held to a different set of legal requirements to stay in the country. For example, they can be deported for claiming to be a citizen. Or for assault. Or a million other things.

I was asking a question, are you that arrogant?
Alright well whatever standard a legal citizen has to be here is not relevant to wether they should be allowed to stay here or not. If they are a law abiding citizen they shouldn't be eligible to be deported, and that especially includes the children - and grand children of legal hispanic immigrants.

>How is he not wrong?
Demography is destiny, look at what happened to North Africa after it was Arape'd; it went from being the breadbasket of Europe to a backwater in a relatively short time. Culture is a product of a race's interaction with its environment. If you were to put a group of Mestizos and Africans in East Asia, the culture they would develop would be different from each other and the natives. Not to make a value judgement but that's the reality of human cultures. I can't help but feel that the accelerated acceptance of Central Americans threatens the very fabric of this country. You can chalk these up to economic factors all you want, but they themselves are environmental and how the race adapts to it is reflective of them as a people. Slavic and Irish immigrants were treated in much the same and in less than a few generations they were assimilated into Americana. Hell, even Jews are beginning to marry into White America

Absolutely not, if they do not share in the racial component of the core nation then they are an eternal alien. This is nothing personal against them but the barriers for assimilation are physical and nearly impossible to overcome without miscegenation which inherently changes the character of the nation. Self-preservation is natural in humans so this would be met with obvious resistance

Everything you learned in school about history is a lie.

Every opinion that your teacher has, is almost certainly Marxist propaganda.

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>I was asking a question, are you that arrogant?
Maybe you should understand how immigration works before calling for people to be arrested for enforcing the law, if you don't want people to think you're retarded anyway.

>If they are a law abiding citizen they shouldn't be eligible to be deported
If they're here illegally they're not a law abiding citizen by definition.

I don't know what culture has to do with anything when they are citizens who have been here legally for any length of time, or their children. They learn an American education, they are brought on American values to achieve American goals. Not everyone who is brown is an illegal immigrant. Illegals should be detained and sent back without question.
Now this is America you are going to have to deal with people being different shades of skin color. They have dark skin bloodlines hundreds of years old, how can you justify deporting them?

Classic commie! Fuck off spic.

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>"If they're here illegally they're not a law abiding citizen by definition."

Now who the fuck said that you fucking retard?!

Classic newfag, go back to the donald faggot

You really are a faggot, did you even sage your post? Does this guy seem like a commie to you? Wew

Legal citizens aren't getting deported. Criminals are. I'm responding to the OP post where some stupid liberal claimed that legal immigrants were getting deported, which doesn't happen. If you get deported, you broke the law somehow.

Do you have any sources that claim that 100% legal citizens don't get caught up in this? I never said they do. I never implied they do. I am saying law abiding citizens should not be deported because they are ethnically Hispanic. That is all, any attachments you make to that statement are just evidence of your own schizophrenic dilusions.

>Do you have any sources that claim that 100% legal citizens don't get caught up in this?
Not how it works. You don't prove a negative. You need to present evidence that legal citizens are getting deported, not the other way around. Similar to how the burden of proof is on someone claiming that unicorns exist and not the people that think he's retarded.

>I am saying law abiding citizens should not be deported because they are ethnically Hispanic.
Post proof this happens. It doesn't. They get deported for breaking the law, not because they're Hispanic or Mexican.

>Not how it works. You don't prove a negative. You need to present evidence that legal citizens are getting deported, not the other way around. Similar to how the burden of proof is on someone claiming that unicorns exist and not the people that think he's retarded.

lol what, I was asking for proof of a claim you made? Nice word magic though fren, but I don't follow that logic

If "they" get deported for doing something illegal then that makes no sense to what I said of them being LEGAL citizens now does it?

>they are citizens who have been here legally for any length of time, or their children
Simple, I do not care about their legality or otherwise. You're the only ones who have been arguing this point, which I have been rejecting entirely
>They learn an American education, they are brought on American values to achieve American goals.
Again, I don't care how Americanized they are, they represent an eternal fifth column. The hardships the American people have endured over the centuries is foreign to them and they shouldn't be expected to uphold alien societies. I wouldn't even care if they didn't compose a significant proportion of the population. I don't want to see my country go the way of Brazil because of racial denialism. Corporations love immigration since it provides cheap labor and they can extract more wealth from the lower and middle classes
>Not everyone who is brown is an illegal immigrant
Your point? Illegals are just extraordinarily egregious since they feel entitled to the opportunities this society provides
>Now this is America you are going to have to deal with people being different shades of skin color
Again, I don't care that people are of a different race. I care that they compose a significant percentage of the population. This is as much a Black issue as it is a White one
>They have dark skin bloodlines hundreds of years old, how can you justify deporting them?
I assume you're referring to niggers, to which I'd say see above. With the Mestizos who have been here since we annexed the West, they are a small minority of the current Mestizo population. Natives aren't even worth mentioning, same with Indians and Orientals though their incoming numbers need to be curtailed

I for one never argued against any of that, I also never brought any of that up.

>but I don't follow that logic
I'm not surprised, you're clearly dumb as a sack of rocks. Proving non-existence is a fallacy, you're free to Google what that means too. Maybe then you'll understand why asking someone to prove that no legal residents are deported is stupid. Instead, go ahead and post your proof that legal residents are getting deported because the burden of proof is on you there.

>If "they" get deported for doing something illegal then that makes no sense to what I said of them being LEGAL citizens now does it?
First off, stop calling them citizens. If they've actually naturalized then there's almost no chance they'll ever get deported and it's a huge ordeal to actually make it happen (their citizenship needs to be revoked). That's one of those things that is legally possible but never happens. Practically speaking, only non-citizens get deported. And not legal ones.