Why doesnt anyone talk about the ayys anymore?

Conspiracy talk used to be dominated by government programs, specifically those created to mask humanities contact with extraterrestrials. I now see very little mention of UFO's or ET's.

What happened pol?

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Other urls found in this thread:


you niggers said everything was fake and never posted real sauce so wtf do you want from me im just trying to see some ayy shit

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Here is some real footage that lead to the US government admitting they fund programs that research UFO's nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html

>Ancap thinks aliens control government
A retarded opinion for a retarded ideology

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because we found of the JQ conspiracies are 100% fact and we've been preoccupied with them ever since

Fun fact: the ayys aren't actually from outer space they're "inter-dimensional entities"

live in 2018 and this garbage is the best evidence we've got about AYYLMAO?!? I've seen better amature videos of Ball Lighting online that's 1000x more legit. What we're seeing is phenomena, nothing more, all other shit is make-belief stories

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Pol and X are garbage for ayys. Dr Steven Greer is where it’s at.

Ok, who didn't check the containment grid over at /x/?....

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its been like 80 years since people started claiming to see aliens, and theres still not a single photo or video of one that isnt edited or blurry. we had cameras that could record nuclear bomb explosions in the 1950s. its not real :(

the secret is that the lizard people just aren't aliens. they evolved here first.

>those quads

Damn it man. I want to believe

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The truth about ayys, without any bullshit:


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me too, so im hoping its just a technicality. aliens are just humans from the future that have time travel?

no heckin way

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Steven Greer is a fraud faggot.

The only historically reliable evidence is from Major KeyHoe, Gordon Cooper. Although Cooper later in life got 'involved' with a woman, who may have been a plant to discredit him because she talked about crazy shit. The Mckinnon details hacking is interesting too. Where people go wrong is with their own supposition in interpreting what he saw. Just stick to what he said he saw and stop pulling theories out of your ass.

There are three tiers of info out there:

>Publically released info
>Publically release disinfo
>and shit that if you know how and where to look for it and get caught you will end up being waterboarded daily for the rest of your life in gitmo (which nearly happened to Mckinnon)

I can probably count less than 10 UFO cases publicly released that appear genuine or unexplainable by anything terrestrial. The case for the US having Alien UFO tech is very high. You only need to look at the designs of experimental aircrafts from the 50s and how they've developed on the reverse technology on each iteration, yet the rest of the world is literally 30 years behind what they were dreaming up and also test flying too. For example the F-117 which looks like a UFO was first developed in 1978! The first drone was developed in the late 70s.

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I suppose you can add a 4th tier too
>bullshit; mentally retarded, attention whoring, and just mis-identification.

>what is the demiurge

The aliens don't have to be physical you know. To us they'll appear as our will, but the reality they are systematic creatures of their own.

>You only need to look at the designs of experimental aircrafts from the 50s and how they've developed on the reverse technology on each iteration, yet the rest of the world is literally 30 years behind what they were dreaming up and also test flying too.
Computer innovation accelerated in the 50's user..

yeah this is good. But I suspect it a terrestrial UFO not an Alien UFO, but nonetheless based on reverse engineered tech. I think this could be the RQ-180. Also not sure if its common knowledge but of the three video released by Tom DeLong the 2nd and 3rd are actually the same incident based on the specs on the H.U.D and pilot's voices.

Lazar is a fag and massive fraud. Try to sell people a fake investment in a water powered car.

Computer science is my field. The leaps we saw have nothing to do with some of the developments in computer science.

It's a great subject. Most of you should be wise enough to understand that a mysterious group that is intelligent enough to manipulate space and time would have no problems at all manipulating the human race; not known for being particularly intelligent in their own right.

I'll throw you all a bone, though. To what benefit for Mankind would it be to pre-maturely introduce technologies that would ultimately inhibit this species evolutionary motivation? The fear is that with the human race's arrogant self importance ripped away from them, like a baby's nursing bottle, the species would self destruct. With no goal to pursue, anarchy would reign.

We aren't ready for disclosure. For all you humans know, this mysterious group may look down upon you with envy, for living in such a peaceful and safe blanket of ignorance around you.

You are welcome.

The (((SHILLS))) pushing that disinfo switched to FLAT EARTH

Its more divisive & distracts people more effectively AWAY from the conversations (((THEY DONT WANT)))

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ayy lmao

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I think some one was shitposting from the international space station last night, not ayyys but space.

