Lmao oh drumpfkins it's over, oh sweety

lmao oh drumpfkins it's over, oh sweety

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Trump is actually in a pickle, but instead of reporting on that, CNN continues to push fake news.

I’ll give Mike a Savage listening tomorrow to see how this competes with his books in Barnes n Nobile

>take down
Even Mueller didn't care about his fable, hence his fiction book.

>Trump must be in a pickle
Trump IS a pickle

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What happened to Michael Wolff?


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lol fake news media is fucking desperate

Is this actually in the book?

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He got zykolnd

It seems like so long ago when this book was shilled as the end of Trump. I'm sure there will be another impotent book, shilled by the corporate media as the harbinger of Trump's doom, only to be debunked and forgotten a week later.

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I hope so. It matches Comey's cringey style. Sounds like a fat fuck World of Warcraft larper.

These attempts are low energy

>Dems trying to shame people with no shame

We nihilist now. You're dealing with a different generation but your strategy hasn't changed.

No. Though they've really captured his character here.

If the first book about trump didnt work what makes you think a second would kys

They're shilling the fuck out of Jow Forums right now. They're scraping the bottom of the barrel for bodies, there are a lot of glow in the dark niggers arguing over dumb shit. They all talk like they religiously watch the young turks and john oliver. That snarky and sardonic tone leftists use sticks out like a sore dick here.

Do you remember Fire and Fury OP? There's a preview of where you'll be on Comey's book by Monday.

nigga gandhi was a terrorist.
civ is the only accurate portrayal.

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Someone enjoyed it.

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>like OMG, gossip
Since when were we women

D-don't lump m-me in with that f-faggot...

I hope it is. That's fucking hilarious!

>Michael, I had to look all the way in the back to find your God book, but Comey's book was prominently in the front.
Stay on the line and my producer will get the address of this Barns N Nobile or should I say this snake pit. What I would do to these people. I cant say it. It's a family show. THEY WILL TEAR THE COUNTRY DOWN PIECE BY PIECE, THESE FILTH.

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>says meme flag for the 154,729th time this year.

the liar and co conspirator of the arch criminal hillary clinton.

Just wait till the firey and desteradly tell all page turner Stormy "I literally suck cock for money " Daniels puts out. That will surly be the end of Dotard Cheetolini Drumpf.

A small taste of whats to cum:
We were watching shark week, I kept trying to grab Trump's fuckstick. The pile if big Mac boxes on his lap make it almost impossible to find. Trump batted my hand away, "stop it, daddy is doing political research". 5 minutes pass. Trump turns to me with a stern look on his face, place his small Almost unnoticeable hands on my shoulders.
"Baby I have a serious question, would you ever have a 3 way with me an a great white shark ?"
"No I am not a racist!" I belted out.
That is when I first learned about trumps ties to the kkk....and Russia.

Can't wait till i hear Dutch talkshows shilling this book and telling me what to think about it, like with that fire and fury book.
i really despise the media.

So what emails were on Clinton's server anyway?

>I can't make any public statements, buy book pls

Ben G is such a retard, or at least his audience is

Why does have to label everything?

>Comey paints unsparing portrait of Trump in devastating tell-all book


It is over for Trump.

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Will never cease to be amazed that anti-semites on this board genuinely believe Donald fucking Trump is going to somehow, for some reason, take down Israel

That's ok because they don't have spicy memes or digits

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Day after day you cry and finger your own fagot ass while saying "it was her turn".

Yeah its over every day ain't it? Hahahaha enjoy the next 6 years.

Paul Ryan's departure basically destroys the GOP's hopes for November. The Blue Wave we all voted for and deserve as Americans is about to hit!

I don't even care about Trump, but you should probably drink some bleach.

>must be mortifying for trump
nice news

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why the fuck every fucking time I come to this retarded fucking page I see 80% of threads with 1post from OP, it isnt even funny anymore, learn to IGNORE THIS you fucking retards

Also, mods are faggots.

Comey said "Tell me how to quit you!" and Trump said "You're fired". A YUGE tale of unrequited love and hiding in the drapes. You'll say "Golly!" when you read it. Published by Federal Bureau of Matters, Inc. (A George Soros Company)

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Bump for butthurt faggotry

>Jow Forums trolls every website, poll, and social media outlet on earth
>someone trolls Jow Forums
Literal faggotry nonstop

Here is the newest, only 3 this time...

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Do you think a black conservative like Sheriff Clarke could beat the Democrat construction worker in Paul Ryan's district?

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> who's shilling who and what here and why?

Republicans don't like Ryan. Drink bleach.

Drumpf and his Russian cronies basically committed an act of war against the US. It's beyond time for impeachment.

>we couldn't indict him on anything
>but here is a totally anecdotal book that proves we have the moral high ground!
>pls buy the book
pathetic desu

>hurrdurr he's retard who labels everything.
>lefty meme is a shitty picture with wall of text, tl;dr.
Still better than the left trying to meme, even before Jow Forumsacks alter them.

Tfw your previous push of Russia and Trump worked together to win his presidency gets disproven and utterly failed, causing you to lose a large amount of credibility, so, in result your next push is a pornstar.

Fucking kek.

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His tweets, his book, his interview are all PR to try to get some high ground when the news (real news) comes out about how much of a shitty FBI director he was.

I lost at Piehole Needledick

That's a good one.

