Holy fuck! Remember the incest case a few months ago? They bailed out of jail and killed themselves together!
>Three victims in an apparent double murder-suicide have been identified as a father-daughter couple who had been charged with incest and the girl's adoptive father. The father-daughter pair's infant son was also found dead in an incident related to the murder-suicide.
>Authorities said on Thursday afternoon that the body of Steven Pladl, 42, was found in a vehicle in New York while the bodies of his biological daughter, 20-year-old Katie Pladl, and her adoptive father, 56-year-old Anthony Fusco, were found in a vehicle several miles away in Connecticut. WNCN reports that all three victims died of gunshot wounds and that Steven Pladl is believed to have taken his own life.
this is the difference between wh*te cucks and muslims, we fuck our daughters but we don't kill ourselves after.
Isaiah Howard
t.wh*Toid degenerate
Kayden Taylor
You mean mental illness? Incest is degeneracy not an option
Zachary King
What a beautiful love story
Christian Lee
>land of the free >charged with incest
Bentley Clark
Just another mentally dysfunctional hapa and her beta spurge father. Nothing of value lost boys move on.
Levi Smith
t. wh*te cuck larping as a nigger
Cooper Rodriguez
>2 dead white men >1 dead hapa young woman in prime breeding age >Jow Forums is celebrating this ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Isaiah Sanchez
Asher Hall
Having a baby with your own daughter what a mistake.
>not a hapa >clearly mongolian features while her biological father is caucasian
Christopher Price
how exactly is leaving a letter out going to make me feel bad? you're still a nigger or worse a wanna be nigger.
Blake Anderson
She looks like her dad to me
Adam Cooper
State oppression? Do you even know the background of this shit? The father was a mentally insecure virgin cuck who couldn't get laid in his 20s so he end up visa-marrying some 2/10 used up gook bitch. Then later had a hapa daughter who was, of course, mentally spurgy, autistic and drenched in identity-crisis. Like daughter like father both were the closest thing to a normal sexual encounter (dad was disgusted by mom but hey "at least im not virgin right"?). So this was all government's fault because some beta cuck was fucking his mentally autistic hapa daughter?
Juan Lopez
They should've left them alone.
I mean aren't they aware they were out to ruin their lives? Don't these goody-goodys realize they're a mob with torches and pitchforks?
Christopher Cox
Crazy white guy with yellow fever + mentally ill hapa offspring = absolutely deranged results.
Never go full hapa
Connor James
incestophobia is killing! legalize incest now!
Evan Wright
What the fuck “why” people
Austin Baker
How does this even happen. This is do fucked up like holy shit what's wrong with people why would they do this fucked up shit sheesh.
Daniel Bailey
Got to nip degeneracy in the bud and set an example or you end up with the homosexual crisis we have today that's getting worse.
Juan Parker
Only way japs can combat population decline. Your mom son fetish will become a reality
Jeremiah Parker
>we fuck our daughters but we don't kill ourselves after. Best paki shitpost
>They bailed out of jail and killed themselves together!
Hudson Morris
Never go full blood thirsty mob, it's just as bad if not worse. If they're inseparable, if their love is mutual.. what does that make you?
Justin Nguyen
Both of them are mutts
Brandon Wood
Oh look. another supreme gentleman. Fuck off back to r/hapas mongrel.
Logan Watson
So they werent really related?
Brandon Gray
Do you know how many WMAF or WMSHITF hapa autistics are there in North America? Remeber Elliot Rodger? No homo but that kid wasn't too bad-looking but he still ended up a virgin-autist murderer. Now imagine the rest who are so sexually frustrated and are going mental with identity and parent issues. What do you think might happen onnce those spurge mutts reach college or even high school? So you want that beta cuck dad and his mongrol daughter to fuck and possibly breed more mentally unstable time-bombs? Do you have hapa-fetish or something?
We will never know a love more pure than that of a deranged white guy breeding his half asian daughter KEK.
