Rosenstein firing to trigger Antifa riots

Trump to fire Rosenstein tomorrow
Left/Antifa are primed to activate and riot across the country
>Are you ready?

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Why would he care that some retards are standing around?

We're joining Antifa and the left now right? You know, since the main mood here is to hate Trump now.

liberals are gonna protest trump oh now that never happens

It would not trigger ANTIFA riots. It would however trigger mass protests, and not just from leftists mind you.

How are you guys still so bad at this?

I thought the AG was the one who could fire Rosenstein.

Go fuck yourself you bold faced queer of a shill

Why would anifa care about *snort* Rod *chorttle* Rosenstein??

Toure is full of shit and so is his court appointed lawyer that told him this.


NYT gave their readers a primer
Trump can fire RR and appoint anyone he wants as interim Deputy AG

This would help Trump immensely.

Antifa, like BLM, only comes out when the establishment wants them to. Do you remember their nationwide protest attempt? It was pathetic. Antifa needs money to bus people and spread the word. That money comes from people like Soros. Antifa riots when the Soroses of the world want them to.


They are treating it as if Trump is firing Mueller

Worst shill ever. I feel embarrassed for you. They don't pay you enough to humiliate yourself like this.

>thinks anyone gives a shit about rosenstain
he's probably on his way to federal prison and the "firing" is just standard no matter who the fuck he is
you get busted you lose your job

>are you ready
I'm always ready for a big nothingburger

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>Trump fires Rod Rosenstein
> No riots occur
>media cameras zooms in on small crowd of Soros funded protesters in effort to make the crowd look huge

why would an anti-government organization care about who the government employs or not?

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Will he pull a bill Clinton and launch cruise missiles. Digits decide

It does not matter. The investigation was proven to be a witch Hunt time and again. So much damning evidence has been released to show the FBI/DOJ are totally compromised, and with the raid on Trump's lawyer's office, it was the last straw. Let the faggots protest. It was a kangaroo court. They WERE going to snag Trump on some bullshit process crime like with Bill Clinton.

There are enough people out there who see thru the Democrats game. Even public opinion is going towards viewing this investigation as a witch Hunt. There are some honest progressives who will even openly admitted this to you

Wtf did I just read?

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Trump won't fire Rosenstein because nobody below him in the chain of command will mess with Mueller and he'll never get a new appointment through the senate.

Something else completely crazy WILL happen tomorrow if Trump fires RR and not just the left trying to meme more outrage via protests

Trump himself isn't bad but he needs to stop listing to the kikes whispering into his ear.

>just to be clear

They already fired their wad. Once the midterms are over and they get their arrogant shit pushed in yet again, they'll be too demoralized to even bitch on the internet anymore.

He'll be coming for us and this time he's not kidding

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It's funny when anarchists care about enforcing the law

Why would they riot of the assistant attorney general is fired? Is there some kind of connection?

kek. i starting to really enjoy watching idiots glitch out

Nobody gives a fuck about Ron Rosenstein losing his damn job at justice. He’s going to end up on K Street with a 7 Figure job and a book deal.

Jesus Christmas!

>that feel when you really want to sell your AK-67 Fully SemiAutomatic Babykiller because you need the fucking money, but it's your only battle-ready rifle and you're still desperate that there will be a happening soon

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More like J Street

Thanks. Honestly Trump should have fired him the first day he took office. Should have cleaned house at the FBI too.

Well remember RR was definitely a snake. He was the guy who supposedly "stepped up" when Yates went full left wing nut job and wouldnt defend the travel ban. He white knighted to get into Trump's good graces so no one not even Trump questioned when he was given the Deputy AG job

They can have their stupid weak protests, and NOTHING will happen. NOTHING. Suck a dick losers lmfao

Leftists get bored of protests rather quickly. You'll have a week-long spike in public acts of autism and then they'll move on to the next fad or outrage or hashtag

Wasn't Wray going to quit if McCabe was fired?

Antifa, who have been formally identified as terrorists by the US government. Lolno.

hahaha look at the cucked faggot

>were gonna have a nationwide temper tantrum over a corrupt sleazeball getting fired by another corrupt sleazeball
Why are these people so stupid?

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cuz if the investigation doesn't find Trump guilty of something ... nay, anything then AuntQueefas look like a sham org

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Unfortunately Rosenstein was one of the people that Jeff Sessions (useless fucker also deserving of firing) ordered to resign.

Trump wouldn't accept his resignation and appointed him to be the deputy AG.

