Why are there no conservative intellectuals?

See pic related, there is no conservative equivalent. Conservatives seem to revel in acting stupid or not knowing things, as if knowing less about something makes them better than liberals.

Why is this? Don’t you conservatives ever want to read something intellectual for a change? I’m not sure most of you peabrains could even make it through a Vox article which is why you watch things like Infowars or read the twenty word articles on Breitbart. Conservatives also have a major hardon for talk radio for whatever reason, I just think conservatives aren’t great readers.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Imagine my shock

>I’m not sure most of you peabrains could even make it through a Vox article

I doubt anyone with a functioning brain could achieve such a feat


Your notion of what an intellectual is really sucks. Intellectuals need to be culled. The fear of God needs to be put in them. Reason is a whore. Hell, even genuine, admirable intellectuals get fucking annoying

California, a liberal utopia, has one of the lowest average IQ's of all the states.

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Lol, another thing I’ve noticed is you conservatives have no capacity for self reflection. This lack of ability to self reflect among conservatives manifests in many ways, one is their overt hatred towards the outgroup (inability to imagine yourself being born in another man’s shoes), another great example is that they believe mental illnesses are fake because they can’t conceptually grasp something like depression. How can a conservative understand what a depressed person is going through when depression requires the ability for the mind to judge itself negatively? So conservatives will just think a depressed person is being lazy or something lmfao, it’s comical how dumb they are.

>blocks your path

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If you don't think there are conservative intellectuals, it's because Google, YouTube, and Twitter have successfully hidden it from your sight.

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>itt a leaf pretends to be a big brain American shitlib

Sad, many such cases.

I wonder why it is that Mississippi is the lowest... hmm...

Is it the niggers?

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I’m American bozo. It’s not hard to be the brightest mind in the room filled with conservatives lmao.

Name those conservative "intellectuals" that Google and Youtube are hiding from the world.

God please smite "intellectuals" like the asshole who made this post.


>Anyway, it seems the James Damore has launched a class-action lawsuit against Google for their (obvious) discrimination against whites, males, and conservatives. Interestingly, as evidence for the truth of this assertion, they highlighted an internal Google email which indicated Curtis Yarvin, or Mencius Moldbug, the prolific blogger and founder of neoreaction was blacklisted by Google. There was, apparently, an incident in the past where Curtis had met with a Google employee and triggered this blacklist. The response of which was to find Yarvin and kick him off the Google campus.

Nice proxy faggot

This thread again?

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Ah, yes, name the people who need to hide their identities behind several layers of aliases and proxies lest they be socially crucified. I've seen too many good men driven from their homes for the crime of thinking incorrectly, but Jared Taylor is a safe start. It's not my fault you're incapable of exposing yourself to new ideas.

That's objectively wrong.

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>I’m not sure most of you peabrains could even make it through a Vox article

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Because Vox told you? Can you even think for yourself? Democrats should be hanged.

Implying libs are intellectual.

>yffw hillbillies are democrats

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More proof.
Objectively, liberals consider conservatives the outgroup and even have trouble making friendships.

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Umberto Eco, Marshall McLuhan, T.S. Eliot, Milton Friedman

What is objectively wrong? Holy shit you conservatives are dumb, what the hell does that chart have to do with my post?

Milton Friedman is not a conservative, dude.

Do I have to make it more clear?
Liberals are objectively more bigoted than conservatives. This is because more liberals state that having different political beliefs puts a strain on their friendships with people compared to conservatives.
>This lack of ability to self reflect among conservatives manifests in many ways, one is their overt hatred towards the outgroup (inability to imagine yourself being born in another man’s shoes)
As you can see liberals objectively have more hatred of the "outgroup" than conservatives. And your completely lack of self-reflection and acknowledgement shows you're projecting this character flaw.

We know you fucks are raiding Jow Forums, also for a Vox reader to comment on the validity of ones literature is so fucking laughable I literally had to get high after reading it.

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For liberals in a nutshell see image attached

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Conservatives are by far more self-reflective. The left has conflated empathy with sympathy.
I can know how people feel and not give a fuck.

