Sonavabitch sits on the ab machine for 20 minutes while tweeting.
Mike Cernovich goes to my gym, wut do?
Other urls found in this thread:
go talk to him and see what he's like
He looks like a manlet
Ask him if he's ready for jail?
what the fuck are you doing?
go yell may-mays at his face.
He's actually taller than you think. I'd say about 6'1"....kinda fat though....he's wearing a flannel shirt here, which is a big no no among Chads at the gym.
Everyone connected to Bannon is going to prison for RICO RICO RICO RICO
I dk man, for some reason I don't wanna approach him.. I've seen him there twice, but he's got headphones in....Maybe if I run into him while naked in the locker room, it will be more appropriate.
Ask him if he even lifts.
Do benchpress's, but every rep count out
etc etc
challenge cernobitch to a fight
Kek my fucking sides, take the (you) ya magnificent bastard, you have earned it.
slip him a thumb drive
filled with
red pill books
from pol archives
Watch which machines he goes to and place the drive on the seat and see if he takes the bait.
tell him his hair looks like shit
maybe I’ll put videos of speech therapy lessons on the drive too. I used to have a lisp too.....when I was 12
redpill him on the JQ once and for all
Just go up behind him and choke him to death, then drop a weight on his face to polish him off.
subtle but simultaneously "in your face"
that was top kek, sir, you're a scholar and a gentleman!
>"Hey Mike, I-"
>"Did youth bwyth my ebwook?"
>"Uh, no-"
>Goes back to tweeting
razor his achilles in the shower
Come thay it to my fath puthy
Ask him "Are you Kike Cernovich" but say Kike pretty fast, when he asks you to clarify say "Mike," but when you say goodbye call him "Kike" again.
Ask him about Loom.
Make a fake copy of his book cover (Bonobo Brainwaves) and ask him to sign.
Ask him about Alan Dershowitz
have fake mobilfone conversation near him to see if he retweets. give a belief that you work for raytheon or lockhheed then bread crumb intrigue that is irresist for him.
Go ask him what he meant by this
Ask him about monkey mindset
mayb fear of s400 ruining future sales
Ask him what his bench PR is
Then laugh hysterically and walk away
Walk up and ask "Hey are you Mike Cernovich?" When he says yes just say "Oh" and walk away. If he tries to engage you just politely say you aren't interested. It'll eat at him.
Wasn't it called Baboon Mentality?
It's lonely at the top
Ask him if he's done with the thquat rack
Gorilla Gonadding
whip it out and start masturbating
there is a pic around of him deadlifting and he's one of those retards that stares at the ceiling through the lift. Probably just takes trt
Asp him for iss sautograph
Found the psychopath
Marsupial Thoughtcrate
>ab machine
u r gay
>Start video recording
>"Hey Mike, can I get a selfie with you? Huge fan"
>Get up next to him
>"3... 2... Jews did 9/11"
Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?
Bonobo Approach
Monkey Hermeneutics
Mammal Mentality
Lemur Lifestyle
Gorilla Gonorrhea? was he blacked?
>for some reason I don't wanna approach him
You're intimidated by a twitter guy. Lol
>Use machine
>Stop using machine
>Use phone
Listen if he wants to he can, someone can just ask and he'll move
Ignore him like the nobody he is.
Ask him why he is a flip flop block bitch
Fart Rape him
Ape Escape
violate the nap on him REAL good
Just run up and drop redpills on him, and the more redpills you drop the louder you get, until you're standing there following him and screaming redpills until you're blue in the face.
I did that to my dad.
Did he take away your legos afterwards?
Howler Headscapes
Gorilla Gesticulations
Baboon Brainwaves
Harambe Headspace
Lemur Lifestyle
Mandril Mindframe
Orangutan Outlook
Silverback Suppositions
Ape Attitude
Simian Semantics
approach at an oblique angle until you're about four feet away and mumble "Jow Forums pol says hello"
when he gives you a quizzical look, repeat your message louder and avoid eye contact. stand there awkwardly for a beat and lurch away
I was drunk so all I remember is blubbering and saying MUH gorillion
Come up right behind him and stare at his phone. Make him feel uncomfortable. When he confronts you, tell him that Jow Forums says hi.
Now this is some quality fucking content
Anybody else feel the good vibes in the air?
Go up to him and tell him some creepy faggot took a photo of him and posted a thread on Jow Forums.
talk to him in a lispy high pitched voice
Oh my fuck that's not even him. That's just some Armenian sitting on some dumbbells picking out a ringtone for his new iphone while deeply pondering the social, economical and political ramifications of each specific ringtone.
I had Michael Strahan at my old gym and I never tried to talk to him, so I know how you feel user. However you have a lot in common with Cernovich, just tell him you’re a follower and a Trumpist
Tell that curnavavitch to tweet in the lady's room with the rest of the pussys, it's time for gains!
lmao dude that is some top tier mind-fucking right there.
this is good advice user...
It's not intimidation, I sound cucked I know... I met Tony Hawk about seven months ago and said hi to him no prob. But Mike Cernovich is much more famous.
Tell him you liked how he BTFO'd Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes then when he's all like thanks bro make him feel like it had nothing to do with him and you just really hate Scott Pelley or 60 Minutes
Gym faggots have a dress code, like regular faggots?
do you look any better fattie?
Anyone who has worked out knows that a cotton flannel shirt is restrictive and makes you sweat more. So yah, you fat fuck.
challenge him to a game of shpoople
call him a kikel