Why do millennials question religion but not science?
Why do millennials question religion but not science?
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Same reason the majority of humans don't, because it's tangible.
Because in 2018 scientists are never ever wrong about anything ever unless it's about GMO's.
Science you can prove with math. You run multiple tests to prove your truth. People can disprove your truth. When you break down matter, at its basics are the elements.
Religion is no different from philosophy. Its just a perspective on life.
Im not even a science bro
Prove science is moral with math please.
we're led to believe its tangible, but how many are actually capable of doing the calculations or lab experiments? instead we trust the people in white frocks to do the magic for us
Human standards of living are better after science than before science. QED
Now kys.
Sage trash threads.
Responding seriously makes u a retard
I can perform an experiment and verify its truth. I can't do that with an imaginary god.
Science questions itself. In fact that's pretty much all science does. Question.
Because science is the new religion based on “truths” from the messenger saints of science.
Why are you so obsessed with her
>Im not even a science bro
It shows.
Nah its because they take being alive for granted.
They just pay attention to what's seen but not the eyes themselves -- so to speak.
The claim wasn't that science was moral, but that real science can be demonstrated in the objective universe.
By definition, science can only make statements about the empirical world. Questions like is X moral or what is love (bb don't hurt me) are outside the domain of science.
Maybe there are ways of answering some of those questions but they aren't really "science".
because "science" is their religion
Who said anything about moral? Nature is fucked and our only existence is by the ability NOT to suffer and wother away into nothing. Science is also not religion. Philosophy is the merger of math and faith.
Standard of living being better makes things moral? You can justify many evil practices by that logic.
>Why do millennials X instead of Y
Every day you post shit threads like this
Fuck off faggot
That's fine but I was answering Ops question with my own to you. You indirectly answered it.
Because you can prove science, prove God to me
This made sense when I wrote it, I'm tired.
They do.
Corrupt studies paid by corporations are the tip of the iceberg. That's when you realize that "science" is a fallible process - it's just data collection, and the methods and sources matter, as does the trustworthiness of the data collectors. After you realize that shill studies are a thing you begin to question the validity of "social sciences" (humans in uncontrolled environments and meta-studies on meta-studies) and start to see political motivations behind what is and is not well funded and reputably published.
It's all done by humans after all
>no, milennials worship le science! reddit told me!
Questioning scientific authority is becoming so common that corporations are catching on and cashing in on the superstition and general distrust.
>We don't believe monsanto when they say this GMO crop is safe
>We don't believe pfizer when they say this drug is safe
>we don't believe $thinktank when they make a statement on $controversial issue
Poorly phrased, but yes, science is supposed to be questioned, and yet people treat any kind of pronouncement by literally any scientist they agree with as speaking ex cathedra.
>Why do millennials question religion but not science?
Because millennials like those before them do what they are told, defend those who indoctrinated them, and treat the information they were indoctrinated with as unquestionable dogma.
The anti-religious on all levels identified that they could use the indoctrination techniques of the worlds religions to their advantage. Rather than base the indoctrination on an old book written by people long dead with very little ability to change the text they decided to write their own material.
"Science" is the unquestionable religion of the modern age. Anyone who questions the "holy scriptures" of science are heretics and are to be shunned. How dare anyone be a "denier" of science!!!
Science puts a strong emphasis on evidence at all levels of science, be that teaching or academic papers. Even within fields that are highly theoretical and that lack away to empirically test, it operates with a logic that is strictly mathematics as opposed to guessing.
Believing in anything beyond the concept or possibility of a deistic god makes you degenerate person, it is not possible to be religious in 2018 and claim you have any type of integrity as it denies reality.
>Sometimes science is more art than science, Morty
Because science is empirical
most people don't have high IQ
>thinly veiled flat earth diatribe incoming
>religion = suspension of critical thought in the face of a lack of any substantial evidence
>science = recreating theorized conditions to produce identical, measurable results
you're a nigger and should be sterilized
>Why do millennials question religion but not science?
Most of science is esoteric occultism, so is most of Christianity and most world religions. You're all just useful idiots and food,
are you about to enlighten us to the "fact" that the earth is only 4000 years old?
you're clearly the product of homeschooling
science to liberals is ''''''science'''''
This has been discussed before at length. They love to regurgitate what they here from leftists media sites, such as ''the science is settled!'' despite it not being settled at all
>science is esoteric occultism
That is like the specific opposite of true.
