/WW3/ World War 3 General

Who else is drinking before World War 3?

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too young to drink, still got half a year

join the Marine Corps/ Your CO can authorize underage drinking during a "Mess Night"

Just drink fool

Reminder Trump said attacking Syria would lead to World War 3 in a debate against Jeb! in February of 2016.

I still do occasionally, on my last birthday I bought a handle of Jaeger and got my friend to pay for it, then later for Christmas I bought myself some Kraken

100 proof

No beer for you lad.

t. slimy jew

56% jew actually you fucking anti-semite

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I'll have some Hendricks gin with a bit of tonic. Then proceed to heat up my party pies.

Kraken is a really nice rum.

yes goy, just join he marine so you can drink 6 months early.

You are gonna have to be drinking till after trump is out of office cause its not habbening

I think I still got half a liver

What are the odds that something actually happens in Syria? 100%? 50%? Seems like a ton of dick measuring to me. Someone enlighten me.

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How many hours left till Drumph does it?

the only thing i care is to listen the new DG album. ww3 can start after that

Really hard to say
Depends on whether or not the deep state has fully consumed Trump.

go to bed user its past your bedtime

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He'll launch the rockets when my party pies are done cooking.

Come to Canada for a drink

I dont drink

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Kind of fucked up that I have to always be aware I'm a moment away from a nuke. Over fucking Syria. This shit better be worth it. These fuckers need to let us in on what the deal is, we're not all retarded.

The deal is that our foreign policy has been hijacked by Israeli lobbyists to do their bidding. Our generals (the ones who haven't been bought out or hand selected) have been talking about this for years.





Seriously, where you? Under a rock?

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Considering Trump shitposting on twitter about pushing that red button, literally 0%.

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wtf dude that's crazy shit

It's really bad man, cheers to the end.

>Twitter analysts been warning "It's tonight" for the 4th day.
>Rumours that back-door talks are ongoing/falling
> USN spy planes been active ever since Russians refused to give their position, possibly trying to delay strikes
>Continuous build up of forces in the Med, Cyprus, and Iran.
>Original designated sites are now empty so targets are changing
TLDR: Shit could drag on

Not too young to die for Israel, son

At least I spent time with family at the local Korean BBQ.

I'm getting comfy here

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Yet we still let him get the nuclear codes.

Too many asset moves and allies moving to not happen.

>being a retarded nigger and missing my point

There will never be a WW3 and 'durr happening' threads are gay and wrong.

Is it happening again ? I thought the happening was cancelled

The happening can't be stopped

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I got day drunk. . . . . God I feel like shit. hope my bf does not try to bang me when he gets home from work.

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tits or gtfo

if he does you better put out