Why are we like this Jow Forums

Why are we like this Jow Forums

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The jews, laddie. It was the jews all along.

I ask myself that everyday... I've yet to receive an answer.

We can't find an out

Aliens made us. We're all hybrids, which is why there is so much of a hive mind here. Many different people are drawn here, because they crave interaction with their own kind without even knowing it.

You guys need Communism

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I come here for happenings and everyone on youtube was claiming WW3 was imminent.

Apparently it was averted or something. I'm still waiting.

Not sure why. Even if it were happening, there'd just be an unreadable rolling sticky.

I blame the jews

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I dunno. Going outside is just really boring an uninteresting.

Kikes and niggers

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I'll take communism if I'm part of the elite.

This is the most correct answer. All of our pointless wars are just annunaki fucking around

In 08 I was in High School. I knew my peers were wrong on so many topics but I kept to myself. I experienced /b/ in its olden days and I got scared. I glimpsed humans without a label. I knew other people just wouldn't understand the gore, the twisted shock humor. That what was in these humans was in all of us. So I graduated and experienced a depression like none other. I remember thinking to myself "Is this it? Is this all life has to offer?" and the answer was yes. I felt robbed at first, feelings of a lost future that never existed to me. I was upset for so long, days went on while I worked, trained and succumbed to boredom. Soon I was without work and stayed in bed for days on end. I sometimes didn't know the day, the month and I lost all of my so called friends.

As my inner monologue matured I realized that reality is self evident. That it's okay to be different. As I began browsing Jow Forums after the great migration I realized others have met me on this knowledge based seeking of understanding the world. I learned of the Jew.

Perpetual helplessness is what I felt all the way to the election of 2016. I felt a burst of relief only to feel pained by betrayal. No politician is outside of a Jew's pocket. I live every day to expose them, to undermine them and to make their future lives living hell. To rob them of their griefs, their thoughts, their freedoms and their hopes. To take away their riches, their power and their sovereignty of lands. I live my life day by day tearing down every last piece of kikel influence. From Saul of Tarsus to every stinking rotten politician of this day I work my will and toil away in glee knowing that these Jews have already lost and they don't know it yet.

Their lineage will be wiped off the planet and we will finally have world peace.

We are old souls in a degenerated world. We have no place in (((Their))) society.

I'm an animal

You're an animal

We're animals

CRT still isn't broken so there's no incentive to replace it desu.

We don't fit (((their))) social norms, and also the massive depression that comes with being redpilled can only be suppressed by vast amounts of shitposting

Because we're pissed off at the current state of the world, and the (((people))) who made this way.

We're only exist because (((they))) pushed us the way we are, if a certain group of people would have stop (((them))) we worldn't have a reason to shitpost and be the way we are


Soon, brother.


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Why are leftist memes so fucking dumb

Imagine being blind, but you are constantly told by others who can see about what the world looked like. Then one day, you learn to see, and the world is totally different from what you were told, and the people who described the world to you were also blind, and had been lied to about the way the world looked by horrible monsters, who are inclined to destroy those who see them for what they are.
That is where we are

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This is interesting thought

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>We care a lot
It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.

Kim Il Sung literally calls out jews in like the first sentence of his book.

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not getting laid, no social life, being excluded from fun.

otherwise if we were, we'd be plowing girls and playing video games and buying the next hot item with no incentive to learn jackshit unless a problem presents itself, like having an accidental pregnancy or car wreck.

It's not easy to make the system that's killed billions look cool

This is false. I was sort of a weird kid in school but people always kind of gravitated toward me and liked me because I was quiet but funny. I was always “one step ahead” since I started using the internet early and said shit that no one had heard of “lol so randum”. I ended up becoming a normal person to people who have no idea how empty and dead inside I really am. I hate myself and I hate my life and I hate everything about this country and I especially hate the people who are oblivious to all the bullshit that goes on in the world. You have to hide your power level though. I do normie shit like have one night stands and work 9-5 and come home and go out with friends. You’d be surprised how many Jow Forumsacks are actually out there. The problem is that a lot of the guys on here have nothing else that has their attention so they make their entire identity about politics and specifically, Jow Forums.