Science is a process of discovery that contributes to human knowledge. It is, essentially, a framework for evaluating possible, laws, theories and conditions which give rise to or interact with detectable phenomena. If you mean to ask why Millenials pursue science but have doubt in religion, then I cannot answer or even affirm that this is the case. But that question in itself does not matter. The use of "question" here illustrates a fundamental bias and a deep indoctrination against the scientific method of evaluating the world around us. That is fine, but if you claim an entire group "questions" religion and not science, then are you actually asking why there is a relatively higher amount of doubt in religion than in science? Or are you asking why people do not swallow whatever dogmatic claptrap you somehow believe they should subscribe to so that your relative distance from knowledge embarrasses you less?
And finally, if you are some dogmatic brainlet with a prayer-engorged hard-on for mystical, invisible friends, then would it not make sense to be happy that your apparent peer group "questions" religion's answers instead of simply ignoring them? After all, if they are true, would they not eventually be proven so under the scientific method, even if none of the adherents of the past could arrive at a suitable, evidence-based, scientific proof, or at least formulate an evaluable null hypothesis? Or do you not have faith in your religion and your god(s) being eventually vindicated?
I wonder if you even understand what it is you actually came here to ask of yourself. What were you scrying in the dark reflections of those you consider to be your peers? Why ask here? Who is your real god, and why do you hide from that god behind your fears of a generation?
Where is her ass? I need to see that.
the religion of "science", as practiced by normies = the suspension of critical thought and accepting anything people with degrees say as the divine truth rather than questioning it because "i am not a scientist, i am not qualified to question it" ("i am not a scholar of the bible so who am i to question the pastor")
because surely, scientists are beings devoted to truth above all else and can never be corrupt, just like religious teachers are spreading the word of the one true god!
actual science = the scientific method. questioning it is part of it. you do not push facts aside because they would be very bad for your agenda or hurt your feelings.
>literally does not follow
Exhibit A: the logical capacity of a scienceologist.
>pseudoscience/ancient alien/biblical prophecy "scholar" detected
Who said I was religious?
"Science" is the modern day religion of the non-religious. The same human desires to appeal to a higher authority has shifted from God and citing "Holy Scriptures" to Scientist and citing a study or some other source of information.
Same principles but now those who control "Science" can control the discourse.
You would have to be an idiot to not think that scientists can be paid off like anyone else, or that they don't have political leanings that lead them to write studies off as unethical or lines of research off as "not significant and worth our time". It's a process performed by humans. It's meant to be the pursuit of truth, but people are one hundred percent free to decide otherwise. Which is why valid work is meant to be reproducible.
People who follow science as a religion ignore that part and go as far as to ignore research that refutes their favorite gospels or call them into question. It's all just a bunch of noise, when research is done and by who is ignored.
You could be sane. You could say you won't form an opinion on research until it's been reproduced by a trustworthy party, possibly yourself. You could say that it's up in the air until research has been performed. But that's not what normies do. Normies are like Jow Forums
But they go a step beyond
Because religion is easier to question.
The liberal ones do question science because their political philosophy tells them that everything is supposed to be equal and thats why they can't be real on race. They are as religious as everyone else thy just hide behind the guise of politics.
Millenials believe in the "cult of science", with most non-scientists not knowing what the fuck science is exactly. That's why statements like "I have science, therefore I don't need religion" is so rampant.
Because science has methods of trial and error
The real issue isnt acceptance of science but dissociation with spirituality because science reduces everything to numbers, causing people to make excuses for spiritual experiences
A balance must be found between knowledge and experience
not even fucking post-graduate white lab coat pimply fucks know what science is, i caught several of them tampering with shit to get the results so they didnt have to start experiments over.
prove the earth is round and spinning
This makes no sense, what if you have a personal experience that proves to you the divine is at work?
Are you to deny your own sensory information because from a textbook standpoint belief is dumb?
because you are posting this shit using a miracle of science you can't even begin to comprehend and it work as everything around you use, while there is absolutely no proof of anything metaphysical (ghosts, spirits, gods) that exist. That's why you need faith to believe in god.
Because for some reason they think that just because the scientific method is sound, so are all the scientists and their motivations. Grants and funding can sometimes be more enticing and while one doesn't fabricate data (unless you're in the Climate Science field) they will often spin it in their papers.
> t. professional researcher
>am I to discount my own hallucinations
Yes, Jim Bob, consider also that ghosts aren't real just because your barn door howls in the wind, you sister fucking traitor.
Well, you guys probably won't like it, but...
>The replication crisis (or replicability crisis or reproducibility crisis) refers to a methodological crisis in science in which scientists have found that the results of many scientific studies are difficult or impossible to replicate/reproduce on subsequent investigation, either by independent researchers or by the original researchers themselves.[1][2] The crisis has long-standing roots; the phrase was coined in the early 2010s[3] as part of a growing awareness of the problem.