Possibly the worst decision Trump has made in office.

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They love Trumpstein now. He came out of the closet with his "progressive liberal" policies when he made Feinstein moist, and sucked off Schumer with the Omnibus bill.
Oh did you hear?! He's talking about getting us back into the TPP.
So (((conservative))) of him!


Go to a temp agency

This is all Jeff Sessions fault for not having a 2nd special council and for recusing himself. What a major mistake that guy has been.

>mind you
i'm shaking right now can you see it

You realize that we dislike him for the exact opposite reasons?

hands off Ros Einstein!

let them finish the investigation in peace if you don't want Trump impeached like Nixon you morons

>implying Bannon doesn't want to fuck Trump as his revenge with this DOJ purge plan
>being this stupid

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>the main mood here is __

Fuck off, shill faggot. I'm going to backtrace your ass and take a steaming shit down your throat.

go get hired by shillblue and subtly redpill your coworkers

He'll wait until Monday

>hide your garbage cans faggots

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>the main mood here
you're doing it wrong

No it wouldnt

Mueller, yes

Rosenstein, no

doesn't even come close user
when the race war starts, going to skin that elf alive if I can

Jeff Session isn't useless at all. He has been doing excellent enforcing federal immigration laws and that matters more imo

>this retard actually thinks they're in the majority

Ever wonder why those polls, which are undoubtedly slanted against Trump, keep showing his approval rating going up? Eh, wouldn't surprise me if you haven't, you're a dimwit.

>go out in the morning
>see trash can turned over
>fucking raccoons
>notice it still moving
>kick it
>Eric Clayton rolls out with his moms panties on his face in place of a mask
>light him and the trash can on fire
It’ll be a good day


Some of them sound pretty s-serious

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>How dare a bureaucrat be fired! I am literally shaking

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>enforcing federal immigration laws
against marijuana yeah. great fuckin job jeff.

Wow reading that makes me hope he actually does fire him
Watch this clip of based Joe DiGenova breaking it down on why Rosenstein MUST be fired (as he is obviously not willing to recuse himself)

This tbqh.

Let the left fucking throw a shitfit and further reveal themselves as little commie anarchists

Are we sure these aren't Russian bots again?

Leftist freaks vs people who buy 10 billion rounds of .223 a year and own hundreds of millions of firearms! Whoever will win....

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oh that fag

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Nice source. He's not firing anyone you dipshit.

Reminds me of Summer 17

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We need to evacuate the trashcans to an undisclosed location until the heat dies down. I would not forgive myself if I allowed their noble race to be systematically exterminated by these hysterical apes.

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Oh ya the guy with a rainbow ring is reeeal tough.Probably has that tattood around his gaping anus.

republicans have distanced themselves from trump on the issue of the russia investigation, with a few saying that all options would be considered up to and including impeachment should trump try to derail mueller.

he would literally be committing political suicide by firing either rosenstein or mueller

you do realize that it takes a real stud muffin to protest in the middle of a blizzard. on an abandoned street corner, in a town where nobody came to work cuz blizzard
>rainbow-haired unwashed cretin yelling at a lamppost
>trash cans overturned and burning
>guys with black spray paint writing graffiti in the snow

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This tbqh

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antifa lol.

im just waiting until they start attacking the cops and the cops have an excuse to maim them.

Firing Rosenstein would be signing an admission of guilt. Republicans would impeach immediately. Patriots would be in the streets armed and ready to bring Trump to the gallows.

Sweet, tomorrow is my half-birthday. Perhaps it won't be boring.

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Liberals are such fucking fags

>Republicans would impeach immediately.
amazing you can function at all retard

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Fire him and appoint Joe DiGenova.

>Patriots would be in the streets armed and ready to bring Trump to the gallows
Bro stop my sides are in orbit!!

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you dont even know what planet you're on

Jesus Christ dude, is this your first day?

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FBI and DOJ failed to produce 1.2 million pages of documents today, Congress will move to impeach the whole lot, hopefully including the elf jeff

If you're the kind of person that counts "half-birthdays" everyday is boring..

The committee where any impeachment begins, the House Judiciary committee, is of course R controlled and its many conservative members have been trying to get Mueller dismissed and a second special counsel appointed for 8 months now. You might want to re-think your hypothetical scenarios, user

Just wait until the IG report is released.
The Left will completely lose their shit.
We need to pressure the police to crack down on this Soros flashmob protest bullshit.
And we need to pressure the government to investigate and crack down on Soros' unAmerican activities.

THIS is the civil war.
