Is this legit? What's going on here?
What is this NWIS shit?
Yeah what even care about sand niggers inSyria?
Why is Jow Forums posting stuff which is sponsored by Jew groups?
Also, doesn't Israel want a full out war with Syria? Why would any Jew group sponsor a peace push?
Bump for curiosity
Pls someone explain to me what NWIS is!?!
It's a cheeky plot on our part, put up posters saying no war in syria, sponsored by jewish groups, jews who want war kvetch and say it's not them, then people see the warmongering juden ways.
A greek version should eventually be made, maybe you can make it? There should be an official thread
Jews denounce the posters, they draw the ire of the public, people become suspicious of the Jews
It's some next-level autism, if anything.
And yes, there are officials threads for this already. These niggers are just clearly newfags
No hastags, needs specific names of jewish groups for the respective country
It's ok, this can be the baptism of newfaggotry, super easy, nobody would get angry, perfect jewish trick
So it's not JIDF?
Why would JIDF support peace in Syria? They're dying to make war in Syria and murder the last few White Christians in the Middle East
this may be going over your head, so I'll spoil it for you
the gag is, none of these jewish advocacy groups are against war in syria. in fact they're basically all zionist as fuck and want trump to annihilate assad, so they hate the idea of not invading Syria. thus, when anons post these innocuous antiwar posters around college campuses etc, it has two simultaneous effects:
1. actually hopefully advocate against invading Syria, and
2. make a bunch of jews out themselves as warmongers when they denounce the campaign.
at least so it goes in theory.
ShareVlad, a russian subversion organization, playing their usual games.
Matthew 5:9 KJV
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Fuck off kike
1 ruble has been deposited into your account.
radioactive CIA nigger jew cucks running scared because they know they are exposed
Not at all. I've just been around the block enough to know how the Russians work. I've been opposing them since the old USSR days.
Their goal is to destabilize the country. They don't care who wins election, causing chaos is more important. That is why, for example, the paid for pro-trump and anti-trump protests on the same day in the same city.
You think it's a coincidence that you have seen so many anti-Trump and anti-war posts around here lately? Because it isn't.
The bottom line is this... those who preach the things you are trying to preach now either work for the russians with full knowledge, or are working for them without knowing it.
Once you learn to understand their techniques, it's pretty easy to spot.
At least you guys have switched your VPN. Every thread coming from a leaf flag stuck out like a sore thumb.
YES. I can feel them recounting their shekels with sweat on their brow. Insert Jack Nicholson nodding gif.
Its fucking legit, the goal is to bait aipac and the kikes,
>4channers star NWIS postering
>Say its sponsored by aipac and jewish groups
>Aipac dissaproves of it publicly and the country is red pilled about how the jews are a bunch of war mongers
>ORRRRR, they accept it and they give up on israeli interests.
regardless of whether or not russia wants it i'm still against war with syria
Oh you glorious cunts. Whoever came up with that is a genius. Toppest of keks. Absolutely failproof too.
You're welcome
except it will go like this
>normie sees sign/story
>normie doesn't know what to think and agrees with the sign
>later sees a local news story that says it was a hoax. war is necessary to help our greatest ally
>immediately changes mind because we have the best goys
Shilling from the inside I see. Everyone laugh at the non believer!
All jokes aside, this has potential, do it in every country lol.
We are and we have a shit ton of translations on this discord server: gg/DhjeyW
the headlines will be bigger than 'hoax'
and the 'greatest ally' will have to defend his position on the fence.