>According to a 2016 poll of 1,500 scientists reported in the journal Nature, 70% of them had failed to reproduce at least one other scientist's experiment (50% had failed to reproduce one of their own experiments). >These numbers differ among disciplines:[7]
>chemistry: 90% (60%),
>biology: 80% (60%),
>physics and engineering: 70% (50%),
>medicine: 70% (60%),
>Earth and environment science: 60% (40%).
>In 2009, 2% of scientists admitted to falsifying studies at least once and 14% admitted to personally knowing someone who did. Misconducts were reported more frequently by medical researchers than others.[8]
Look it up. Science is demonstrably and objectively mostly wrong. At a 90% error rate, can you truly say science is more "true" than religion?
This user is absolutely right. I worked in a lab where our entire experiment was to verify the findings of another group and to build on their model. We couldn't do it, other groups couldn't do it, but people still reference that paper as if it was the law of the land.
lab experiments, too expensive, but math almost everyone?
Unless you dont know how to use a computer lol.
Post a scientific fact you dont believe because you dont understand the math and ill show you how to check it with a 4th grade education.
Inb4 some mathnerd trolls me with some incredibly arcane bullshit.
Pic something that would actually effects a person on a reasonable level.
Because they aren't bluepilled Jew worshipping dumb shits
This user is right, I'm currently in bed sick with smallpox posting from a nonexistent computer in a house that is literally falling apart with no working utilities. I also took my cat to the vet for an unknown infection and it died because none of the doctors actually knew what to do with it.
There also has never been an accurately predicted eclipse, and the earth is flat.
>hypothesis: the universe started from a single point since all celestials seem to be moving away from each other
>the cosmic jew created everything because lol
At a 90% error rate, can you truly say science is more "true" than religion?
yeah lol. I'll take a model that predicts correctly 10% of the the time over just making shit up or writign down my fever dreams.
I question science.
Science has gone from methodical demonstrable repeatable experiments to just "any random theory" that cannot be proven or demonstrated because you need millions of years or to travel through a black hole. Its just people (((society))) deems intelligent saying things and shaming anyone who questions them.
Nobody who you think is questioning religion knows enough to question religion. They disagree with their concept of it but that’s an expression of belief, not a question. You have to go back about 100 years to find atheists who knew enough to formulate a relevant question.
And people don’t question Science because...it’s against their religion.
>Nobody who you think is questioning religion knows enough to question religion. They disagree with their concept of it but that’s an expression of belief, not a question. You have to go back about 100 years to find atheists who knew enough to formulate a relevant question.
I really like this post.
I wont ruin it though.
I don't MIND questioning science.
But why WOULD you question science?
Are you even remotely qualified to have an opinion of the given field?
What is the basis of your question?
Its religious fucking motivation, isn't it.
You're questioning science because it threatens your fucking worldview, and thats all there is to it.
Get a fucking PHD and perhaps we'll listen to you. Fuck, SCIENCE will listen to you.
Theres these things called Nobel Prizes that are awarded to people that overturn leading theories.
Leading theories are leading theories because they're adequately able to account for data in ways that other competing theories cannot.
"A magic man in the sky did it" isn't an account for any detail unless you can show how the magic fucking works, and if you can't it doesn't account for shit.
Fuck, only an American would start this kind of thread
*checks flag*
Yeah you're a fucking yank, I bet.
Science corrects itself and adapts as information becomes better. Religion clings to inane bullshit despite irrefutable proof most of it is impossible
>Science you can prove with math
And the award for moving the goalposts goes to...
/sci/ consider Jow Forums and people like you redneck chav working class plebs.
Australia, the voice of reason.
Because they believe what they are told to believe.
We are the 1% within the Matrix. The anomalies. We are the Neos and Morpheus to the Agent Smiths. Sadly, as Neo learned, we are merely playing as the protaganists in a simulated world. We fight a war which we cannot win.
Because science IS the religion.
Which is fine, until it becomes driven by an agenda, and money, like global warming.
Now science has become EXACTLY like religion.
Dont question us or we will cast you out.
>equations on a scientific paper are more tangible than scripture
yeah, ok.
Low intelligence. Next to no discipline.
They don't understand science. And even when they do, they don't know the relevant questions to ask. They are not critical thinkers.
They're always looking for some external, authoritative voice to confirm and legitimize their beliefs. No detection of irony.
This is a complaint utterly without teeth and in conflict with reality.
A religion specifically has to do with a leading spiritual figure, consists of prohibited and required BELIEFS (not acknowledgement of facts/ aspects of realities, just, like, your opinion, man) and specifically the claim of an afterlife/ that some aspect of the self survives death.
