Why is the left driving such a dichotomy in politics? Surely there are moral systems that are not socialism

Why is the left driving such a dichotomy in politics? Surely there are moral systems that are not socialism.

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Because they are degenerates just like all millennials and everyone on this board.

And for a bump, this comment was deleted by Ars mods - it can only be found when other people are quoting it.

I mean, it's not offensive, mean spirited or factually incorrect. It just isn't a left wing opinion.

I know free speech isn't a thing on the internet anymore, but I would feel slighted as fuck for having my comment deleted because it wasn't the opinion of the mod - on a news site of all places.

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"If you disagree with me it's because you're evil" is the oldest fallacy in the book, user.

You see it on Jow Forums all the time.

The idea that someone can hold a valid well-intentioned opinion that makes sense in the context of that person's experiences and the information that they possess, which disagrees with your opinion, is fundamentally unacceptable to humans. Recognising the validity of your enemy's position is a great way to never get a chance to reproduce, after all.

Even now, I, a very impartial person, are subject to that fallacy, because I believe that anyone who lived my experiences and knew what I know would think the same things I do when that may well not be the case.

In short, times change but people don't.

>are subject
am subject*


>I know free speech isn't a thing on the internet anymore
Sure there is like on this website. Just avoid those shitty communist websites that want to steal from productive people and silence dissenters.


I assume by the implication of your post, you are a grey haired git. Was it always this way? Maybe it is just me, but I remember that most people in my late-teens/early twenties were somewhat reasonable, only a minority thought in terms of dichotomies.

But now, half of the people at my work (all in their 30s like me) think that if you aren't a lefty you are evil.

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Capitalism is a Marxist theory as well. By thinking that capitalism and socialism are your only two options, you're accepting their premise and putting them at an overwhelming advantage to shill their viewpoint.

Learn some 3rd way position like distributism (that's the main one I know about but there's probably others), memorize the lingo, and avoid using language that suggests you accept their underlying premise.

It's because they don't have any true moral sense. They think technology is morality or something like that, and we're just preventing them from upgrading to the most advanced morality. That's the extent of their understanding of morality.

21 and 2 for the overthrow of capitalism - the system that allows them to post the fucking comments in the first place. Fucking hell Ars is a gold mine for lefty stereotypes.

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I was a very loyal ars technica reader for many years until the first article on gamergate came out, and how full of lies it was. Stopped reading that day and never looked back.

This seemingly reasonable post acknowledging the faults of capitalism and suggesting that maybe socialism is not the answer has Ars split - currently socialism has a slight lead.

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I have been reading Ars for years. The articles are mostly pretty decent, but the comment section is complete garbage. I had subconsciously stopped even reading the comments until today - I didn't realise how bad it had become.

>Was it always this way?
It comes and goes.

It's not so much the beliefs that change, it's that there's a certain, common kind of person who will believe anything that is popular. They're not followers - they aren't just being led along, they really do sincerely believe in the program and will actively participate in its furtherance - but they're just easily convinced and very concerned with "fitting in." They make bad arguments and don't actually understand the ideology they're implementing but they are just the footsoldiers of the movement so they don't need to. They're not the majority by any stretch, but wider society doesn't care so long as the economy keeps chugging and their lives aren't really affected. The same people rallying for tolerance today (except for viewpoints that aren't theirs) are the same people who would have been Nazi party members yesterday.

As for why there is so much polarisation today, I think it's just circumstance. The internet and polarised media makes it much easier to just sit in your camp and lob insults and only interact with "your side" which makes bipartisanship less common.

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These people would shrivel up and die if capitalism didn't provide them with their toys and mass media.

So basically a mixed market economy which is what we all use anyway

the good thing is that the ars readership is almost exclusively white young adults in tech who will fall in line with whatever groupthink is en vogue. Far right has some ground to gain, but once you hit a solid 3-10% or so the speed hastens exponentially regarding propagation/normalization. They'll fall in line.

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> Did you just point out that this place is an echo chamber?
> Downvote for you, shitlord. We don't need your voice in here.

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It's actually the internet making everything hyperbolic. The internet is a lot like a magnifying glass.


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>Arse Technica
>expecting anything but shit

Choose one

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liberals and leftists view right-wingers as evil to a much larger than extent than vice versa, see jonathan haidts research. right-wingers mostly see the left as naive or gullible, the left sees the right as fundamentally unconcerned with the well-being of other people. this is not two-way street

Socialism is completely immoral.

Because they are literally a cult.
At least we take the piss with kek and have self awareness.

>politically incorrect

>It just isn't a left wing opinion.
It actually is a left wing opinion, but apparently not far left enough for Ars.

The problem is the left censors right views and isolates people from them.
We on the other hand tolerate their god awful ramblings on this board.

The left is nothing but lies. It doesn't even deserve the "left" label anymore. It's a flat out abomination of ideology called political correctness.

That's why Jow Forums exists. It's the escape.


The old left is now considered "right" nowadays by the "lefts" (which is just a sect of liberalism that has become cult like).

