>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump meets w/GOP congress and governors 4/12/18
>Pres Trump on Tax Cuts for American Workers 4/12/18
>WH Video: FLotUS Melania w/students 4/12/18
>AG Sessions on Fair Housing Act Anniversary 4/12/18
>SoS Nominee Pompeo Confirmation Hearing 4/12/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis/ChairJC Gen Dunford @House on budget 4/12/18
>NECDir Kudlow on Fox on Econ Growth 4/12/18
>NatlGuard Chief Lengyel @House on budget 4/12/18
>ActingICEDir Homan @House on budget 4/12/18
>WHBudgetDir Mulvaney @Senate 4/12/18
>DoD Video: This is your Military 4/12/18
>Acting IRS Com Kautter @Senate 4/12/18
>Pres Trump signs HR1865 to allow fighting sex trafficking 4/11/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis meets Slovenia DefMin 4/11/18
>AG Sessions in NM on border patrol/Natl Guard 4/11/18
>UNAmb Haley @UNSC 4/11/18
>UNPolCounselor French @UNSC on Situation in the (African) Great Lakes 4/11/18
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When the fuck are we going to kill Assad already?
I want to jerk off to seeing him get dragged out in the streets and have his entrails paint the ground.
I'm getting blue balled over here
Dragon Ball > Dragon Ball Z
What Supreme Court Justice are you?
>Of those who have heard of the Holocaust, many are fuzzy about the facts of a systematic campaign of murder that killed 12 million people, 6 million of them Jews. One-third of respondents — the number rises to 41 percent for millennials — think that two million or fewer people died.
>"It's a must for people to remember," Klein said. The millions killed live through the survivors, she said, and "once we are gone they must not be forgotten."
>With the youngest survivors now in their mid-70s, the chance of hearing first-hand stories is rapidly dwindling. Two-thirds of Americans do not personally know or know of a Holocaust survivor.
>"We are painfully aware that this is the last generation of Holocaust survivors who can tell their stories," said Greg Schneider, executive vice president of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. "Transmitting those stories," Schneider continued, "becomes increasingly difficult in a world without survivors."
>American citizens are not alone: Entire countries are changing the way they remember the Holocaust, known in Hebrew as the Shoah. The Polish government recently passed a bill making it illegal to blame Poland for any crimes committed during the Holocaust. More than half of the people exterminated by the Nazis were from Poland. Auschwitz, perhaps the best-known concentration camp and the death site of almost 1 million Jews, is in southern Poland, where it has been preserved as a memorial.
So taco bell is out. I guess I'll get McDonald's hamburgers?
>watching the impotent dictator assad with the boys on /ptg/
>intense gassing scene between brown Assad and sandnigger population
>slouch down my gaming chair and type, "YO, THIS SANDNIGGA FINNA BOUTTA GET DABBED ON"
>everyone showers me with (you)s and affection
>black guy sucks his teeth and says, "muh do da dippa"
>Hear "He cute" from one of the girls(males)
Better luck next year jew
The night goes on
>kvetching intensifies
Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House?
any objections beside the fact he looks autistic?
>1 year, 82 days, 13 hours, 2 minutes and 9 seconds
>Number of UFO files released: 0
2/3rds seems awfully low
>a thread on a retarded homosexual buttfucking forum is better than croatia
t. Nu-Male redditor who describes himself as “whimsical” and has not one drop of testosterone in his body
dumb frogposter
People who don't speak english are less human than I am.
>If you bombed the kids they never would have been gassed goy
Maybe we just need another shoah.
Why does this gif cause my monitor to make noise?
Well shit...
Maybe that's why they're rushing the witch hunt, desperate to dredge up a new criminal case out of the ill-gotten gains of the raid...they know the special council will end up in the SC, and the SC will be a loss. Could they perhaps know that another anti-Trump Justice is about to expire?
I remember that haha yo
take the spookier path
Disease or just skinnyfag?
OP is going nn
New baker needed
New baker needed
lets see who i am
Breyers lel
The right path doesn't even have an arrow. Probably a dead end.
>Thomas is quads
Fuck it, rawl.
It wont go to SC it will go to congress and you will get to see the uniparty in action
President Trump poised to pardon Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, sources say
Recall that Scooter Libby was prosecuted for a Roy Cohn-esque crime in support of the Vice President brought by a special counsel appointed by a Deputy AG by the name of wait for it: James Comey. In other words, it's like pardoning Michael Cohen by proxy.
