that's worth following.
there's fucking nothing. stop trying to get my lazy neet depressed ass to do something myself.
that's worth following.
there's fucking nothing. stop trying to get my lazy neet depressed ass to do something myself.
It hard to get ant sensible movement started with out being a black lesbian bull dike. With out the alphabet agency's crawling up your ass like it was the play equipment at the local pack. Fuck some one tried to swat me today for just shit posting here.
What a strange typing method...
Because we have our shit together, we're busy working and only go on Jow Forums because where else can we talk politics.
I honestly think it's a sad easy as having the cuts and know-how to name the issues in America.
As long as you sound right, calm, and not at all afraid to make a decision that'll end hundreds of thousands of lives - America will follow.
Name the #1 issue that has been on REAL patriots minds. The issue that began on December 24, 1913. The Federal Reserve Act. Executive Order 10001. And what happened to the $2Trillion reported lost by the pentagon on September 10, 2001.
See Redpill movement became:
>(((Alt-Right))) {aka or NatBol}
>Flat Earth
>Siege (aka turn whites into cucked jihadis
Anything you do they will use Hegelian Dialectic against you. Politics is a losing battle. Only internal war aor a new faith not based on Templar-masonic (((esotericism))) or the Abrahamic faiths can save the world.
the fool is actually the hero though
>Name the #1 issue that has been on REAL patriots minds. The issue that began on December 24, 1913. The Federal Reserve Act. Executive Order 10001. And what happened to the $2Trillion reported lost by the pentagon on September 10, 2001.
= gold (owned by (((them))) and their African-Islamic states) OR crypto (esoteric) currency exchange that is already controlled by (((them))).
See post
the world is dying
>wasteing a perpectly good life
most people have an mintal... complex that makes life mizrable for them.
if I had a choise to do this all over again I would be a mintaly healthy astralian male working with my hands, walkabout, and never paying attention to chonspiracy theroies.
do I really have to do this myself? I don't get it. I really don't get what's going on at all. I'm soooooooooooooooooo tired of this.
please someone free meeeeeeeeee. Trump isn't even enough. It's not nearly enoughhhhhhhhh
I run a family but I need to talk politics.
Unfortunately the fat children that haven't seen daylight in months lurking here bring down the level of this board.
i would start a normal, formal nat soc party BUT my school life was shit. i sat alone during lunch. i got arrested for beating some fag. my grades were shit. i havent volunteered to do shit. 0 friends. all of that will come back to haunt me
i was the perfect angel and i still had no friends, but ya if you do poorly in school people wont every let you live it down. Even the retarded kids will join in because it makes them feel better.
you wont do it. you dont have the money, nor the drive, nor the connections. get over yourself
>stop trying to get my lazy neet depressed ass to do something myself.
Now he gets it
without NEETs there is no orc army of the damned.
Because they all get destroyed from within, goy
You get murdered or family gets threatened.
Styx is running for governor of VT. It's a start
Because nobody's got their shit together. There, answered that one for ya. Next question?....
I look at your flag and sympathise, and then I look at my own and weep.
Wow. Even for the Yids, that's a stretch.
Also, based Mengele probably set the medical field forward 100 years. Eggs and omelettes, no?
you can only start a political movement as leftist or neocon you will not make it elsewhere because everyone in right wing is controlled opposition if you tried to start a movement and if you actually gained some followings cia, nsa or whoever will find dirt easily against you and blackmail you to either step down or become another neocon or controlled opposition
In spite of your astoundingly autistic stream of consciousness post, you are right. At this point, to form a third party, one would have to draw from both the right and left, which should be theoretically possible, but then you realise the media is run by the Jews.
It's too much of a hassle to cater to retards only for them to turn on you when your opponent promises free shit.
I was all ready with a snarky remark, and then I realised...
Based Hungary. You folks know what's up, I'm pretty sure.
Pretty sure you're just attracted to the faggoty aspect of it, faggot.
Hay, Ausbro, just asking, and please pardon my drunkenness, but have you read anything of Clive Hamilton's 'Silent Invasion'? I pre-ordered one, and then there were some (financial) difficulties, and so eventually I wound up with 2 copies, I know not why.
It contains some seriously eye-opening shit regarding how the gooks view the world, though, and I highly recommend it.
It happened. His name is Donald Trump. He's a centrist and a pragmatist with no tolerance for bullshit politics. He's jerking around the world's superpowers while they try to politic him to death.
The most powerful man in the world is a guy who called Obama a Kenyan, Hillary a criminal, KJU fatboy, and inexplicably seems to be reordering the whole fucking world.
Stfu and enjoy the show.
>Name the #1 issue that has been on REAL patriots minds.
The only thing on all Westerners' minds these days is Oo's Got Talent. Face it, lads, we could just get overwhelmed if we're not careful, and that would not be good.
Do you have something more important to do with your time?
Why don't create Jow Forums parties within our respective countries, similar to the pirate party or green party in that they all share a similar platform across nations
white people are selfish. Any white guy with his shit together is going to look out for his own family only.