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Here's the pic that crashed Jow Forums

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because there are true faggots who hate themselves on this board.

you all absolutely need to watch this presentation.
If you have not, fucking do it. It gives a bunch of books and researchers at the end to look in to

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I seen UFOs but I feel like they were USA top secret jets.

aliens put Jews in charge of the religion. The religion is money. Everyone worships money, including atheists. Money is your God

fun fact, ays dont exist, its a psy op. You only know about them because of mk ultra

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hes a douchebag. Hes a liar, and most likely doing it all for himself

Jow Forums found out alien shit was a (((Rockaffella))) and (((Hollywood))) time wasting ideology that spawned a whole economic network of breed and circus to keep goys entertained to the point politicians started using it for voters in the hope (((government))) will tell us the truth.
Kind of keeps government (((Truth))) something people want and wait for isn't it.

actually there are old paintings with UFOs and there are accounts all acrosss the ancient world of beings that live in the sky

Yeah that chap is an egomaniac.

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considered that. Left when the asteroid came. no land animal over 50 pounds survived

I managed to decode an SSTV image from the ISS yesterday

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We're already living in a dystopian late capitalism nightmare world and things like drones have normalized seeing weird shit hovering and lights in the sky.

I will post the very rapid and unusual development of aircraft (that no other nation was doing). Not event the Brits who had some great engineering firms and were strong innovators.

The first post is what the yanks had in 1945 a Ryan Fireball one of the first to use a turbojet

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yea that could have been from a human society though. im just saying that if somehow my numbers were because kek is proving aliens arent real or something. who would be crazy enough to believe that tho

they could have survived in tunnels

No the reason why we are not ready for disclosure is because we all tolerate human slavery.

Next in 1945 out of the blue we had this XP-79. Its basically a ufo.

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We discovered the extremely dark and depressing reality: Jews

We heard some conspiracy theorists say aliens were a meme from social engineers.

And actually Blubeam seems more and more of a possible reality now.

I really hope Eddie Bravo is just retarded and not an agent

dont think so. I hear about it all the time, but i never seen it. That looks like scary movie 3

then in 1946 we got the XB-35 again looks like the ufo reports

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then we in 1949 we had the YB-35 similar design again looks like a ufo.

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>What happened pol?

The shift went from thinking space was where the answers are (UFOS) to not believing space exists (flat earth)

It's just so drastic that it creeps me out.

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20+ years of mass internet and nothing

The distances are manned. If a human will live forever then a human needed all humans living forever.

Humans are changing positions of humans, creatures, and things to make food, drink, and shelter.

Humans are rearranging positions far past aliens. Can we change positions, rearranging whatever, farther than all aliens?

What distances must we observe to survive cosmic, galactic, or universal disaster? Cosmic tsunamis? Galactic or universal destruction?

The distances were so far away. Do I need an other humans help? If I am at no risk of death by me or other human then I should help other humans and all humans.

We can delegate responsibility. Who or what do we bring so far? Your memory? We can delegate responsibility. Other humans go there. Other humans also live forever.

Life was only possibly eternal while we enforce security so all humans, live in heaven; never dying.

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kek could be controlled opposition. Maybe hes the time before the dawn because he tries to keep us in the dark instead of try to bring us into the light of knowledge.

We wouldnt even believe the truth if we were told it... wanna know how i know? Because we all know the truth and we ignore it. Its why we tolerate slavery and fear (((death)))

possible, but they also would need electricity to survive in tunnels to grow food. So if they had electricity they probably had flight

Same tree but not the ayy.

Two of the best in the field are probably john keel,his book operation trojan horse is a good read.
jacques vallee, his book DIMENSIONS: A Casebook of Alien Contact is worth a read too.
They both come to similar conclusion, calling them ultra terrestrial
As follows
>It is an alternative to the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH). IDH also holds that UFOs are a modern manifestation of a phenomenon that has occurred throughout recorded human history, which in prior ages were ascribed to mythological or supernatural creatures.

hence the UFOs. maybe the reason we don't see evidence of early societies is because someone destroyed it all on purpose at some point. There could be no real proof left over.

Everyone is too busy either fucking niggers or browsing Jow Forums.

gibberish nigga

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Blue Beam is partial disclosure. Normies will believe whatever the authorities tell them at first and would take months to learn the truth if it was different from the narrative. Blue Beam is a psy op designed to capture human minds in a new box while they escape the old one. Blue Beam is only pulled out when the government has to use the secret tech and have to explain it.

>dont worry goy, we couldnt let russia know about the aliens that been here all throughout the lasr 400k years

If only someone would take off the tin hat and create an image board that jizzes itself over ayys. I suggest using a letter like in the x files

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We are alien hybrid slaves. The aliens gave certain humans more of their DNA so they can rule. watch this seminar
the jews are the priest class.. or at least assumed the role after the priest class was wiped out by rebellion when the full aliens left earth with the gold youtu.be/oiCnrn6LkUo

Vallee is an idealogue. He's way waaay overthinking. I mean, he understands that we will never know for sure, because the scope is too immense and broad for a full understanding of all occurances and interactions, so he is somewhat coping with this fact by inserting his own interpretation and rationalization to help him accept the unknowable.