>watching Syrian ambassador at the UN give a speech
>intense debate over the use of chemical weapons
>Nikki Haley slouches down in her chair and shouts "YO, THIS NIGGA FINNA BOUTTA GET BOMBED ON"
>everyone laughs
>Swedish ambassador stops sucking penis and roars, "السادس العالمية, الحرة التبرعات التقليدية"
>Saudi Arabia nods "you 'aight israel girl"
>Hear "He toast" from France
of course. based black man is the rarest of all.
Interview a jap, post food, say you work for a western magazine and take picture of cute girl - have the name of the magazine for you not to drop your spaghetti
That’s just the Bug King chittering behind you
What would Logan Paul do
Are you willing to read?
Ah now I see. Then they're rushing because they know the midterms will be a loss. They have analysts, maybe they started listening to them, it's clear where public opinion is shifting and anti-Trump candidates stand to lose big. If they can't get this nonsense to Congress before the midterms, they're expecting it will fail.
dig a hole to China
Supreme Court has that "writ" ability though.
They can force a take over from a judge and grand jury if they felt like it.
Remember, they are the most supreme of all courts in this land.
>dig a hole to China
So does anyone feel the winds of shit blowing? I'm hoping for a Rosenstein firing tomorrow, we need a real happening.
when u nut but she still sukkin
they'll all be gone soon
Sessions needs to fire Rosenstein.
It doesn't even matter if his excuse is that Trump forced him to do it.
As long as it's Sessions then it's a win .
What are the implications of a Rosentein firing
>Someone being fired
>A happening
What happened to this board, why is the MSM dictating happenings?
Political bed wetting.
What Trump should do is say Rosenstein is fired the day Mueller probe finishes and thats the only thing he works on until he leaves, remove him from the deputy AG position and leave him as Mueller babysitter
Shitstorm's a-brewin, Randy. I can smell it. Shit barometer has been dropping all week. Only a matter of time now.
as opposed to what? some faggot shooting some faggots? who cares?
Oh my god you guys, gun mommy made a Bane reference in the new Relentless episode. To the leaf that said they could make webms, it'll be about 28 more minutes until it's finished uploading to MEGA. I have shit upload speed.
a """"""""""""""""""""""riot""""""""""""""""""""""""
why arent there any videos of mueller ever? like entering and exiting buildings, or reporters yelling questions at him?
Would be fun to watch DC burn to the ground though.
Media tries to make him look cool and calculated when he's actually a dumbass.
They're also slow as fuck and barely do anything anymore. Gorsuch ripped into them for being so slow.
The refferal to congress can be just a letter. Mueller could just write Trump is a meanie poo on paper and congress could impeach over it
SC cant take the impeachment process out of congress - its not a real court case
Is she called Ruth Vader Ginsburg because her embrace of the dark side brings balance to the Court?
looks like it's Sotojew for you.
Kennedy. pretty based.
>America is only 56% white
Uhhhhhh sorry sweetie
Really makes you think
he sounds like he's legitimately retarded, videos of him would ruin the mystique the left is trying to create around him
>pretty based
Republican controlled Congress isn't going to impeach Trump, especially just before midterms. Their only hope is that the Dems take the House so they can start impeachment, but they still need 2/3 of the Senate to remove him. This is such a fruitless endeavor. Trump should just let him go on forever and then arrest him before he leaves.
compared to the others (minus based black man and Gorsuc-it), yes.
it's going to be funny to see the reactions of libshits when they realize impeachment doesn't mean removal
lvl 3
doubt, nobody honestly gives 2 shits about Rosenstein or Mueller getting canned enough to physically riot
So sick of you faggots posting that anime fox person. MAGA hat or not, it’s degenerate. You’re posting what’s technically an anime furry loli. That’s as degenerate as it gets.
Supreme Court didn't use to have all this fancy bullshit.
It's like their egos got inflated after a hundred years.
He's also worse than Roberts or Alito.
he should just write a condemnation "X was dumb, too friendly with russia, no actual collusion'
Dems get talking points, Reps get 'no collusion'
It's DC they can't even read, but they can riot.
Bye Rod