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c-c-c-combo breaker



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Who the fuck is this niggeress meant to be?

The alien princess on team Teen Titans!

who cares. typical nigger with fake retarded hair and an outfit meant for non-apes.

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Why though???

Starfire is orange, our president is orange. Coincidence? Obviously this is discrimination

>robin, i want to eat the fried chicken and drink the 40's

Oh fug that ones good.

Don't they know its the current year??

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Got that right at least


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team what?
team titans?
what the fuck is that?

who keeps paying for these fucking nig movies
like I dont get it
blacks dont watch movies that are too white
asians fucking hate blacks in movies
and yet shit like fucking black panther sells like nobodies business? Are whites so cucked that they eat this shit up?

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That’s pretty farkin funny user

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Sftu you worthless nigger coward

Jews lie
Welcome to Jow Forums

triggered much?

the figures that you see on "sales" of the movies are just the sum of what the movie theaters payed to hollykike for the right to screen these movies.
It does not mean people actually went to see them. It does not mean the theaters had a profit from buying these movies.

What was the last niggercentric movie that raped in the box office?
I see a marvel movie pulling that sweet rimz cash. AND the gibs cash. But no spike lee movie do the same

She looks like a cheap prostitute desu

She is supposed to be Starfire, from Teen Titans among others. A DC superhero comic about the more teenage superheroes teaming up usually to prove they are capable of joining the League of Heroes.

Starfire, an alien from planet Tamaran, has a vastly different culture from that of Earth. Usually she is portrayed as ignorant of "Earth Ways" and also as sexually provocative in works where she is older than teenage.

Still not worth shit
Lose the flag, until then your posts are worthless and you are wasting your time

>goes from an attractive redhead to a ghetto ratchet

it's like DC wants to die

So Tamarans are niggers now?

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Tamaranians are a a culture of supermans. They are warlike gods among the gods, fighting for their place in the cosmos. Starfire ranges from endearing to slut avoiding her responsibilities, depending on writer.

My guess is they need to portray a slut, so they picked a darky.

starfire, more like blackhoe