the problem is whites dont stick together like shitskins do. give us a 5litre commo and a fuck load of guns and ammo and ill save this fucking country.
The problem is whites dont stick together like shitskins do...
Reported this post to Interpol. Racist fuck.
>cant handle the banter
>its just a troll
id flog you irl gook
dont put that shit on my coat of arms cunt , respect your fucking country.
>shitskins stick together
you fucking moron when was the last time you saw a united shitskin army or nation that wasnt cannibalising itself
About time Japan took a stand against Nazis
mad comeback btfo how will i live on
well i dont need to reply to b8 at all, youre lucky your getting (You)s faggot
Lurk more
"you" the ubermensch mein fagetti stop larping or put ur balls where your mouth is and go shoot some cunts to prove u the real naziboi
fuck off cunt, you're making us look bad
>u mad
>a fuck load of guns
Can't you just go buy them... Oh I guess you can't.
This OP, you give convicts a bad name.
haha because you think ASIO cares about shitposting? bitch boi? im having a laff m8.
cry moar, newfag
It's spelled Internment.
>fush nd chups
>Flagellation and carceration.
Reported to ASIO
Its about time we stand united against bigots.
fuck off fucking faggot
>Buttblasted that the Swastika is on a Australia's flag which was meant as a white nation for whites by whites.
Kys cuck
Australia was founded as a prison idiot
kys faggot
>give us a 5litre commo
pass, fucking slow arse crap.
and are less aussie than your chink mum.
yeah because the country they were shipping them too before up and had themselves a revolution.
Wow persuasive arguments from the criminals
And then those criminals and convicts turned a fucking arid dangerous shithole into a first world White Christian Nation you FUCKING FAGGOT
kys now
Better to stand as free men than kneel as prisoners...or something
>first world
Let's not exaggerate, lulu
oh, its retarded.
Australia is a first world nation.
The Anglo-Sphere + Europe = First World Nations
Japan and South Korea can be included in this.
The rest of the world is a third world shithole.
>Boo hoo
Jap Jap can't take some bant
Take your "freedom" somewhere else you dog.
>Australia is a first world nation
There you go again
That's what we do best.
See you in Damascus
shitskins dont stick together either dumb ass, look at the rates of nigger on nigger murder. race is a fucking stupid thing to organize political movements around, period.
they do though.
How is it not ?
Look up 'Africa' you ignorant, brain dead faggot. That's the continent which is home to the shitskins. Let me know if you find a land of peace and community, or a land of 8 year olds high on jungle powder, raping everything with ak-47s.
Meant to quote you, aussie, instead of calling myself an ignorant brain dead faggot
Yes Abdul, but in THE FIRST WORLD, they stick together, much like you lot.
> 56%
Oh yeah? So you're telling me if I travel through a nigger community such as gary indiana, I'll find a land of nigger unification, cooperation and community? Are you sure I won't find a bunch of ooga boogas high on jungle powder, killing each other with hand guns and sub machines guns?
It's amazing what you can accomplish when you're not all criminals
boomers bought all the 5 litre mustangs
All us normal gen x-z cunts are poor as fuck
Kick all the muzzies, dole bludging african scum out and stupid chinks/poos devaluing our workforce and fucking up the property market
boom problem solved
no but a group of them will attack you for being white. in Aus they have gangs, i know a shitskin bloke and he told me how he had a "community"- people of the same race who stick together.
based sick cunt
In america, whites have that too, its called 'the police', and we actually give them medals for killing blacks.
so you agree with me?
real talk, a big problem is that whites move out to the suburbs, which are alienating and isolate people, compared to the neighborhoods shit skins live in.
China, Russia and South Korea are actually the 2nd world
1st World refers to US aligned nations during the cold war
2nd world nations refer to Russia aligned nations during the cold war
and the 3rd world refers to irrelevant nigger countries are that so unadvanced that they don't even know there was a cold war going on, let alone have the capabilities to align with any country
No, I dont agree that shit skins stick together more than whites... like I said i think its more that shitskins live in communities (even though they are violent and fucked up), whereas whites live in suburbs, which arent communities.
>missing the point
t. camry driver
5ltr ute checking in. Plz gib ls3
302 a shit
Esoteric symbols are too much for the aussie public, they can't take anything except the flag seriously, even then i sometimes wonder flag burning outrage is more to do with our temperament to brawl and shit stir.