Count down beings "WW3"

We had a good run lads.
Fuck if the nukes don't fall well I'll see you cunts on the frontlines.
May that fucking frog guide you.

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Other urls found in this thread:Åbo

Jow Forumsequesting the picture of their shitty carrier with all the coal smoke. I need a good laugh

Nuke Israel, end all wars.

WW3 will destroy the cancer that is modern society

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BLAH BLAH BLAH! 'TIL ww2 had 0 effect/affect on most of the World and wasn't even an issue for Russia until Germans got to the border, anyone on American continent were living a life as if nothing was happening.

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>offensive stances
Are they manspreading?

Somebody conscript all the feminists, because they are equal (if not superior) to all men, and send them to Siberia to fight the Russian white cishet patriarchy.

How is anyone going to nuke Israel without killing your mudshit family in "Palestine", Ahmed?

Alberto pls chill

>initiating offensive stance

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Will there be nukes?

My bet is conventional for a few weeks and then Russia will get btfo somewhere (not that badly) and they'll just launch shit

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Now we'll get to see how Russia reacts to sunken warships.

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sea yuu in haveen

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Defensive smokescreen?


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Begone leaf.

Oh dear I hope they saved all the sailors.


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Back to plebbit.

ACX Crystal -1, USS Fitzgerald - 0

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>well I'll see you cunts on the frontlines.
I don't think so, goy faggot

>over 35's exempt from conscription

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40k keks.

I think theres so many happenings here that this is a "flower mantis on 3 frogs" situation allready.

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>implying the frontlines dont come at you in the form of chimp-outs

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We've actually gotten ourselves into quite a quandary. Taking too long for the strike and Trump's big mouth allowed all the important Syrian Army assets and troops to flee to Russian bases, where they believe they'll be safe.

Now we have two choices. More symbolic strikes like last year that achieve literally nothing, or strike near/at Russian assets and trigger a likely response.

I know you're trying to be funny, but this would literally solve the majority of the problems plaguing Europe and North America.

>implying that there are enough chimps left in shit-poster Elysium to constitute the definition of a "riot"

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Can anyone explain to me why they use a diesel powered aircraft carrier in the first place?
I mean they have nuclear submarines so I guess they could have just made a nuclear powered aircraft carrier right?

>5.20 pm 13.04
Is that the date this article was published? Wtf?

Not enough rubles

>Trump's big mouth allowed all the important Syrian Army assets and troops to flee to Russian bases
he literally warned his sugar daddy of the Pentagoy's plan

some newer missile tech
>can "help economy"
payola in exchange for ceding Assad to the kikes

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>implying that chimpout needs more than 1 chimp for it to happen

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Rolling for global nuclear exchange

People really need to stop dying for no good reason.

I just hope that he is doing good unseen work.

>The design of Admiral Kuznetsov-class implies a mission different from that of the United States Navy's carriers. The term used by her builders to describe the Russian ships is tyazholyy avianesushchiy kreyser (TAVKR) – "heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser" – intended to support and defend strategic missile-carrying submarines, surface ships, and naval missile-carrying aircraft of the Russian Navy.

>The deck configuration has three launch positions for fixed-wing aircraft.
Admiral Kuznetsov's main fixed-wing aircraft is the multi-role Sukhoi Su-33. It can perform air superiority, fleet defence, and air support missions and can also be used for direct fire support of amphibious assault, reconnaissance and placement of naval mines.[10] The carrier also carries the Kamov Ka-27 and Kamov Ka-27S helicopters for anti-submarine warfare, search and rescue, and small transport.

>For take-off of fixed wing aircraft, Admiral Kuznetsov uses a ski-jump at the end of her bow. On take-off aircraft accelerate toward and up the ski-jump using their afterburners. This results in the aircraft leaving the deck at a higher angle and elevation than on an aircraft carrier with a flat deck and catapults. The ski-jump take-off is less demanding on the pilot, since the acceleration is lower, but results in a clearance speed of only 120–140 km/h (75–85 mph) requiring an aircraft design which will not stall at those speeds.[11] The "cruiser" role is facilitated by Admiral Kuznetsov's complement of 12 long-range surface-to-surface anti-ship P-700 Granit (NATO reporting name: Shipwreck) cruise missiles. As a result, this armament is the basis for the ship's Russian type designator of "heavy aircraft-carrying missile cruiser".

I hope the world doesn't end before my drinking Friday

>subtly suggesting that our world renowned emu spec. ops cannot contain a few petroleum soused, Paleolithic monkeys

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you brits are always starting shit you cant finish

>doing good unseen work

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Russia. Navy...

Thread theme:

How interesting.
On the left is Adolf Eichmann. On the right is Josef Mengele.

Note the similarities in both images showing two different men.

1) The exact same lighting is reflected on the visor of the peak cap in both pictures.