It's necessary to deal with post scarcity and lagging IQ.

that's kinda how I feel - I was a centre-left growing up, my views haven't changed much, but now I'm conservative.

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>political correctness
The word correctness puts a false sense of positivity into it. We need a new label for them, something as awful and hateful as them.

"death cult"

You know how when your grandpa said commies worship the state? He wasn't wrong.

Commies aint nearly as bad as the politically correct "liberalism".
Serious communism would not tolerate degeneracy as much as people here state.

But, it's simply an outdated model.
That's why society is becoming more technocratic.

It was my way of saying leftist atheists are only atheist in that they aren't theistic. They certainly have a faith replete with hierarchies, heresies, and sacraments.

Because they want Civil War. They will be the perpetrators of the coming genocide. where they will attempt to kill or enslave anyone that isn't in their tiny group of Elites.

so what is this website you're shilling?

>capitalism is bad because all humans are immoral and will use their power and influence to subjugate and screw over everyone else
>socialism is good because it values everyone and cannot be corrupted in any way
democracy was a mistake. Russia, just fire the fucking nukes already. God has abandoned the west, as we abandoned him first.

Trying to drive the "alleged" social construct into unnatural entropy. I'm sure it will work out great.

>I believe that anyone who lived my experiences and knew what I know would think the same things I do when that may well not be the case.

You need to add an additonal caveat that someone with similar personality and intelligence before it can be reasonable that they would come to the same political opinions

based ted

I'm actually venting my frustrations as a long time Ars Technica reader. This thread is hardly a ringing endorsement of the left-wing shithole it has become.

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It's not even faith really. It's just utter apathy.

The MSM has become so bad that even the MSM are discussing it user.
It's become utterly devoid of free speech because it's purely lead by the $$$.

But, now they're realizing that cutting free speech will also limit their market. That's why they promote ads during news broadcasts much more.
They never were this bad 20 years or so ago.

>forcefully taking stuff from those who produce it and giving it to those who don't, incentivizing being unproductive and disincentivizing being productive, is moral
they genuinely get their morals from wishful thinking

>left driving such a dichotomy
The rich are driving a dichotomy. They have been since occupy. We got too close to fighting the real enemy, together.


>The rich are driving a dichotomy
You can't blame the idiots that believe the bait the rich give?
I mean you can only blame the rich so much before you point the finger at the gullible fools who eat their poison.


> OWS was not a left cause

Were you even alive when it was happening? It could not have been more left wing. It fell apart because of the 'progressife stack'.

We also didn't have 5000 different attempts to take your attention and time. Unfortunatly for the MSM and other big corporations who sunk their money into the dying technology that is cable, the only way to survive is to pump more ads making more revinue to feed the beast they created in the first place. Soon we will have true monopolies and the middle class will suffer the hardest. We'll be back to being serfs sooner or later.

I was literally there, in New York, camping. At first it was ancaps alongside anarcho-syndiclists alongside libertarians alongside liberals. Then the weird finger wigglers came in, took control with organization, and it became beggars, and handouts, and a bizarre culture.

And if it wasn't clear, I believe the finger wigglers were proto-sjws, funded by bankers.

>You can't blame the idiots that believe the bait the rich give?
>I mean you can only blame the rich so much before you point the finger at the gullible fools who eat their poison.
Sure, but it only feeds the dichotomy.

I'd rather turn the attention back to the enemy.

'Fuck the rich' turned into 'fuck the middle class'. All of the rallies and protests afterword have been aimed at taking away power from the middle class to make a large divide between rich and poor. It's easier to target an everyday joe shmoe on the street and tear him down rather than target those in higher positions that are hard to reach. We all know that many humans like to take the easy way out.

>you need to get out more
Wow really showed him

>morals, the original "political correctness"
>implying stirner is "politically correct"

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If we figure out the automation-scarcity issue, we won't have serfs ever again.

>was literally a masochistic cuckhold.

But past that, you are left with people who want to have more than others, people who want to be better. That is what makes capitalism work and work well (up to a point). Those with power (in this case money) do not want to lose that power and they will do anything to keep it. You forget that power is important and there are people in this world who seek nothing but that who won't give it up. If you think any one party full of rich people will be interested in relinquishing the power they have over people, you are sorely mistaken.


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George Soros is a big source of all this. Let us not deny it.

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We should try to use their own arguments against them but with nazism
stuff like, "Nazism is so awful, so laughably inefficient and unsustainable, that it requires military intervention from every other democratic entity on earth to immediately sabotage it and prevent it from spreading."
"We can't look at 1940's Germany as an example, it wasn't REAL Nazism"
"We can't talk badly about Nazism because it's never been truly implemented"
Just to see if they can get it through their thick skulls how stupid they sound when used against them

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"Hitler was a brave revolutionary leader who changed millions of lives for the better! Where's the proof he caused deaths? This is typical liberal propaganda. Also, if you're against the Tories, you must not be against murdering peaceful people with bike locks, bcos that's what Antifa does."

Socialism is quite possibly the most immoral system ever concieved