Are romanians the lost tribe of Israel?

Biggest question of our time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Romanians are the lost tribe of gypsies

Did you spend ~7 seconds of your life just to type thsi shit? Neither bait, neither context, this is straight up shitposting. And if this is humor for you then your life must be as miserable as the joke you made.
And can shove his jewish tribes up his ass and go jump into a well. Jidane.


Why do you keep posting this?


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based leaf
eternal gypo btfo

attention whoring. And we should've ignored this stupid thread

they are gypsies
if they are jews it's only because they are low iq degenerate thieves and cheats.

do you laugh at your own jokes you gnome?
did they ban google in your country yet?

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cry moar

by that logic, you're all blacks, duh

>romanians are roman, aryan and jewish
>tfw you will never be part of the true master race

completely devastated. I don't even have the words...
funny how these stupid threads only attract uneducated people blasting gypsy here gypsy there without giving any talking

it seems it's that time of the day again

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>jewish don't come to Romania
>syrian/african refugees don't dare to
>actually NO ONE comes to Romania
>WE actually hate gypsies more than (most) of westerners do. They're of different blood, and there's no sexual relations between us and them
we are of pure latin origins

G-d makes me do it.

Your butt does hurt. Can I kiss it?



hungarian in kolosvár city here

All I see in Romania now is gypsies, subhuman roasties, and American cocksuckers, just the worst shithole in East

>jewish don't come to Romania
The whole medical university in CJ is full with them. They come here because it's magnitudes cheaper than everywhere else and can bribe teachers to make them pass exams too.

Mars vissza dolgozni!

you stupid cunt your country has more gypsies than we have
and the actual hungarians are all autistic hooligan goblins, you disguisting creatures, take your stupid country, shove it up your ass and set yourself on fire or at least shut the fuck up
do you actually cry so much because of transilvania? aww ur feelings
stop acting so superior round here when you're a bunch of ugly mongoloids.
and we even let you live in transilvania and do your shit there, this was a mistake

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maybe my point was wrong but that still doesn't mean we breed with them. Romanian girls are too sophisticated

>two (You)s for a literal shitpost
you are too easy to bait radu

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There are no lost tribes, i'm not even a christian and i know the bible says how various invaders deported some of the tribal leaders to other places like Babylon and "The Red Valley of Iraq" to remove any leadership that revolt would form around and they took and crafts men to use as high trained slaves and they left the peasants (Empty land pays no taxes). The people did not go away they just lost the leadership that kept them cohesive and in some cased they mixed with people deported from other places and dumped in a defeated city (The Samaritans). And some as stated fled south to the remaining kingdom before and after in small clans

This is why the reconstruction of a 1c AD Nazirine skull looks like Yaser Youarefat

>romanian women
You must be fucking kidding me. Half the chaturbate site on weekends is literal white skinned romanian whores.

Romanians and Hungarians are a blessing

Israelis who go to Romania to study medicine, are mostly doing so because of the insane acceptance requirements over here

see this guy has it right. notice "ISRAELIS". NOT palestinians.
is this supposed to be an insult? are you even trying kid

4000eur rent per year
5000eur taxes to school
4000eur living expenses per year
= 13000eur
x6 years
= 78000eur

Go look up the costs in different countries.

You can't tell mizrahi from a shitskin in some cases.

butthurt gypsoid detected

There are and you are "fake christian".

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I'm not arguing about the fat that Romania is probably cheaper than other countries, just saying that israelis who choose to study medicine abroad, are doing it first and foremost because they didn't got accepted here, and it's not like they're going to Romania because they want to live there (not that there's anything wrong with it)

When did I say they stay?
There were interviews with them on TV stating they came for low prices and go back home.

GTFO of Israel or of this world you bearded lizard.
No one deserves having you around.