I honestly can't tell if it's shills or just literal retards, but there are a few things that have ruined Jow Forums

1. Mueller is /ourguy/ posters
2. Q posters
3. It's all a plan to take down Israel
4. Faggots calling you a shill if you disagree with any of the first 3 on the list

this from a traitor that actively protected career criminals and himself admitted to being a worthless criminal and fraud for being a leaker.
He is an embarrassment for the FBI and this cheap hit book just underlines this fact.

>losing Paul Ryan hurts GOP
Not even close. If anything it gives voters a reason to give the GOP another chance. Ryan is a deepstate POS who deserves the rope. Without Ryan we actually have a better chance of MAGA

Oh look, another piece of media that we should consume, in order to see why Trump is a bad President.

How many books has that been now that they've been pushing? Do they have a movie coming out that will bring Trump down? I prefer movies as they are shorter and I think they will appeal more to the masses. Or how about a music album that will take down Trump? I mean, that's even shorter and you can listen to it on your way to work (lol), in your car, jogging or doing whatever liberal douchebags do.

I don't know but they really need something catchy to take down Trump, it looks like facts and the law isn't going to do it so we need more propaganda...but you gotta diversify, you can't put all your eggs in the book industry basket.

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trump didn't engage in a vast conspiracy to trick Americans into invading iraq, and then occupying it for years... like GWB did.

Yet these goons aren't bothered by what Bush and his cronies did. They're bothered by trumps unorthodox style.

Holy shit this is golden

Ima call Ryan = pedo prediction now. Time will tell.


You could be right, but I've never gotten the pedo impression from him. I just see a total scumbag liar who is 100% invested in the corrupt game of politics (do things for money, and do things for companies who hire you later for $$$$) and definitely compromised.

Good. Let it be known that the person the average American voted in hates them openly. Maybe soon we can elect someone who calls for blood.

Trump isn't going anywhere. Fucking retards everywhere

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What is the final solution to the CNN question? How do we stop them? Where do they get their money from? Is it true their ratings are bad?


What you need to understand is that our government is basically a huge private company that pretends it's public by releasing some non-incriminating documents.

Like any company, it has its unwritten rules and its corrupt employees. Unlike most companies though, it has a LOT of unwritten rules and almost 100% corruption.

Trump didn't come up through the system so he's not playing by their unwritten rules or providing the bribes.

He isn't one of (((them))) despite sucking their dick daily

We're ALL going to be a lot better off when Trump is finally locked up. We HAVE TO get rid of him if we want to maintain a shred of dignity as Americans. He is an absolute failure and a complete fake, phony and fraud.

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CNN has been its own 'final solution' since at least the Malaysia plane thing. At this point they're purely there to make fun of.

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We can't let him get the nuclear codes!

Psh! Our military is never going to respond to Trump. Congress is basically sick of him. He has zero power, and that is the way it's going to stay until he's removed.

but why can't their demise come soon enough?
is Soros subsidizing them?

International news agencies that have existed for 37 years don't conveniently disappear just because some bitch crybaby becomes president. Trump can FUCK OFF.

Maybe if he gets a few more bracelets

Did he pause every other word to look up something in a thesaurus? This work is cringier than a kid using Google for "fancy words" for his homework.

Please god, come back and toss Trump out of your house!

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Everything in America is owned by gigantic megacorporations so big that they don't even have to care about profits if they don't want to. CNN is far from the only corporation choosing #Resist-ing over money these days. See also the NFL.

>why does he label everything

Look at his depiction of Nigel farage ffs, completely unrecognizable

Comey is 6'7. Not unusual that he would have bigger hands than Trump, or most men.

Trump's hands are not small.

I agree, leftist humorists making fun of his orange skin, weight, tiny hands or micropenis are much more intellectual and high-brow

>Everything in America is owned by gigantic megacorporations so big that they don't even have to care about profits if they don't want to.

Yep and it sounds like they are going to be coming down HARD on FaceJew by regulating what content they can present to you as "news", as well as protecting your identity (lol, that's what they say they want) via Federal regulation. I mean, they pretty much told Zuckerfuck he's fucked if he doesn't get with the act and turn FaceJew into the new media that the old media envisions and wants it to be.

The single greatest moment in world political history, prove me wrong:



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i hope you're being paid (poorly) for this

How scary is it that we had a faggot running the FBI?

blue state dem who voted for Trump here. Washington deep state refuses to acknowledge that Trump was sent down there to shit all over them precisely because USA is sick and tired of the Tweedledee-Tweedeldum politics.

>Not even close. If anything it gives voters a reason to give the GOP another chance. Ryan is a deepstate POS who deserves the rope. Without Ryan we actually have a better chance of MAGA

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>Oh look, another piece of media that we should consume, in order to see why Trump is a bad President.

There is a sizable market in Trump Derangement Syndrome.

>Comey is cashing in on this to fund his upcoming legal bills. He's still fucked though

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oh great its another feels like its true book episode

>59 KB JPG (OP)
>It's not the first time.

Can someone explain to me how the head of the FBI can't lie for shit? Comey must have been an incompetent bastard, he's contradicting himself left and right in the book. Aren't these guys trained to lie and deceive?

There's no way this shit is real. If this is real I'd shit my pants if I were Trump that the ex head of the FBI is a total retard and liable to do go on a tard rage.

This is like the 'Happening memes' at this point...