How do I prevent my kids from becoming gay? The media and schools have so much influence

How do I prevent my kids from becoming gay? The media and schools have so much influence

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>media and schools
There's your first mistake. Letting your kids consume (((media))) and letting them go to (((school)))

Home school my friend. As for media, just find non-pozzed stuff. It's not as hard as you'd think.

This. My parents home-schooled me and here am now browsing Jow Forums and knowing the truth of the world

Hey goyim, je wilt toch zeker niet de seksualiteit van je kinderen bepalen? Ze moeten zelf de (((vrije keuze))) hebben. Anders pakt de ((((kinderbescherming)))) ze af

Cut their penis off and dress them as a girl.
Oh shit wrong board.

Fuck em in the ass to show em how awful it is.
If female, I guess uh, um. Hmmm. Well, get a video camera and just let her be.


It's genetic, so you don't actually have to do anything. Have less kids if you really want to minimize the risk, as it increases with the number of brothers iirc. The number of gays is about the same across all countries, skewed mostly by immigration and suppression.

Only let your kids watch anime. It's free from (((their))) grape, and the giant tiddies will score them points with the other kids at school, potentially even converting and redpilling them

Dont let them drink water.

Just be yourself OP, kids always rebel against their parents

It's not proven but one hypothesis is that homosexuality increases with population density, gayness being a brake on population growth when it's overcrowded.

Mouse utopia.jpg

The media and schools can't make your children gay unless they already have gay tendencies

Rape them live on twitch

Become gay? You still believe people become gay?

LOL Go back to church.

While there is some genetics factors (ie women bodies attempt to feminise male fetusis, and they get better at it with ever male they carry, so for every son a women births, the greater the likely hood the youngest will be gay) there is things you can do to maintain a healthy male world view.

Introduce them the beauty of the female form, not in a pornographic sense but in an artist, beauty sense.

Spend time with your son. So many fathers see themselves as providers and that it, so while they work hard to provide for their families, they somewhat become absentees, so the child turns to the mother or less desirable males (such as spineless cowards, pacifist etc) as rolemodles.

Talk to your son, if you have an office / study / mancave, let your son in as they mature and talk to them, don't lecture them but have honest discussions with them, tell them stories, share ideas with them and listen to them.

Teach your son. Teach your son practical skills for their future, show them how to do shit around the house and how to function as a man.

If your son does something well, tell him, tell him when you are proud of him and let him know that you value him.

Make your son a strong, noble, masculine man, regardless of what the media tries to tell him.

I laughed

Do you know the definition of Hypothesis?

Don't read anything of this. No kid is born gay. 100% is due to molestation. Brainwashing counts as fiddling.

Make money, spend money on adventures with your kid tagging along.

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Keep children away from gays.

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Weak men allow this.

legit evil.

let them get fucked by a priest, they'll be scared of men forever

LMAO you think people are BORN gay? redpill yourself then drag your soy and estrogen pumped ass back here you fucking manlet degenerate

What else?

Shut the fuck up soy boy. It's not genetic. There's no gay gen

Then why do so many gay boys have a lot of older brothers?

just do your best to protect them from the poz and make casual remarks about faggots and niggers being degenerate and shit.

Listen to the Fatherland podcast. It's super /comfy/ and talks a fair bit about this stuff.

beat them

Holy shit whats with all these people unironically believing you're born gay or it's genetic lmao
>faggotry is learned, faggotry is taught

Indeed it is, but they used to preach that all the time, it's natural, duh! So is cannibalism, but that is out of desperation or a sick twist in one's mind. Same as faggotry!

This unironically. No tolerance for bad behavior, deal with it immediately, like a dog. No punishment or later punishment will just confuse them and make them resent you. Spoil girls, expect better from males. Only be a monster when the situation requires it too, not constantly. Eg your kid smashes some other kid's silly thing to show off. Don't let your kid stay as a nigger. Goes double for niggers, who's kids are going to live with nothing but encouragement towards nigger-ness.

Expect them to outclass the rest. When they besmirch their record clean it off them for them. They can feel bad afterwards. Sent to their room, unwelcome. Back to normal several hours later, or whenever they're ready to act like themselves again. And be treated as themselves. Test them to make sure they're decent again. Put some blame on the people putting stupidity and temptation into them. Don't hit them for a fix, do it to express anger at their actions. Get angry, not disgusted.

Actually gayness being genetic should be infinitely more controversial because it means it can be healed by gene therapy, unlike brains which are much more complicated. With advances with science human genome will be understood better and better, and at some point LGBT will screech like banshees.
>bi pill in this century

buy nicotine patches, and plaster them on the kid carefuly every night before he goes to sleep so he doesnt know (1/2 of a patch may be enough). Then pull it down in the morning carefuly so he doesnt see it.

after few weeks, withdraw the patches completely. Let him feel like shit for a few days, then take him to the church and administer another patch. He will become devout christian. Adminsiter patches accordingly and always withdraw them for a few days every time he does something bad

God doesn't make people gay. People do

Lesbians aren’t real, just make sure daughters are marriageable.

