This is how Germany should actually look like.
This is how Germany should actually look like
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Yeah, I don't think so Hans.
the Eternal Aryan should be put down like the inferior dog he is
Germany was a fucking mistake, we should've completely destroyed your country after WW2. No one would've complained either after all the evil shit you did.
why does there have to be "one" german country rather than many.
bavarians are different, and there no way i'd think past prussian/current poles are in any way a part
This is how the swiss colonial empire could look like and it would be an improvement.
Even more green?
stop losing wars then
>Germany was a fucking mistake, we should've completely destroyed your country after WW2. No one would've complained either after all the evil shit you did.
let the czech have their own state in the rest-tschechei
samewise how the scandinavians are different and dont rely on a singular identity, germanic peoples can accept their unique identities from each other.
Why don't you stand up and take the land you say is yours Hans? Your empty proclamations will not take the territory.
I could say the same about the US
also I don't like bordergore
La atrocidad de la America del Norte...
Germany deserves the nuclear holocaust
fuck germany
go russia
>Germany was a fucking mistake, we should've completely destroyed your country after WW2. No one would've complained either after all the evil shit you did.
There should be no Germany, there should be Germanies
do you have a bordergore fetish ?
Don't mind the delusional OP
What are those pussy borders. THIS Is what Germany should look like.
no such thing as german land. you got empire from franks and kept stealing slavic clay
we've been brainwashed to accept "federalism".
authority from afar, where the many give to the few. we should refer back to the times when communities were much smaller
Why don't you try putting up one of these signs at the Austrian border?
It was a great system for actual Germans. I hope that there is a better reason to be opposed to it other than typical Teutonic autism
real burger is fkn right, you cunts are responsible for fkn EVERYTHING that went wrong since that reunification mistake.
there is no worse human like creature on this planet than austrian and german bureaucrat/diplomat/member of "elite". maybe vatican pedos, but that is about it.
hands of the clay
>It was a great system for actual Germans.
No it wasn't,
really, wasn't
The eternal faggot does not breed, you will thankfully put your own line down.
Germany was always nigger tier tribalistic shithole
This is how Sweden should actually look like.
you are a fifth the size of current germany. you cant talk
I think the greater in size and power a nation is the more drawn the Jews are to it to use that power for their own goals. You either need an incorruptible ruling class or a decentralized cluster of communities to be virtually immune to the influence of a Jew or Jew-like group.
The US is basically a Federal Republic of independent nation states, theoretically its 50 different countries where every state can have it's own government and military organization separate from the US government and armed forces, kind of like the HRE or what the EU wants to be but it actually works most of the time, where most countries consider their states to be nothing more than provinces of a single unified nation state
those many border meant that you'd have to pay a lot of toll if you want to bring something from one place to another
This made goods extremly expensive
Der evige Mutt
because Arabs are split into different countries and look whats happening to them
Can you German shills stop it already with your nonsense. You already fucked up your future, don’t try to expand your sphere of refugees into Polish territory. If anything, land should be given back to the Poles and they would surely eject the scum that are migrants immediately. I spit on you
>Federal Republic
just like germany
>Teutonic autism
Psh, what do you expect from a Murican, any kind of knowlegde?
The United States would be greater and more immune to the influence of a small group of ruling elites if we did not rely on federal money. Federal money is disgusting and is always the tool of the Jews attempting to make you dependent on an increasingly bigger government.
you're right
I should have known
>start 2 world wars
>lose land
>lose even more land
Start shit get hit. Might makes right and germany is weak.
Ok, but what if Friedrich List had lived earlier?
The tariffs weren't inherent to the structure of the empire
>Taking rightful Danish clay
There was a plebiscite you motherfucker.
OP = faggot
Beating the Prussians was like an annual sport event back in the day.
Burger history education.
>literally the balls of Sweden
No matter what the old structure of lots of small independent states wee horrible
In the modern world those country would not be able to be represented on the international stage
It would be like many, many San Marinos
Pity the krauts surrendered before we could try out our nukes on them. At least the Japs hung in long enough.
That's why you still have the Emperor to represent the collectivity. The HRE had the advantages of both big countries and small countries, and the drawbacks of neither
all the small countrys have diffrent opinions and intersts, they'd never get along and there'd be just one emporer
The only possiblility for the HRE is to be at least some kind of centralized so the HRE is actually able to take action
... that might actually be a pretty fun thing to do.
>Austrian border
what about putting them up on all borders
Posting irrelevant map. Look at the older ones idiot.
