if white people get sunburnt after a few hours of direct sunlight how could they possibly be the master race? Possibly even less hours for you pasty NEET faggots
Who is true master race
if white people invent sun screen and black people invent sharper than average sticks, does that mean they couldn't possibly have anything to offer the world? possibly even less than nothing, because of AIDS n shit?
Awesome resistance to the sun
Men are not supposed to stay outdoors you fucking retard
I don't need to work outside, that's why we keep niggers and half-breed brown midgets around.
Don't respond to shitposters. Just report the thread and move on.
Because we were built to last through harsh winters and storms where sunlight is null
Throw a nigger into the Appilachians and watch him die before Spring thaws
That’s like saying if black people get hypothermia after being in the Arctic all day then they’re bottom tier race. I mean they really are, but that’s not why.
nonwhites need vitamin D pills to stay healthy in Europe
>Thinking melanin concentration matters in age of buildings, air conditioning, and vitamin D suppliments
Alexander conquered the known world and he was Mediterranean, the only true whites.
I kind of almost feel bad for niggers. Whites invented the entire modern world, the computer you’re on right now, the electricity powering it, the internet and computer networks that transport this message, the screen used to display it, and I could go on and on and on and on. The only things niggers invented are peanut butter and rap music. It’s almost embarrassing that all they have to be proud of is the melanin in their skin (which was also discovered and identified by white scientists) If I was a nigger, I’d just kill myself
>whites invented electricity
What other physical properties did people "invent"?
Ya all of us Northern Europeans are fucking barbarians who wiped out, up until that point, the great white civilization that ever occurred.
We're basically pasty Muslims from East Russia.
>us Northern Europeans
Gravity. And every other law of physics. But I guess those are “discoveries” and not inventions. So tell me, what have niggers discovered?
>what have niggers discovered?
If I was Black, I would discover that you are an idiot
>whole world
>literally marched east from greece to india and conquered
>also northern sinai and egypt
Not to belittle Alexander's achievements, but he did not conquer DA WURLD, just the little fraction that was known to them at that time
Second generation immigrant mate.
So you can’t name anything. Just fucking kill yourself, you’re an embarrassment
>Second generation immigrant
You're Canadian, not European
Consider yourself fortunate
I named my discovery, one day you will discover it as well; when you wasted your life living vicariously through the deceased who happen to have a similar skin tone.
Yeah and Nordbarian created the fucking Anglo-Sphere.
Your point cuck ?
Fucking sucks here too man.
That's a weird way to spell nigger
whites built the great pyramid.
here's a picture of Rome in the early 1940s
Looks way better then a nigger infested country, even with the constant carpet bombing.
when black man sit on underground shelter 24*7 he get serios problem with health
black people will not survive
>people and capital moving from one location to another
Oh no how will a nation survive if its economy ever adapts