I'm a world enslaver. Ask me anything.
I'm a world enslaver. Ask me anything
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If I ask you very nicely can I have a small plot of land where I can be self sufficient and not bother anybody ever?
Would really appreciate it.
good uniforms you have any formul ss too?
If you have such a request you must serve Aryan man with all your heart, give him whatever he asks as long as it is not a sin, and at the drop of a hat. Either way if you have any amount of mongrel blood you have to be enslaved. You can be a house negro to spite the other slaves if you want, but you can never be a master. Don't expect your offspring to have anything past an elementary school education, unless you work as an engineer or something to serve the Aryan elite.
I'm 100% scandi/aryan with AB negative(no rhesus) blood type and 145 IQ
fye song
>I'm 100% scandi/aryan with AB negative(no rhesus) blood type and 145 IQ
100 percent med, AB and 155. I bet you have a shit job and dont even lift.
I'm a hotshot/sport fishermen
Not a millionaire but I'm comfortable and certainly a badass compared to basically everyone.
Looking to retire which is why I asked OP for some land.
I would be ok with this, as long as all Aryans are considered elite.
Fuck I put an independant clause before a dependent clause and I separated them by a comma.
How fucked am I, mein Furher?
Atleast if your going to post subhuman rap, post shit that is real rather than fake ass niggers.
I learned what those were in GED school, totally forgot what they meant. If I remember correctly, a dependent clause is not a full sentence or something and needs additional content separated by a comma? idk, I totally forgot, haha. I would have to study again. Is there a grammar theory that encompasses all human language?
>I'm a world enslaver. Ask me anything.
You get shot by a .306 rifle round in your center of mass what do you do as you bleed out?
i'll kill you if that ever happens you nigger
I posted the most "fierce" bull I could find to demonstrate I'm still going to enslave them, despite their fierce and feverishly violent anti-racist protest. I will tame the bull. I don't care about their opinions and opposition, they shall all be enslaved. Montana is violent but he apparently has some sort of moral compass since he doesn't rap about gangbanging(for the sake of his mother I presume) and he doesn't abandon his children(like a lot of black men do.) Even though it is a weak moral compass and he's still a typical nigger. I could have posted any nigger really, but he was the fiercest one I could find.
We thought you might have seen it this way, so we have drawn up contingencies to counteract your opposition, unfortunately for yourselves, you are no match for us.
meant to reply to
it is unfortunate what happens to cities when niggers over run them.
How do you enslave the world if you lost?
I don't remember all the rules, but the big one is as follows:
DC=dependent clause
IC=independent clause
DCIC get as comma
2 IC gets a comma
ICDC gets no comma
DCIC: Upon reading OPs post, I feel he's a faggot
2 IC: OP is a faggot, he should kill himself
ICDC: I feel OP is a faggot, upon reading his post
Through supernatural power.
I have this image.
Center left looks comfy af
We thought you might have seen it this way so we have drawn up contingencies to counteract your opposition. Unfortunately for yourselves, you are no match for us.
Master punctuation before ruling the world.
Before ruling the world, master punctuation.
You must master punctuation first, ruling the world comes second.
I like #2 but there's too much grey on the lapel.
Fitting, Suicide Squad is what the people in the Führerbunker called themselves.
>Spending all your time at the tailor and not in battlefield training
It's a real wonder how the Slavs crushed the Nazis
Hugo Boss catalog?
master greentext.
>We thought you might have seen it this way, so we have drawn up contingencies to counteract your opposition, unfortunately for yourselves, you are no match for us.
Doesn't matter that you individually still may get popped. Am I right?
That is a possibility, however, that will not impede or halt your enslavement. You will only serve to anger us even further, but you will not stop us. Dog.