Autism combined with Cluster A personality disorders

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Happy to take communism if I get to be the KGB officer who takes you out back and puts one into your skull.

Materialist swine


Disorders - used by Jews to label those who oppose them as mentally inept. Nice try.

We know things and are waiting for the happening. Everything else becomes less interesting.

>bakah bakah i'm a stupid parrot bak bak

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>extermination of all Jews

Will never happen.

Because you put them on not realizing you can never go back.

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I can't remember anymore.

Be something more.

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Call it whatever you want, fag. The point is that there is a certain psychological type that predisposes people to have Jow Forums opinions.

fuck off loser.

>In 08 I was in High School
>I experienced /b/ in its olden days
Neck yourself kiddo.

That's adorable.

What the fuck is an "annunaki"

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I'm only here because I'm being kept against my will in isolation by captors. The only contact I have with the outside world is this computer. Please help me.

Unironicly, I'd rather be dead than red.

Japanese slang from user and aniki.
user bro if you prefer. We fought all wars because of a japanese secret society.

Damn, you must be either very young or a boomer.

Send nudes

chip chan?

These fucking Kikes WILL pay for what they have done to drag Mankind through the mud.

Allah wills it brother

A desire for truth, and an utter lack of fucks to give. Add in 5+ years subtle blackpilling in the form of countless predictive programming campaigns and demoralization, a pinch of nihilism when you realize that maybe none of it matters anyway. A disregard for the lives of weak humans, and an intense desire to punish those that have hurt you.

That doesn't sound sick to me, user.


It's never as romantic as we think it is till it is.... And when we rekize it is.... Hopefully we can be In that momment you know... Live in the past, future and present.... It's hard especially when you start digging

because we have hate and resentment towards life and those who occupy it.

I'm a misanthrope

I don’t know
Like, what’s the implication here even
Is Daddy Stalin going to molest the child?
Commies are all pedophiles?
Doesn’t this make Leftists look worse..?

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don't worry. humans only have 50-100 years of existence left anyway.

And autism and asociality predispose people to have a desire for the truth.

Because muslims suck and our politicians are cowards and our 1.2 billion population doesn't care because they are busy watching retarded movies like >pic related

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o no

>Hitler was right and all the countries ignored his pleas for peace as they bombed german cities and killed civilians for 3 months straight.



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lol.. there is nothing more pathetic than a faggot trying to create and push shitty pictures he wishes would becomes memes...

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Plato's cave allegory

Because deep down, we know this world cant keep going the way it is, and soon the entire thing is going to come crashing down.

We've been waiting.

you are me

Its entertaining.

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>As a reminder of what we are fighting for, if we dont not stand up, we will be relegated to the pages of history, and mulatto mutts will look at us only in pictures and the destroyed rubble of our last monuments.


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Are your captors your parents?


Shitty genetics, at least in my case. I've always been mentally ill and unhappy as far as I can remember.


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Because I have never achieved a damn thing in my life. I've let every opportunity slip me by, leaving me undereducated, unemployed and alone. So I fixate on global issues, politics and culture and spew my hot opinions. It makes me feel part of something, like I'm actually in the forums of relevancy. All that happens though is the same as always: nothing. I can speak all I want about my beliefs and opinions, but I contribute nothing to the world stage nor does it bring me any closer to fulfillment.

Kill me.

this but unironically

>a normal person to people who have no idea how empty and dead inside I really am
>I hate myself and I hate my life and I hate everything about this country and I especially hate the people who are oblivious to all the bullshit that goes on in the world.
>You have to hide your power level though
Describes 90% of Jow Forums accurately.

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Cultural incompatibility. Ironically, the exact same excuse given for Africans being violent to rival tribes after evil Europeans forced them together with arbitrary borders. They get to flee to (more compatible?) Europe. We get no options. Pressure builds.

I’m this way because I’m actually insane. I’ve been preaching to my parents when I see them lately on how hitler was right and they think I’m nuts. I am though I’m not insane when it comes to hitler

Some people settle for being happy, some people want to know the truth. We want to know the full truth and make fun of it.

