You wouldn't trust an amateur carpenter to build your home

but you seek an inexperienced woman to birth your children?
If you're not a pathetic purity spiraling virgin, then you know you want a somewhat experienced woman.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I literally impregnated a hooker. A real prostitute. As in you dial her and pay for sex. Was customer first, she wanted to leave industry at 24. We fucked 5 months raw. She said she's on the pill then when I figured out her bs I bailed then she was forced to get rid off the kid. No HIV.
Beat that faggot. mean like sexually experienced?
the fuck?

>fucked gypsy
Why can't Romanians be based like the Polish or Hungarian?

Lmfao I am Hungarian by ethnicity.

So you would fuck a granny over a qt virgin because she’s more experienced? That’s pretty fucked up desu

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>t. Rostie
Someone post the roast beef sandwich

Nice analogy brainlet.

>wanting your dick to experience the equivalent of Lost Izalith
You could fuck a horse and it would probably be tighter

This actress did a real good job in that new Star Trak movie. She fought real good with the laser sword.

The more times a woman has sex the less equipped she is to raise children and be trustworthy


Would have expected a gypsy to bail on a pregnant woman but apparently you ar just as much of subhuman. You know you are scum of the earth when Hungary itself doesn't let you immigrate there because they see you as a subhuman as well.

Women only lose vaginal tightness with
>getting fat
Hands-on irl experience doing hookers raw as well as civilians. These 3 things were consistent. If she's under 30 without kid and skinny she'll be tight, doesn't matter how much dick she's gotten before.

She was literal hooker. Got paid for sex I was John #387 or something like that.

Wat nigger.? She hasn't had any babies either. She's an inexperienced slut.

If I’m going to have a carpenter beat my dick off, I want him using new tools. Not some rusty hammer he clocked a hooker in the head with to celebrate his 100th house built. NEW. HAMMER.

are Romanians the new top shitposters?
2016 Shitpost Crown goes to Aussies
2017 Shitpost Crown goes to Leafs

I nominate the gypsy's for the 2018 Shitpost World Cup

nah post the taco gif

I would much rather train someone completely new to carpentry my way than I would take on an experienced carpenter.

If you don't have the tiny bit of balls it requires to command your fresh wife on how to assist YOU in raising YOUR kids then you're not really a man so you'll never get laid anyway so it'll never be an issue.

You're the one that is supposed to giver her experience, retard.

That legit happened years ago. Still nobody believes me online.

Nah. If a chicks had more than 3 dicks, I can't trust her.


How does 'sexual experience' translate to maternal capacity? Is she supposed to be good in bed when she's fucking my child?

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If a home is coming out of her vag you know she is "too experienced" dude.

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Virgin girls are horrible wives despite age old wisdom. The world has changed and you are forcing the wrong methods.

So I should get a professional carpenter, no?

Likewise I should impregnate a babysitter? Arguably that should be most experienced woman for raising kids.

Or are you feminist psy-op cunt imply we should screw only old and used hags? That's what you actually saying.

Whoever fucks older than 12 yo cunnies is a cuck, kek. So whine more, you sad cunt.

Women who are messed in the head try to fix themselves with more guys or they are so messed that no guy wants to stay with them.
I want to see numbers of women per column too. You get it? As in how likely it is to meet a girl under 5 partners, then you start comparing them. Because arranged marriages in India don't count in the western world stats.
Amerimutt education at it's finest.

The one that had that taco, inside a pizza, with a bucket of chicken sketch from MadTV? I lost it.

Seeking teenage mother of three for breeding purposes.

Said no one ever.

>tfw the stats go up again avove 21 partners
Me and my gf are utter degenerates and are both on the upper end of 30 partners

>Likewise I should impregnate a babysitter?
That's actually a good idea. Know someone who left country for UK to be a "babysitter" well she kinda is sometimes.

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That's what grandmothers are for. Why do you think menopause is a thing?

The next generation of shitposting is here

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>2016 not going to turks
Lies. Turks won hands down with all their "Black bull" and "Karaboga" crap.

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Based as fuck

It's because of the diseases they give eachother. They are forced to stay together because of guilt and fear of spreading it to someone else. Only 20% of the time though.

100% true bro.

Ill take my chances. We are both clean and align well philosophically.

Canada is getting cucked to death and history won't be kind to you.

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Comparing carpentry to virginity is not a good comparison.

Better comparisons would be:

1) Coloring book that has already been colored in, or a fresh one...

2) An already opened can of pop that is warm, and someone drank half of, or a fresh one from the fridge.

3) A car with 100,000 miles, or a brand new one.