2) The exact same curvature is present in the collars on the tunics and the same shadow is cast on both with the addition of heavier saturation in the right due to post processing

3) The same measured amount of shirt showing above the collar of the tunic below the earlobe is present in both images, and the same on the reverse.

4) Both men have identical ear shapes and earlobes

5) The positioning of the worn cap is symmetrical in both images, and possesses the same creases where worn.


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I guess it's for the pilots to

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That video made me laugh, i thought first that it is a parody. I suppose so did those Abos, because they almost lost it.

But hey, we have a city named after Abos, so i think you lose according to the rules i just made up.Åbo

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Nuclear-powered ships and aircraft carriers are not allowed through Bosporus strait.
Thus the hybrid type aircraft carrying missile cruiser and conventional propulsion.

The vessel is powered by steam turbines and turbo-pressurized boilers that are so unreliable that it is accompanied by a large ocean-going tug whenever it deploys, in case it breaks down.

This is the naval task force that's suppose to oppose our navy?
Sorry Ivan, but you fucked

This has been a wild fucking ride over the last year and a half so Im not going to surprised if this is finally the real deal. Its been good shitposting with you lads.

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According to rumors, Russia is deploying tactical Vietnamese cargo ships to carry out kinetic attacks against US destroyers

I'm so fucking ready.


If nukes don't fly then you will understand how controlled this whole show has actually been. .
And I don't mean 1 or 2 little bombs like Japan I mean at least a few cities wiped out completely only then will I sit down and think actual competition exists and some will claim that is too late but I beg the differ

I think it's spelt with a double 'B', technically

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>payola in exchange for ceding Assad to the kikes
So gibs for Russia and Israel?

Nobody throws nukes on my city so fuck it

>Bindi: "Jiemba, have you decided what you'll wear to the big concert?"
Jiemba: "I'm not sure, but I will be sporting my lucky hat."
>Bindi: "Me too. Are you bringing your lucky sticks?"
Jemba: "Of course. It's gonna be a hoe-down."
>Bindi: "Oh Lawd! I betta pack some extra Jelly then."

>al aqsa is holy, you jews dont touch it!
>the palestinian children! Think about them

Also iranians:
>we will nuke all israel inshallah bismillah
>the nuke will eradicate al aqsa from the map and all of gaza

Arabs are not the smartest pencil in the anus arent they?

Holy Fuck lmaoooooooooo this is hilarious

where can you buy this pepe? always wanted one.

I hope

Burn it all down

The US during WW2 would put at least 1 Australian soldier in each company if they could to increase morale. I hope I never fucking see that.

you notice that Eichmann looks Jewish, and his name sounds Jewish?

free smoke screen

Dont worry little man. Israel wont be spared when the missiles start flying.

Stop asking questions, Goy

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nowhere its sold out i want to have one too but sold out

so im sad

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Inshallah i will die painlessly

it's a normal german name
the cliche goes that jewish names are -berg, -stein, and such

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>too old to get enlisted
if I don't get nuked then I should be ok. I should stockpile TP though

I think it's a post war shop to show Mengele in an SS uniform, since their prob is none of him in one.

lol it's funny because Israel and the occupied territories is smaller than the county I live in.

Why would it increase morale? It is highly known that the anglo-sphere banter is too much for Americans.

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If I roll quads, Russia bombs Yellowstone

oh wow look it's the whole mighty russian fleet of 4 soviet ships and 2 submarines are here to show the world who's boss

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Kuznetsov is on the Northern Fleet, not Black Sea Fleet.
Yeah, its useless shit. Kuznetsov exist only because russian MoD need some carrier expirience in the case if they decide to build a modern carrier. So its like big training thing, nothing more

Ever gut one of those and see all the little baby fish inside pretty fucked up.

Goddamnit, it's a good way to start drunk-friday with some quality australian shitposters. :D
Have to pass that on to my swedish friend (girl) who always yap about Abba. It will not go well. :D

Loved this series from austrabolia

Sounds like a good business making and selling Pepe dolls with various gear/clothes on


knock off sad frog for sale from china. only about $15.

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That's an extremely high-tech smoke screen, guy.

If i roll 7 we all got fucked up

I find it strange nobody said the obvious:

America flinched. Trump lost. America lost. Those two tweets imply first a threat, then an unseen counter-threat by the Russians, and then the US backing down.

Why isn't anyone talking about this?

i dont think he looks sad enough

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I guess the Russians are too dumb to be humiliated by this ship.

nothing will happen you dumbfuck
russian oligarchs have it too good here

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its not the same

its absolöutely ugly

the other one is cute and funny

he makes me happy looking at it

i imagined so many scenes i could take a photo from him and shitpost things i will never do

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math furry got the license

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You do realize Rachael Maddow already released them right? Lol stupid faggot

yeah, I know what you mean.


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>tfw no plush pepe

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