If Trump fires Mueller and the Dems try to impeach him...COULD this lead to a civil war...

If Trump fires Mueller and the Dems try to impeach him...COULD this lead to a civil war? I mean Trump wont take it lying down.If he calls on all true americans to defend against eh Dems and their degenerate hordes...will you fight?

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Mueller is /ourguy/

>COULD this lead to a civil war?
No. Because anyone who supports Trump won't get off their asses to defend a man that was legally removed from power.

> I mean Trump wont take it lying down.
Oh he'll fight it. Not with force though.

>If he calls on all true americans to defend against eh Dems and their degenerate hordes...will you fight?
No, because Trump isn't worth fighting for. He's a Zionist cuck.

>If he calls on all true americans to defend against eh Dems
This isn't dems vs reps. Your true enemy is laughing at you, and they'll laugh harder as you retards kill each other(if that ever happened).

I already have a "hypothetical" list of people to visit locally if this were to happen.

[Citation needed]

are you retarded shill?

You mean like the civil war we had after Bill Clinton was impeached?

>[Citation needed]
He'll have a lawyer (or lawyers) defending him and he'll attempt to get whatever remaining Republicans are in the House and Senate to vote against impeachment.

Dude has a murder list. Lol. Fuck is wrong with you, boy?

No, this retarded administration will either continue being an embarrassment until they’re elected out in 2020 or, in the alternative, they’ll start WW3 while limp dick liberals cheer them on and forget about why they hated trump in the first place.

You have to have a basis for impeachment. What would it be? Hurt feelings? Sandy vaginas?

USPS needs to hurry the fuck up with my lower parts kit!

If Trump wants all true Americans to stand behind him then he should stop licking Israeli boots.

You said that, not me.

>You have to have a basis for impeachment.
The Democrats don't care about that.

>What would it be? Hurt feelings? Sandy vaginas?
Yes. All that matters is the vote that they'd win.

Or at most they'll wait for the FBI to find out Trump accidentally checked the wrong box in his tax returns 35 years ago and impeach him for that.

The Dems don't have the votes to impeach him.

Ask again next year, OP.

I think you should brush up on the impeachment process m8. There is no basis

Who is the true enemy? Russia? China? I honestly would rather have them it gave me a reason to go after these leftist fucks, at least I know the foreigners want me dead, lefties try to be sneaky with that shit and try to claim the moral high ground in doing it. Union needs to hurry up and die, these people are not my countrymen.

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If war broke out, you wouldn't go shoot the gay trans couple with the transitioning 4 year old adopted son?

>I think you should brush up on the impeachment process m8. There is no basis
It's cute how you think the constitution and laws apply to everyone equally.

It doesn't matter what the "basis" for impeachment is. They'll find something, anything to impeach him for. Then all the Democrats will vote for impeachment. And probably a few Republicans along with them.

How many do they need...if this blue wave keep shitting up the US could they have a shot.

>I honestly would rather have them it gave me a reason to go after these leftist fucks
The real enemy is the people in power, the shadow government. The lefties, just like the right, are made up concepts. They created enemies for you so that you wont focus on them.

>lead to a civil war?
Are you kidding? The most they'll do is tip over a trash can and light their own shit on fire.

Well by your account civil war is inevitable.

Fight for big boss Trump? Sure why not

Mueller is at the bottom of his To-Do list. Access Hollywood? He brought out the big guns of raiding lawyers over the pussy tape? He's desperate to have something to show Dems in his final report. There are no crimes. No collusion. No nothing. Nothing but pathetic Hillary whining, the media playing along with the Collusion Delusion that they all know is bogus, and a lot of people still pissed about Donald J. Trump being the 45th President of the United States. Nothing can change that. These are literally the stages of grief and they're finally moving on to "Acceptance". The best part? He'll win again. America is still pissed at pushy liberal bullshit and want to punish them with Trump. Trump is more than happy to oblige.