It's like a pastor telling you that you require faith in order to accept God. Meanwhile the fully sane among us will look on with dubious expressions, having already concluded that the answer is far more SIMPLE than either an invisible sky daddy that is both a tyrant and a father, or demonic "interdimensional" entities that just enjoy fucking with us.

It's cute to find someone so uninitiated.

I've seen things that would make your hair turn gray. There are no natural explanations that would make sense to either of us.

Sadly we're better off in the dark. We are not creatures that evolved to deal with 'outside' intelligences anyways. Everything about us was created soley for the purpose of experiencing life here, on Earth. We can't even leave the planet without our bodies literally falling apart from lack of the necessary elements and even gravity that keep us intact, mentally and physically. We are Earth's children through and through, fathered by Sol.

Ignorance truly is bliss. Be thankful to be so ignorant.

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no these skulls, are all bullshit. Let me save the time looked into it.

fuck off with your crazy pull-out-of-your-ass theories; see this is the reason why the last 70 years we've got no where because of retards making shit up and glow-in-the-dark-niggers making shit up.

Like a certain scottish autist, there are people on Jow Forums who know where to find the truth, they just dont want to spend the rest of their lives in gitmo for pulling it and it would probably be called fake and gay before Jow Forums was shut down and the thread deleted.

because it’s so 1990’s user, the conspiracy is the Deep State’s oppression of the people.

Lets be real for 2 seconds. If aliens were real and Trump found out do you really think he wouldn't tweet about it? M I N D B L O W N

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I mean, borderline Also I assume there's just enough actual shit to occupy western minds in the past couple decades that neither the civs nor gov't really need to harp on bullshit ayyy issues.

On yea? If they ain't real who's putting stuff in my ass then? Check mate atheists.

Yeah, the reason we've gone nowhere is a handful of conspiracy theorists. How much fluoride is in the water on your island?

> no more ayy talk?
Shareblue can slide threads using other means, but the topic of UFOS, aliens and others is frowned upon. In sort, only oldfags and woke newfags post on those threads

Also, what scottish autist are we talking about here?

>if an ancient person painted it, it's true
>ancients didn't also have myths about giant fucking sea serpents and flying dragons and Apollo flying the Sun across the sky in a goddamn chariot every day

back to i fucking beg you, just stop it.

There are probably aliens, but your argument for them is the fucking worst.

>Lets be real for 2 seconds. If aliens were real and Trump found out do you really think he wouldn't tweet about it?

Stop being an edgy fag.The US has been run by the deepstate since the Eisenhower, the office of president is basically a glorified mayor's job. They dont know anything.

Also the only thing Lockheed martin Ben Rich ever said was in 1994, to Popular Science “We have some new things [at the Skunk Works]. We are not stagnating. What we are doing is updating ourselves, without advertising. There are some new programs, and there are certain things, some of them 20 or 30 years old, that are still breakthroughs and appropriate to keep quiet about [because] other people don’t have them yet.”

The comment about taking ET home was a gag, that he put in his slides in lectures in the mid 80s to joke about the 1983 film ET. He never made any death bed confession this is just bullshit too.

>bingo captain
7.3195° S, 72.4229° E

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Mckinnon memeflaggot.

>Americans are the greatest inventors of modern history
>Must be ayyyylmao

This is literally the absolute state of your argument.

I'm pretty sure God emperor trump knows a shit more about the US than some shitty poster on /pol

Also who the fuck cares what some shitters might or might not have said in 1994. You sure as hell can't be sure they said anything at all.

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what exactly are we looking at here

Agreed borderline /x/

But politically this technology, has been kept from the public and could serve the general public in ways we do not know. If they have something in their possession that Major KeyHoe spoke of in the 1940s before the idea was popularised (he was also a skeptic) then they should have made that discovery available for all of humankind.

It is also politically used as a tool for election (muh elected me I'll tell truth about ufos) and it's politically incorrect for polite discussion because people think you're a nutter.

You think they are going to talk about the worlds greatest hidden secret? More secret than the Manhattan Project?