For boys...homo is genetic plus environmental trigger, usually sex abuse of some kind (not necessarily rape). So make sure your son doesn’t get abused / groomed by perverts and if he turns out gay anyways it’s probably just a random genetic mutation.
It’s unlikely “pro-fag” indoctrination “makes” anyone is aimed more at a general normalization of degeneracy. For most it’s pretty obvious it isn’t “pro gay” at all, it just objectifies homos as a sacrificial standard for postmodern cultural Marxist degeneracy. You don’t see these people asking homos what would actually make their lives better...

>How do I prevent my kids from becoming gay?
Stop oppressing them, let them be you oppressive abuser.

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You sound like one of those bastards who thank people for taking advantage of them. That kind of thing just makes it harder for everyone else to resist such things.

Every person is a unique individual and sex is their private business. Homosexuality is unacceptable, it's a lie and more of it is them further away from the real stuff. If someone's invading their personal life you should encourage them to stand up for themselves.

Anything that helps them to be a man is helping them. Otherwise is an attack. Plenty of 'do gooders' want to be seen as the good guy for giving people praise and such, what is usually reserved for impressive feats. Should get people strong enough they don't care for praise, they know when they do something right.

Build shit with them.

A cubby houses a tree house.
A go kart.
A powered bike when he's old enough (9-10)
Get them technic Lego, Arduino mcu kits etc.

Everytime he builds something congratulate him.

This is how you create a culture of commitment and achievement.

Faggits don't care what is built they only care about being praised for what they already are.

Google 'self betterment' it is the literal opposite of what the degenerates are promoting in the media.

There is no "intelligence" gene either, that's a very weak argument. Do you also think animals become gay because they consume media? Ridiculous.

A lack of females/groups of males discouraging independence, asserting their dominant position.

Humans are the highest animal form. Rest should be looked after so they don't move in schools.

get them early into team sports with other boys. Early attraction for the opposite gender grows from curiosity, so don't let them hang around girls where they can develop and understanding and learn traits from. It's healthy for young boys to think girls are gross

Intelligence is a psyche term. I don't value memory much. It should be reserved for things you really care about. Absorbing formula counts against someone in my view. solutions to problems aren't doing what is expected.

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I agree with that except for sports. Sports are just something to do. Done for enjoyment. They teach nastiness in competition. They're not a serious thing to do.
Better kids learn to improvise early on. Seek out dangers to brave and exceed.

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Audible kek

There is no such thing as becoming gay. I know it, I tried all my childhood to love boobs and pussies but my brain preferred the masculine body.

However, it is true that straight guys looks more and more "gay" despite being straight. I guess that's what you mean, most college straight guy looks gayer than me and they're straight.

Feminism indoctrination is a thing and sadly, not condemned enough. I'd recommend to homeschool them. Don't let your kids get in contact with apps like Snapchat, Twitter, Faceberg or Instajew. Action is what you have to do, complaining about feminism won't do a shit in the current world we live in.

>There is no "intelligence" gene either
There is, i'ts the same that regulates melanine production

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Have yourself tested for the genetic markers for homosexuality. If they are present don't have children.

I had a freshly born litter of 5 female kitties that all licked each others' pussies before they were 1 year old. I wasn't going to bother the fluffykins.

I only know gays and soys who watch anime a real man is not made here

Intelligence =/= memory. A good memory is a combination of ease of retention and memory recall. Intelligence is your processing power and ability to link concepts, ideas, events and whatnot together, which is, of course, much alleviated with a larger pool of knowledge. Which is why I think mostly all true knowledge is good, the more the merrier.

>It should be reserved for things you really care about.
No. We don't really have a noticeable "cap" for memory. Remembering one thing won't mean forgetting another. Also separate genes deal and correlate with memory, not corresponding 1:1 to intelligence which we test by IQ just because of it's predictive capabilities in academic and other success. That's the inherent value of IQ, it's predictive capability.

They seem to correlate when looking at populations, but those genes are separate and plenty.


Home school them if it's possible for you.

als ze gay doen moet je ze even een paar patsen geven

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North or South?

Read the Bible with them and tell them about sodom and gamorrah

Do they allow homeschooling in Holland? There are quite a few prominent cases of German homeschooling families fleeing to the U.S. to escape persecution in Germany.

yes goyim being a brainwashed faggot is genetic, have less kids and speed up your genocide. be more obvious jew

don't let them watch (((mainstream media))) and certainly don't let them go to (((school))). homeschool, if you can't homeschool then at least keep a close eye on the curriculum and make it known to teachers you won't stand for any brainwashing and make sure to re-educate them when they come home.
also only feed your kids organic grass-fed meat and organic fruit & vegetables from non-GMO seeds. there's chemicals in non-organic food and hormones in non-organic meat that deliberately turns you into a faggot

This one always gets me.

the americans are lucky they have (legally) the posibility to homeschool their kids. here is almost imposible to do.



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Well, firstly, you'll want to stop them from being retarded when they grow up and you can do this by putting them up for adoption.

no Internet
no cable
no radio
no magazines
private Christian school
also have the teachers tell you who all their friends are so you can meet their parents to make sure they're not liberals
and no boyfriend until they're 25