4) A tooth brush that someone else has used, or a brand new on.

5) An old dog that has had 5 previous owners, or a new puppy.

It's one thing if you are the one that put the wear, and tear into the product... but really who wants one that has been used, and abused by numerous previous owners?

Looking for virgins in a world where women fuck at 13 nearly everywhere.
The only virgins you'll ever find are posters in here. They are all male too.

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You really don't know what you are dealing with. Used goods have a shit-ton of emotional baggage for you to take care of; from abusive boyfriends to other mental problems caused by past relationships. By marring a non-virgin you are paying double price for half the goods. It's a raw deal, especially in today's circumstances.

Who is this pure unmolested angel?

tonight im going to fap watching her ramming something in her ass.

And is your fault you fucking leaf.

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>The only virgins you'll ever find are posters in here. They are all male too.
this, thanks for the kek

I am never going to Romania

>but you seek an inexperienced woman to birth your children?
Are... you saying only to marry women who have had already had children? That leaves three options: a) she's a widow, b) you're a cuck, and c) you've had multiple children with her.

Option c) sounds good to me. Though a) can be acceptable, I suppose.

> A key that opens any lock is a priceless.
> A lock opened by any key is worthless.


We literally hate you too, every single romanian who has ever talked to you nicely was because of your money. Hungary the same, am hungarian.

Romani are not human so it’s fitting you lack any sense of empathy or virtues

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No dude we make 6k usd per year, 10k if you are lucky then your living expenses will just at the level of your income too. People are leaving like lemmings because of it.

Romans were into proven fertility.
This is still a b8 thread, but just saying.



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What a concept. Why has no one ever written a book about this?

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>proven fertility
I'll have to integrate this into my future posts. Probably as the thread title.

Sasha Grey is this pristine waifu's name.

Nice one.... BUT if pussy was like that you would cry beside it because it doesn't fuckin open with your particular key.

Now you see, that doesn't affect me, cause I'm romanian and I would need no fag key.
If lock don't open, we BREAK lock.

I hate gypsies on pol.


I can’t think of at least 3 amateur framing carpenters I know whom I would trust to build me a house over any contractor. They wouldn’t be able to afford to take that much time off their real jobs unless I paid them, but if they could...heck yes.


what a shame, cause I really wanted a 50 yo canadimutt as mother of my children /sarcasm

This comment is so much better than OP please please please start a thread and tell us more. No NSFW stuff just cool story brah.


You want a woman to mother your children who can give them sexual experience?

Wew lad you're taking this Canada thing to a whole new level.

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Nice try, Roastie Internet Defense

i bet she smelled really bad

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>this level of projection

She was clean, no tattoos. Only smoked. Vagina wasn't even that fishy regular girls wash themselves far less.




Pick one.

>Goddamn leafs
Giving birth is instinctual. Carpentry is learned.

Chad never had a problem with amateurs

Being an used up whore and being an actual wife and mother are not the same thing. They're in fact mutually exclusive.

I swear the recent wave of these awful threads have been (((artificially set))) to post a GET. Some are just genuinely awful.

Also this

This guy gets it.

It doesn't count as your partner if you only watch them fuck your wife

>You wouldn't trust an amateur carpenter to build your home

I remember reading a study where as a person’s experience and seniority in a job increases, the possibility of mistakes raises to a point that it surpasses that of rookies. This exists and in sensitive environments this is taught to bring senoir workers out of complacency and over confidence. So your point is invalidated, it is possible that an amateur carpenter could build a higher quality home

I bet you got as many kids as he does.

>but you seek an inexperienced woman to birth your children?

So prostitutes build the best houses or did you mean they raise the best children? I'm confused by the logic thing.

posted by an idiot, it's all thigh gap and pelvic rotation followed by muscle retention practice....

Literally fucked close to 50 prozzies.

female reasoning
check your estrogen/testosterone levels

You’re right, I’ve trained people of different backgrounds to perform certain tasks and there’s always one thing that makes them difficult to train and allow them to learn and that is past experience. A brand new guy with no knowledge is more open to learning than some guy who had 6 months experience on a similar job.

People from the military who have worked in similar but completely different systems are by far the most difficult to train. I believe is mostly due part to their ego and their mental standing as being better than the person training them.

>sex is like combat skills
I hope you enjoy they crazy pills you got prescribed for ptsd.

Note to Canadian roasties:
Child-rearing and getting reared by Chad are different things.

no I wouldn't. that's why I am looking for a women with a large family who helped babysit and raise her brothers, sisters, uncles or aunts children. She has experience in raising children

jej, you fucking gypsy niggers.

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