>JFK Assassination, Marylin Monroe Assassination, UFO Confirmation, MJ-12 Confirmation, ETI Confirmation

>Secret Moon Base Destroyed in 1979

>US Moon Landing Tapes

Diego Garcia, it’s a black site that some anons and I are pretty sure is involved with the ayys

interesting, ill look into it

that moon base one is pretty neat, Id love to see the full document

>Podesta Emails About a War In Space And Benevolant ETIs

>CIA on Star Gates

>Bragging About Assassinating JFK Because He Requested The UFO Files

>Proof Of Ayy LMAOs On FBIs Vault

>The year is 1947

Tell you what fags, why dont you contact Mckinnon yourself, careful he is an autist and then do the C.E.H to brush up on the latest opsSec. If you're a script kiddie or you're not hot shit dont bother, you will go to gitmo. Otherwise the truth is all there if you want it.

The whole UFO conspiracy thing is lame, it became mainstream in the mid-90’s because of the introduction of the interwebz where some of the first forums created were to discuss UFO sightings. Secondly the TV show, “The X-Files” bought UFO conspiracies to the normies, it was a great TV show and then Hollywood capitalised with the release of Independence Day. It reached it’s peak with the release of the X-Files film in July 1998 and after that, that the whole ayy lmao theme died with it, the producers had jumped the shark and the only people interested were Jow Forums tier autists. Furthermore, in 1999, “The Matrix” was released and the films major premise blew people’s minds, there was no going back to ayy lmao conspiracies after watching a two hour film whose theme was that we live in a giant computer simulation. Then you had “The Fight Club” released in the same year whose theme was the corporations conspire to turn you into a mindless zombie consumer, by the way, Fight Club would not be released today or any time after 9/11, it’s just too subsersive. The two films I have mentioned were the first films to introduce the idea to the normies that all might not be what it seems and the ayy lmao conspiracies was simply child’s play, left only to a few autists and schizo’s to sperg out on increasingly obscure forums.

I mean that's pretty legit, I honestly agree with those points.

But the US gov't has pretty much never, ever done anything for the good of humanity. They do things for the furtherance of their political goals, much like basically any other government always has.

And people think you're a nutter if the only evidence you have is a couple sleep-deprived pilots and several mushroom-tripping rednecks talking about seeing bizarre lights, but you are super serious about it regardless. The evidence is really scant, to the degree where seriously entertaining it, much less being sold on it, is a pretty good indication of how untethered from realism you are. Or at least from skeptical realism, which essentially is to say intellectually responsible realism.

Whether the lack of solid evidence is just the result of cover-ups, is another thing. But don't say it's convincing that US jet technology advanced rapidly in the 40's. All military technology for major powers advanced rapidly at that time, Germany probably would've made very comparable progress if they hadn't embroiled themselves in land wars in Russia, W Europe, and N Africa simultaneously and stretched themselves absurdly thin. Probably would've outpaced us tbqh. And if so, you'd be talking about how they were privy to alien technology that the US then copied or whatever.

But idk, you can make anything sound stupid, and aliens are possible, I'm willing to meet you pretty much halfway ultimately, I just don't like your rationale.

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Take note on the date
We had a moon base in 1979...were way ahead of what the public has been led to know for the past 75-ish years. They do this...to control us.


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They are allegedly on twitter


and they want us to practice our telepathy.


there is a english telepathy guide basicly the TL;DR be out in nature for an hour a day and meditate to increase your telepathy skill

i am practiceing this lightly and seeing good results in focus and happiness/feel more at peace, but as for telepathy, stlil iffy

but yeah ive been talking to them on twitter for half a year now im still on the fence but i want to believe yo they got some first contact rules:

Do No Harm
Cause No Fear
Leave No Trace

:o i wonder about other people who just got suddenly abducted against rules tho lol

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>The evidence is really scant,

You dont need to meet me in the middle I agree fully with you.

The pictures of the planes and my points are just plain old conjecture. I've never see anything else where we made a huge leap over night in technology is the point I'm making. Im a skeptic, the evidence is virtually zero, in the public sphere, the only decent stuff we have is from Major Keyhoe; who investigated this before it was popularised. He too was a skeptic, but his arguments focus on his superiors covering up his own investigations and asks why were they doing that?

The only evidence available to fags is locked up in little black boxes.

we're basically getting to a point where we won't be able to tell what's real and what isn't, let's be honest, look at hollywood alien makeup or pic related, this one really goes into my soul, when will enough proof be enough?

eventually you become like me, you read book after book and account after account of people with eyewitness testimony, or radar data, people of high caliber like airforce pilots and presidents, you have to admit we have advanced technology, now is it earth made, ayy lmaos, or some hybrid? :)

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To those who pay attention, take not on the date here >Date: 1975 March 26, 00:00 (Wednesday)
They ayy's have been here, or we have been dealing with them and doing business with them since at the latest...1947, when Roswell went down. But, there were also earlier crash's. Like the "Black Forest Crash" that gave the Germans/Nazi the original insight into 'Die Gloche' or 'The Bell'.