Someone get that fat jew fuck who owns BLACKED on the phone and pitch a new fetish site to him for mad shekels.
Jacob Flores
It already is
Hudson Martinez
>white people breeding is degeneracy I'm sorry, he should've fucked a mexcrement like you all do, right? >doesn't look white
Asher Cox
How? Because assholes and faggots who spread yellow-fever bullshit and encouraging propaganda of "asian female easy!" "muh traditional gook waifu!" instead of teaching beta whites to lift, improbe their lives and marry a white girl.
Wyatt Bell
So the story goes: >Bio-Father and Bio-Mother put the daughter up for adoption after birth >Probably on the Bio-Mother's request >Daughter tracked them down and moved in with them later >Bio-Father and daughter got incestuous >Had a child This is actually a natural occurrence despite the awkwardness. >Got arrested >Charged with some really "vacuous" crimes >Bailed out of jail >Killed Incest-Child or left it to die >Killed her Non-Bio-Father >Probably because the requirements for her to live with Non-Bio-Father due to probable technicality >Double-Hero'd This is a strange turn of events.
Get the fuck out of Canada.
Grayson Sullivan
same question. wtf was all that fuzz about?
Caleb Parker
>white canadian women >worth marrying pick 1
Brayden Perry
I was confused too, but upon reading he was in fact her biological father.
Wyatt Richardson
She is half hispanic not asian. Go check how the mother looks she is mestizo that's why the daughter is asian looking
Three entirely needless deaths caused by an unjust legal system set to imprison people for a victimless crime.
Jayden Ward
Sorry, I forgot incest is a normal thing for you Romanians. I apologize for insulting your culture.
Luis Barnes
What the fuck are you talking about? Hapas? Elliot Rodger?
I think Jow Forums has redpilled you to the point of retardation. Does everything revolve around your disgustingly pale, allergic to the sun vampire hide? My field of view isn't as narrow as yours apparently.. despite them being part of your race I won't put on the blinders
Even if that's true, funny how the kid comes out to look more asian and hapa looking than both her parents! You hapa half gooks can't win at anything apparently. You will forever be associated with incels.
This is actually kind of sad but only a retard would let stories like this change their position on incest. It must remain taboo to prevent precisely THIS shit from happening. It wasn't the social stigma that caused them to take their lives, their attraction to each other was rooted in mental illness and so was their suicide.
Stop promoting the social and mental decay of sentient beings by telling them that it's okay to go against natural law
Dammit. I wish they could have fucked in peace. I was rooting for them.
Caleb Perez
That is very weird, the daughter has a heart shaped skull that is typical of asians, neither her parents have that skull.
Genetics are weird man.
Levi Miller
only crime they committed was they didn't release a sex tape to pornhub
Matthew Wright
>wasn't the social stigma that causes your life to be over in every way except literally Yeah, okay. Giving in to impulses to fuck the opposite sex is rooted in mental illness? No, that's natural. If anything, it's rooted in a disregard for certain societal mores.
Sebastian Nguyen
>The father was a mentally insecure virgin cuck who couldn't get laid in his 20s so he end up visa-marrying some 2/10 used up gook bitch. Then later had a hapa daughter who was, of course, mentally spurgy, autistic and drenched in identity-crisis. So you're saying there's a chance!
Grayson Hill
He believes what he says quite literally. He thinks, incest should not be illegal because it is a "victimless" crime. These people are such autistic ideological automatons that to them the right thing to take away from this incident is that incest laws are opression by the state. And if you disagree that just proves you are a filthy fascist, statist, bootlicker.
Says the country with what might be the most degenerate adult entertainment there is
Christopher Rodriguez
Jow Forums would cheer as the last white man died in a ditch if they found out he had MLP erotica saved to his hard drive moments before his death. What d'you expect? Its all just identity politics, puritan bullshit
Dylan Davis
wasn't there a news story not to long ago about a Mom using sexual favors to encourage her son to study his ass off 24/7 for some uni entrance exam?