Is she a good commentator?

Is she a good commentator?

Attached: lovely ashton.png (1366x723, 1.1M)

Nah. I would say yes, but everyone is sick of you retards spamming these peoples faces on this board to gauge interest.

I wanna fuck her ass and cream her face, her videos are good on mute

She has to be a race realist to get our support. Got it?

also, stop promoting yourself here. When you advocate for whites or do something actually worth while someone else will post you here.

wisdom from down undah

>assumes everyone knows who she is
Also, general e-celeb threads are cuckish.

The only thing theses whores need to be commenting on is a great way to make a pot roast. For real fuck all e-celebs, especially the women.

No she's the personification of everything bad about e-celebs.

she's a qt tho.

No, but I bet she's a good cum taker.

Also, here's a common tater.

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she is too cute to be a political commentator, it's distracting as fuck

In her latest video she admits that she shows cleavage to get clicks, and she's brainwashing men with her tits.

Fuck off.
Stop promoting your channel here.

She has autism, and not in a good way.

She has potential.

>still no link/name
Fucking rebbit

No, she really isn't that smart or good of a speaker

But she's unbelievably cute and spouts right wing talking points so she is of some value

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needs more cleavage, I might consider then

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She's good as long as she doesn't smile.

No she doesn't, I meant she is literally cognitively impaired.

who is this

Not really, there isn't anything she's said that hasn't been said by right wing men already. She's cute and nice to look at though.

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pick 2

cute but her eyes crazy. she would fall in love with me if we ever meet 100%

she is unironically autistic

A white whore who wants attention

Im bored

daily shill thread. stop. just stop.

Dude, every fucking day there's an Ashton Birdie thread. I casually watch her because she's cute but I don't think it should be a Jow Forums topic EVERY FUCKING DAY.

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What if you only meet 65%? Then what?

Woman good
How this refutes OP?
No idea.



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Imagine having a threesome with her and pic related and they are letting you suck their cute petite toes mhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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Not at all, if she was a boy she would get negative views.

You make this thread every night faggot.

I can't fucking stand this naive cunt

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She looks like a ghost from a horror movie in this video.

Shephard is really, really fucking hot. God damn, imagine her pale ass pushing back onto your throbbing cock

Wife material. It's getting harder for me to watch her videos. I just want to fuck the shit out of her and get her pregnant every other year for the next decade.

She badly needs to stop hinging on filler works . Like, you know, realistically. It drives me nuts how bad she is about that.


Attached: ashton pls.png (553x134, 14K)

She's learning.

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why are there never any links? It is in our power to subjugate the masses to an introduction ideology yet you fags appeal to each other for back pats.

I like her, but can't concentrate on what she's saying. She wears those low cut tops and leans forward and jiggles around a lot.

im gonna smell her butt one day

>her videos are good on mute
They really are. Her low cut tit bounce is on point. I’m actually amazed at how good they are.

>I-I have Jewish friends
>Why are they always wanting wars with the Middle East?
>Why are they always saying we should always support our BASED ally Israel?
>Why do they keep pushing me to go out with Tyrone???