No i'm not i just have read a lot of biblical archeology and related history that shows the thin threads of real history in the bible and how it is often misinterpreted

The guy in pic I posted is a fake christian guru calling others fake naming his own followers as the lost tribe of Israel.
Do you even know you are on a fucking troll site?

this isn't supposed to be a troll website. Yet it is, sadly

For some reason when i worked in a hospital and the week the "Gypsy King" was there for a week with 40 followers living in a group waiting room, i caught 4 gypsy girls wandering in the basement asking ware the dead bodies were, we were 10 feet from the morgue and i had the key so i said I don't know

Jow Forums always have been a site for trolls and social outcasts since day one.

day 1 there was only /b/

Here you go fucker. Spot the mizrahi girl.

/a/ and /b/
Anime and random. The fuck would an adult want to have discussion of anime unless a virgin or a loser retard trolling them?

Yes, Romanians are the lost tribe of Dan.

One thing I always notice about Romanians is how much alike many of them look. The woman in pic related totally resembles a Romanian bitch I used to date. I mean they could be sisters. And I've seen this a lot. I can always spot a Romanian because they just have that look--thin, strong cheekbones, dark hair and usually dark eyes, kinda heart-shaped face and especially very wide-set, intense eyes. Like an ethnic Judy Garland face. Kind of a hungry, mysterious look, very feminine in the women and a bit shifty in the men.

You don't see such homogeneity in German women, or English women, or whatever. There's a lot more variation in appearance among individuals with them. So are Romanians inbred or what? It's just weird.

I am ethnically hungarian with hunganon passport too. This thread is triple sarcastic.

Romanians are pretty outbred. You need to take some lessons on genetics. Mongrelisation tends to make traits uniform. Case in point: mutts. Mix a bunch of dog breeds together and you go back to the wolfish mutt dog look.

As a rule, the further down south in Europe you go the more outbred people are. The most inbred Europeans are the northerners (Iceland being a very pertinent example).

That's how all romanians look:

Heavily mixed with gypsies.

Lol they legit went to gyppos for the movie.

But most of the Romanian populace is gypsies
And Romania where gypsies come from

kys shlomo, those are almost all gypsies

i piss on your ancestors

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Hmmm, yes, genetics is an interesting field of study and I'd love to know more about it. My own genetics are exclusively western European (mostly German, a little Scandi) and Irish. Nothing else. But I have a trait I don't see often--very, very white skin which doesn't wrinkle or age hardly at all as long as you stay out of the sun. My grandma called it alabaster skin. The actress Isabelle Adjani had it, for one example. Thought it was a Celtic/British thing but when I spent time in Ireland and the UK I realized it's not really, because most people there don't have it, they're more just standard fair with ruddiness. Even the redheads are more peachy than pure white and have dryer skin which doesn't age as well.

I've seen skin like mine now and then elsewhere in Europe and the north countries. But it's never common. Doesn't run in my family or anybody's from what I can tell. Just turns up now and then.

Romanians interest me because I can always spot them. They seem to have very strong native traits, so that even when interbred with other races theirs come out stronger.

Question, are all Romanians part gypsy or not? I get the sense that a lot of people think Romanian and gypsy are one and the same, but I don't believe that's correct. Are true Romanians slavs or what? Or a mixture of other Euros and gypsies? Thanks, I'm genuinely curious. That woman I dated acknowledged being part gypsy, and she had every stereotypical negative gypsy trait you can think of, and it was bizarre as fuck because she had no gypsy influences in her (American) upbringing.

Took me a while to acknowledge what a thieving, scamming, self-centered user she was because here, we don't see gypsies hardly ever and so when she told me about herself, it didn't make me run like it should have. The traits were literally in her blood though. She wasn't even self-aware about them, not at all. She believed she was super nice. Really makes you think...

funny how on all romanian threads all the hungayrian diaspora shows up

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>And Romania where gypsies come from
don't they originally come from around India? thing is, they don't act like any Indian people I've known and I've known a lot, there are tons of Hindu immigrants where I live


In Romania we are ALL romanians. It's in the constitution. We are all equal.

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Someday I will understand all this. Maybe, lol

Gyppos live in poverty here, problem?
And I blame you for this, jidane:

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