I applied the term loosely. Give me a break, was going from memory, and whoever popped into my head.

Jared Taylor
Charles Murray
Hans Herman-Hoppe
Thomas Sowell
Peter Hitchens

>Why are there no conservative intellectuals?

Because whoever controls the narrative determines what an "intellectual" is. Like the guy that discovered DNA got utterly sideline because he came to a factual conclusion that there is an IQ gap between races.

Simply put you can't be an intellectual if your facts are socially unacceptable.

Sad fact: Watson had to sell his Nobel prize on eBay to pay for living expenses.

in case this isn't a shill thread...


>conservative intellectual

Hi guys! Some leftists in need of demolishing here?

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I think he sold it because Obama got one for being President while black.

ooh, intellectual has spoken

Mainstream media doesn’t highlight as many compared to how many liberals they highlight.

That's utterly wrong though. Conscientiousness is a conservative personality trait. Go back to your shareblue bullshit.

If your site has no comments section, can it really be considered intellectual? Why are leftists so terrified of free communication?

There is no such thing as "conservative", the only meaningful political divisions in the modern West are "pro-European" and "anti-European". Organized Jewry have pushed all of the pro-European intellectuals underground.

Steve Sailer is a good starting point for intellectual commentary from a European-friendly perspective: unz.com/isteve/

The weekly podcast "Fash the Nation" is great for political insight: therightstuff.biz/category/fash-the-nation/

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Says so the libtards who supports transgender children.

Get lost faggot

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Well what do you mean by intellectual? I have a degree and I read a lot and I’m writing a book

Milton Friedman identifies as a classical liberal. He isn't conservative in any sense.

Try 1791L for conservative videos in the vox "style" but actually better and the Academic Agent as just a sane commentator on the right

muh harassment

Those people don't have anything in common. That shows you that "conservative" is not well-defined.

I gave you a list of diverse thought leaders from numerous factions across the right all hated and censored by the left.

So is Jordan Peterson, and yet he has given talks for conservative groups, and is followed by conservatives and libertarians, same with Friedman

How old are you user?

>be a pseudo-intellectual leftist
>find the most retarded conservative possible
>"why are there no intellectual conservatives?"
really made me think

Typical Illiberal Dunning Kruger BS.

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Why do pair conservatives with libertarians as if they are in any way related? If conservatives follow Friedman, it's not apparent at all. They just elected a retard who imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum.

What does my age have to do with anything?

intelectual left

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Fucking lol.

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This is where I go for conservative commentary. quillette.com/.
If you want a big-name conservative intellectual, then there is always Bryan Caplan, the An-cap economist. Or for the more nationalist type of right-winger, there is Greg Johnson. Generic social conservative, Jordon B Peterson of course.

The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.

Because they are the teachers of young people, the university intellectuals are in a position to help the System play its trick on the young, which they do by steering young people's rebellious impulses toward the standard, stereotyped targets: racism, colonialism, women's issues, etc. Young people who are not college students learn through the media, or through personal contact, of the "social justice" issues for which students rebel, and they imitate the students. Thus a youth culture develops in which there is a stereotyped mode of rebellion that spreads through imitation of peers—just as hairstyles, clothing styles, and other fads spread through imitation.

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Because holding to strict definitions can sometimes be a bad thing, and can be the enemy of nuance.

And the age thing is just because in my 20s I was nitpicking with shit like that. I was being a snarky asshole bud

>Tries to claim IQ high road.

>Doesn't provide any graphs or data eve.

>Doesn't realize the average Democrat appears worse than a literal redneck at this point.

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Has no one here heard of PragerU? They're the Vox of the right



pick one

I’m not by any means a conservative so I don’t want to convince anyone their ideas are good, but read de Toqueville, Hayek, Kirk, Friedman, Brownson, and Burke and maybe then you’ll understand why we all think your such a moron for admitting you read “Vox”.