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>we subverted the deep state
>they punish us by stripping us of the 4th amendment (and probably all manner of due process by the time this game is over). And they choose Trump as their sacrifcial lamb to do so, partially to shove it in our faces and partially because there's tons of retarded liberals who would gladly piss all over the constitution for the rest of eternity just to make Trump look kinda dumb for the duration of a single 24 hour news cycle

If Trump faces any legal trouble whatsoever from this I'll be ready for 1776 to commence again. Nothing about this is being done in good faith and partisan anti trumpers are so fucking psycho now I don't doubt for a second they'll subject any IP address that's ever accessed Jow Forums to undergo never-ending fishing expeditions as well after this as soon as they regain the means to do so. Why not, when they say "Russia" they mean us anyway?

Pretty much this
Except that a foreign power could seek to use the chaos of the impeachment as a way to start a civil war. Russia or whomever could fund a far right group like Soros funds leftist ones to start shit.

>Mueller is /ourguy/
stupidest post in a decade.

>Well by your account civil war is inevitable.
No, it's not because Republican, Capitalists and Conservatives aren't going to risk their lives and kill people because a retarded Zionist president was legally removed from power.

>Except that a foreign power could seek to use the chaos of the impeachment as a way to start a civil war.
But they wouldn't. Too much to risk and too little to gain.

>Russia or whomever could fund a far right group like Soros funds leftist ones to start shit.
Russia, really? That's the best hypothetical you have?

all countries are headed towards a civil war. it's going to be like South Africa. I am saving money so I can move to the US and live in some remote area and stock pile guns and ammo

Trump doesnt have the support. In the end no one but zealots will stand behind him. He will be impeached and you people will be put down like dogs in the streets by the police and military that you worship.

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>legally removed from power.
You are a stupid fuck. Impeachment is't removal from office.

if they impeach him, its legal

if you try to "defend" him, you are engaging in a coup

>Mueller is at the bottom of his To-Do list. Access Hollywood? He brought out the big guns of raiding lawyers over the pussy tape? He's desperate to have something to show Dems in his final report. There are no crimes. No collusion. No nothing. Nothing but pathetic Hillary whining, the media playing along with the Collusion Delusion that they all know is bogus, and a lot of people still pissed about Donald J. Trump being the 45th President of the United States. Nothing can change that. These are literally the stages of grief and they're finally moving on to "Acceptance". The best part? He'll win again. America is still pissed at pushy liberal bullshit and want to punish them with Trump. Trump is more than happy to oblige.

>says increasingly nervous man

This thread is full of underage. Bill Clinton was impeached and guess what happened?
A. The world ended. This all a dream.
B. Nothing.

I wouldn’t mind Trump getting impeached at this point. He’s flipped on so many promises that it’s basically just like Hillary.

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You are the saddest thing.

Bill Clinton unlike his wife was a decent politician with a good track record. Which is why people forgave him for what he did. Trump on the other hand is a flat out moron who allows Jews to cuck him at any chance he gets.

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keep dreaming kiddo,

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What do you do when you're wrong?

Oh nevermind, I already know. You'll post something here with a Pepe meme and complain about libruls and whatever other whiny bullshit makes you feel cool for ten seconds.

Fucking pathetic. Read a book.

>Posting my waifu

You filthy beaner, get your hands off her.

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what is it with this civil war bullshit? wtf would the left even fight with?

Pillows and tears.

You think Trump has the same card to play as Erdogan did ?
How Christian is America Jow Forums ?
How Christian is Trump?
How patriotic is America Jow Forums ?
How patriotic is Trump ?
How right is Trump ?
How many believe Trump is right?
How bad would the optics be if Trump tried such a thing and how many channels like Alex Jones would go full blown fuck the law it's our president speech ?
Very interesting thoughts isn't it.

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Civil war... how are you supposed to know who to kill? Red hats vs blue hats?

>He will be impeached and you people will be put down like dogs in the streets by the police and military that you worship.

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Bill Clinton gave us the Telecommunications Act and Ruth Bader Ginsburg.