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you're literally dumb

>Their lineage will be wiped off the planet and we will finally have world peace.

And until that happens your job is to survive and be as happy as you can. This can be achieved by obtaining a woman, preferably attractive and smart, and having children. Then moving away from the filthy big cites and indulging in the art of prepping. A woman and children really will make you feel like life has purpose. And no, not ALL women are whores. Consider how many men you met in your lifetime, and how many of those you would consider valid friends. Not many eh? Well, then why do you think you should like the personality of most women?

Your path to manhood beings today with: a van or 4x4 or motorcycle, camping gear, a gym membership and a copy of Starting Strength, a gun club membership, a subscription to RSD tyler on youtube. The only alternative path is to become a bomb maker.

You can't feed people raw based rational redpill aka logic based arguments.
Most people think based on their "feefees" and morals.
You have to ease them in to the redpill.

Start with emotional-moral arguments, for the few rational folks, give them raw redpill, but have them reach their own conclusions, never feed them your own or they will always reject them.

t. been there done that

Lift weights, read, and try to redpill your circle. That's what I'm doing, on the unfounded assumption that at some point it will become useful/meaningful. I guess if I'm still sat here doing just that in 15 years I won't feel so good.
Don't worry user, the world is certainly coming to an end, the collapse is coming, and though it may come only after you're already dead you'll still be around to see some extreme turbulence and horrors beyond all comprehension. There's a refuge in abomination and chaos, it's all very interesting and gives you something to stand against. Spiritual warfare.

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National Bolshevism >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gommunism

Take your corrupt ideology and shove it back from the place it came. Your ass.

Because i need the Truth.

Don't forget: You're here forever.

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Once people realize the kikes were responsible for both world wars and every banker war after that they will be flayed alive in the streets. I can almost feel it you know? A world without jews. Everybody handles themselevs naturally without outside kike influence and Israel stops pitting countries against each other for profit. Beautiful.

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we are the few who didn't act.
those of us who act die alone and unknown.
they are breeding us like cattle, the good cattle that control the bad cattle get to wear green and blue, and the bad cattle get shot in the dark at night.

you will never know what great things have been done to allow you a few more years to act.

This is why we’re like this

This is why if you’ve ever stepped foot into this hurtlocker, it’s already over

Jow Forums does nothing but innocently present this: The Truth

The Truth is like a drug
Antibiotics if you will, but probably more accurately described as addictive painkillers

You’ve aimlessly and painfully walked through life wondering how fucked it’s all gotten. Something inside of you yearns for answers to try to make sense of it all. It compels you to search search and search and eventually, youre dedicated enough to stumble on to your first little pill: The Truth

Suddenly things start to make sense; little by little, that pain dies down. You think more clearly, your thoughts become more organized, logic starts to click. You see the world for what it is, not what you’ve been told it was

Little bumps quickly become inadequate, so you go deeper. The more you learn, the harder it becomes to function. At this point, you’ve passed the point of talking yourself out of it, “going back to normal”, or just ignoring it

You become recluse, you turn misanthropic. You can’t help it
Your understanding is now backed up in reasoning, logic, and fact

Your worldview becomes darker, but, to your horror, more accurate

You can’t keep it bottled up: people need to know. So you tell them

But to your bewildered mazement, no one ever seems to listen

Then one day you wake up and realize
You don’t like people so much anymore
You have nothing in common with normalfags
You start hiding your powerlevel

You slink into your chair in your cold dark room pondering the world and everything in it only to realize: you don’t care

At least

You lie to yourself and say don’t

But you know that’s not true

Deep down inside, you realize you never would have gone down this road if you didn’t care

It’s not that you don’t care
It’s that no one else does

And you care way too much

Welcome to Jow Forums

You’re here forever

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o shit

Inshallah, my fellow brother-in-the-arms.

Because your average user is an unmotivated, vidya playing, capeshit watching loser who wants to use an external enemy to justify their own self inflicted failures. Lift, eat unprocessed foods, get a real job, wake up before 10am and go to bed before midnight.

Of course that takes self discipline so it's easier to just say JEWS and not bother.