>smug.exe has stopped responding
well done

pretty sure this is reddit bait but either way the irony in this is beyond amazing

5/5 great b8 or its an actual plebbit faggot lol .. sage



overlay this map with the mexican/nigger proliferation map

>jewish zionist propaganda for boomer retards

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Bryan Caplan is definitely not a conservative. He's an anarcho-capitalist, a pacifist, and he supports open borders. Do you think any conservative would tolerate such views?

Fuck journals, they maybe useful but books cover more ground than some flippant blog that comes and goes from one day to the next generally reacting to the world rather than actually having a coherent approach to the world applied daily.

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>why are conservatives so stuck up and self obsessed

The irony

If the word "conservative" is not well-defined then why use the word at all? What are you trying to convey when you call yourself a conservative?


Choose one.

Vox literally is this anti intellectual feely touchy BS, it was founded by Howard Dean bundlers that had money left over.

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Lol at all the triggered conservatives in here! You guys have so many intellectuals to choose from, you have to resort to listing people like Jared Taylor who LITERALLY pushes racial pseudoscience. It’s laughable how dumb you guys are.

Vox actually just did a really long, in depth piece debunking all that racial IQ pseudoscience, I’d tell you guys to check it out but it might be a bit too long for you. Ezra Klein just took Sam Harris to the shed on Sams podcast for having Charles Murray on to spew racial supremacy pseudoscience, listening to a smart person talk while you do your little mindless activities is probably more your guys speed.

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>’m not sure most of you peabrains could even make it through a Vox article which is why you watch things like Infowars or read the twenty word articles on Breitbart

i get my news from steve, ainsley, brian, and jillian from fox and friends. it's so cozy. steve is like the archetypal cool dad, his face is very pleasing to look at, when he smiles i feel good inside. it's like he walked out of a 90s kids movie.

>mfw wasted time in this bait thread

>implying Vox is an intellectual outfit
fucking kill yourself you dumb cunt

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Hey look it’s almost like a sound argument against the Islamification of Western Europe

Actually the facts are that your brain will never wrap itself around average IQs and why your nations IQ matters a great deal to how your life turns out, next time thank a conservative that fixes your plane or designs your building or welds your car and you might learn something about how much of the blogosphere is 100% dependent upon people you claim to be superior to. In fact what's crazy maybe how you make these claims of superiority without even offering IQ evidence or anything remotely scientific, just cause I say this maybe pseudoscience and my friends agree, therefore, I don't actually need to read the fucking manuals and studies myself.

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Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, Hans Herman Hoppe, hell, even fucking Sargoy and his moderate conservatives.

Name a single liberal intellectual

Vox's debunking has already been debunked by an actual expert in the neuroscience of intelligence. Keep up or shut up. quillette.com/2017/06/11/no-voice-vox-sense-nonsense-discussing-iq-race/

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There's a huge difference between tolerating bad views from neo nazi shitheads who are already citizens and tolerating bad views from mexican and muslim immigrants who don't care about adopting our culture and want amercians to adopt their culture instead.

Conservatives are mostly low iq brainlets.

I named a couple of these guys too but l wouldn’t even consider Hitchens conservative- he’s just not insane and reasonably politicked.

*uses kike tears to fap*

this is a slide thread, Sage goes in all fields

I do not endorse this list. You’re making us look bad.

Highest IQ places in America are literally conservative white ethnostates. Your average poor white trash is more intelligent than a black in the next higher socioeconomic cast.

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Dennis Prager despised Ron Paul. If the term "conservative" encompasses both warmongers like Prager and anarcho-capitalists like Hoppe, then the term isn't useful at all.


crawl back under your socialist crockpot island

you live in a literal slave state at this point
if you had balls you would actually try to spread that reading list everywhere in the UK a fallen nation.
but you likely think everything is just hunky dory don't you?

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Pick one. We like practical smart shit, not stupid people who think they are intellectual shit.

This seems like an interesting site. Is there a left lean equivalent that you know of by any chance?

Why can’t americans do anything but go
Why can’t you stop proving OP right you retarded swine