Science, on the other hand, ADVANCES understanding of reality, even when proven wrong.
Specifically, religion is HOSTILE to new data (needing returns to 'fundamental origins' by the orthodoxy), whereas science ADVANCES from new data.
Furthermore, whenever religion has been offered as an explaination of anything remotely investigation (origins of the planet/disease/thought), the results of investigation have NEVER revealed supernatural causation, and the results have instead been the cause for new fields of scientific discovery and knowledge.
Checkmate, mysticism. Go and boil your head.
They are, because they're repeatable (or are meant to be).
>irrefutable proof most of it is impossible
science would disagree.
Don't expect any bites, bud.
And 99.9% of the people repeating it won't ever take a look at the research that led to the equations, just like scripture.
Everything's a fucking lie. Everyone thinks they know the truth just by watching YouTube videos and reading articles. Fuck everyone no one knows anything because we've destroyed each other's history. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one and they all stink. No one knows shit till we die.
>random theory
>just saying things
It's using our accessible understanding of observable physics and using the standards of speed, distance, composition, and chemical reactions(all of which CAN be demonstrated and repeated) to determine the features of objects we cannot physically/directly measure.
For example: using our knowledge of nuclear fusion(you cannot deny that nuclear power is repeatable and demonstrable), the processes/materials required to cause it, and extensive research on radiology(you have almost certainly had an Xray examination or similar in your life), scientists can construct mathematical models(which are tested by supercomputers) to determine what causes the sun to sustain itself and generate its heat, as well as how long it can do that.
That knowledge can then be applied to other stars in our local cluster and beyond.
After all this, any scientist worth his salt is BEGGING you to prove them wrong, and the more times someone attempts to do so, the stronger the theory becomes, in one way or another.
It's a case of hate the playa, not the game.
>Science, on the other hand, ADVANCES understanding of reality, ESPECIALLY when proven wrong.
the age which declared itself the smartest, is the dumbest
certainly what you'd expect in life in general.
There is a general decline in the understanding of anything.
No, they don't are you retarded? Most millennials are faggots before anything else. They don't even use science because it fucks up most liberal/ lefty ideologies down the drain.
ITT: religiousfags manage to make themselves come off as even more retarded than usual
Why do you insist on doing this?
People don't even question religion, they just knee-jerk reject it
For the most part they're demonstrable, fucking gravity waves were predicted decades before we even had the technology to engineer a way to measure them. There's plenty of other examples of theoretical physics predicting phenomenon decades before it happens, so it's not like this stuff is coming from nowhere. They get shit wrong sometimes too, and that's why it's good to question it, but just questioning it just for the sake of it without any knowledge is how you get idiots like the anti-vaccine people.
You sound like a religious zealot. Militant scientism.
The only good news about you 'scientismist' is that you fall into the same traps as the religious with your over zealotry and offensiveness. Your smug superiority makes you unpalatable.
How does one verify truth?
Gee it's almost because it falls in the same vein as big foot, or the loch ness. There's no actual proof for those either and only dumb red necks believe in them. They're literally an exact parallel to god. There is just as much evidence for them as there is God. Don't you see why people think religion is bullshit? Because it is.
religion is man made and can't be proven to be true.
math is man made but has been proven to work and be true.
Everything's a fucking lie. Everyone thinks they know the truth just by watching YouTube videos and reading articles. Fuck everyone no one knows anything because we've destroyed each other's history. Opinions are like assholes everyone has one and they all stink. No one knows shit till we die.
What, you think God is a magical fairy or something? That just shows how little you've looked into actual theistic claims
What do you mean? I know for 100% fact that the earth was never flooded for 40 days and 40 nights. I know what you're trying to get at, but don't be dumb. Some things aren't opinion and are verified fact.
Part of this is shitty journalists who don't know even basic algebra trying to report about things most of the smartest people in the world don't fully understand. So many shitty thoughts about science are out there from idiot journalists who interpret science their own way and post a pretty picture along with their story.
No? I never said god was a fairy. I'd say you're a fairy, but no where did I claim a physical form of God. Idiot, keep your stupid shit to yourself. You want to have a conversation? Fine. Then have a conversation. Don't start spouting stupid shit, you stupid shit. Be an adult and use your big boy discussion panties.
I remember when shills were subtle
>I'm an idiot and this is my drivel
good job
science proofs itself wrong daily. what was scientific "truth" and consensus yesterday isn't today.
so we have empirical evidence that science is not foolproof, yet you ignore it? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
So you're an idiot, with no real value to the conversation. Got it. Just say that next time and save us the time of reading your retarded shit.