Enlighten me Lukasz, i'd enjoy a good old map depiction
It was at times, depending on the ability of the Emperor
That's a reason why it doesn't exists anymore
why germany is called germany not prussia and cucklands?
Anyway I'm not proud Merkel has Polish ancestry, idk why the idiot who made this map had to include it. The most relevant part of the pic is the bottom, you can see how Poland looked like when it was created. HRE stole the lands from us, it doesn't belong to Germans.
German borders after Sudetenland were perfect.
South Tirol, Danzig and Memel were missing
poles are the niggers of europe
and Eupen
Says who? A faggot from a country which was conquered by Germany in a few hours. Go clean Ahmed's brown butthole.
Turn off your vpn Mohammed
We conquered you in 18 days and you actually tried to fight... with cavalry against tanks. LOL!
Danzig became German city over the years, just like Wilno became Polish.
jesus christ, Jow Forums truly became absolute shithole
this whole thread is like a row between children from elementary school
funny thing is that the one time polish cavalry vs german tanks battle happened Poles won.
The absolute state of g*rmans
>most of people there have Slavic haplotype
>originally Polish land
It's rightful Polish territory, idc for how long it was in the hands of thieves (jewmans)
Also, I don't know if you are aware, but prussia is not a thing anymore and the only people who are still butthurt about that unification shit are the Bavarians, who you could swear were beaten into submission via brutal invasion, rather than what actually happened where their king traded Bavarian sovereignty in exchange for being allowed to keep role-playing as a fairy-tale prince. They talk a lot of shit about nationalism, yet their independence party barely gets 2% in parliament.
germany didn't beat us up. we retreated becouse fighting 2 bigger forces on 2 fronts is retarded and you would purge all our soldier... on the other hand when our soldiers walked into the berlin you surrendered right away
germany lost to soviets. Poland was the only country to win war with soviets. you allied with soviets to destroy Poland, eastern europe and half of your country
You are one retarded meme flag
says everyone.
you rely on eu aid (welfare)
you go to other countries and work illegally and steal
you demand reparations from germany
if that is not niggerish behaviour then i don't know what it is
What bullshit! You charged us on horseback and we shot you. Boom. War finished Poland lost.
What kind of a name is "Po Land" anyway? In German it means "Country of the Naked Ass". Does this come from the tradition of your girls trading access to their naked ass to German tourists for a pair of new shoes from the mall?
Don't bring up the tanks vs. horses thing ever again, it's a myth the way it gets retold and just makes you look like a misinformed tool.
I like that map. :3
Which EU aid?
>The moment a country enters the EU, entire armies of german construction teams rush to that country and build 900 gorillion shops, malls, whatever.
>you cant throw a rock without hitting a german shop
>according to EU law, german shops cannot be taxed, so none of these 900 gorillion shops are being taxed
>for the last couple of years, EU loans make up barely 1-2% of european countries GDP's
>in other words, thats pocket change
>tax evading paradise
>these 900 gorillion un-taxed shops effectively leech out billions of euro, per MONTH
Actually Germans are the niggers, they make money and Poland is losing due to stupid restrictions and laws. We were punished for milk overproduction lol. But all your knowledge comes from propaganda websites and stupid memes. You're irrelevant.
0/10 troll
> Großdeutschland
Du bist ein richtiger Ronny weißt du das?
>The Free City's population rose from 357,000 (1919) to 408,000 in 1929; according to the official census, 95% were Germans,[19]:5, 11 with the rest mainly either Kashubians or Poles. According to E. Cieślak, the population registers of the Free City show that in 1929 the Polish population numbered 35,000, or 9.5% of the population.
>Henryk Stępniak estimates the 1929 Polish population as around 22,000, or around 6% of the population, increasing to around 13% in the 1930s.
They weren't even Catholic. 64% of population were protestants.
No, this is how Germany should look like.
The only reason why it took 18 days was because our soldiers laughed for a week when the Poles charged us on horseback with those faggy Hussar wings.
where is france, I think some of it is still missing
Oh, you'll get depressed knowing how popular this topic is
I think without ethnic Germans in this territory it make no sense to claim the land. Maybe we could trade Königsberg. Actually it's ur fault that Europe is getting worse.
None of this actually happens lmao
>according to EU law, german shops cannot be taxed, so none of these 900 gorillion shops are being taxed
Is this what Poles ACTUALLY believe? I thought Hungarians were retarded for "MUH SOROS" shit, but this is arguably even more stupid