What is the most remote place on Earth a white man could travel to and still be surrounded by whites and have an internet connection? I'm talking VERY remote, not just in the country but days and days drive into abysmal fucking NOTHING remote.

My first reaction is remote Western Australia. My second thought might be some remote places in Northern Europe. Places that are remote and western but you aren't around whites: Alaska, Finland, Sweden

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Pitcairn Islands or other tiny british colonies in the middle of the ocean

Northern quebec

Even middle quebec



>be me
>visit sweden
>go the remotest places in the north
>population expecting samis and whites
>saw more somalis

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Tristen de Cunha

Parts of Western Australia (a lot of abos there tho)
Chatham Island NZ
Stewart island NZ
Norfolk Islands
Faukland Islands

Tasmania is probably your best bet. A garden author moved there because it basically doesn't exist in the grand scheme of things and you can live fairly well off the land with a decent climate.

Canada has many places that are about as rural as you can get, but usually have injun reserves near the towns. I don't mind it, get a dog, a lock, and satellite internet. Vancouver Island has a few logging/fishing towns that are far enough away that you'll never have to worry about the world, but have the mildest winter in the country.

If you want extreme remote go for the Yukon or Northwest territories, the Ice Jews keep to their reserves for the most part because the extreme winters make it impractical to live elsewhere.

fuggggg thanks nordic user

>Svalbard is a Norwegian archipelago between mainland Norway and the North Pole. One of the world’s northernmost inhabited areas, it's known for its rugged, remote terrain of glaciers and frozen tundra sheltering polar bears, Svalbard reindeer and Arctic foxes. The Northern Lights are visible during winter, and summer brings the “midnight sun”—sunlight 24 hours a day.


The Falkland Islands

>Tristen de Cunha

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Jan Mayen. Smaller than Svalbard and the only way you get to live there is to apply for a job at the research station. There are job openings right now.


Most really cold places are overwhelmingy white.
I would say Iceland is in the top 3 overall.

>There are job openings right now.


Get a security clearance and find out.

I would say some remote place in Canada

Guam, you're already a citizen, no culture shock, island paradise, decent internet cause the the military is there.

>move to guam to avoid nuclear war
>get gook nuked by north korea

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hah does have permanent THAAD protection now however.

The further north parts of Siberia I guess.


does it work though? jus curious

>remote Western Australia
surprise, you're the autist

Norfolk and Pitcairn are all mixed

Pretty much perfectly in testing, against the norks it'd be near 100% since they're constantly monitored and couldn't launch more than a few nukes at a time, against the ruskis and china probably a fair bit less.

iceland. but you're not white mutt.

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south pole

>american education

Wtf you must be smoking crack. Fucking baltimore and Prince George's county is nigger infested

Gippsland Victoria


>physical location determine genetics

nukes are fake

Ascension Island

Wyoming probably.

Have you considered the Falkland Islands?

Falkland Islands

downside: the island is tipping into the ocean

96% white 350mb download. Not very remote though.

go to a town callled Egilsstaðir and stay there

Why are you asking?

Iceland? Alaska?

Oh, I missed the last part about Alaska.

Maybe some places in Canada?

Chile's nice if you're looking to run away and become a Fag rapefugee OP

The big cities, not outside of these

ISn't it a boring state?

only one way to find out desu

What happens in Egilsstaðir?

Bunker buster use uranium tipped head plus shield.
>Typical westerns, totally hypocritical with their semi nuke weapons.


Too close to Africa.

I liked watching the video of the MOAB remove some A-rabs from the planet earth.

island in the middle of nowhere

Sounds like Siberia.

Paraguayan Chaco, there is only germans farmers and some mennonites

>only germans farmers

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Bump ffs

niggers don't know how to swim
He'll be ok


well pretty much all die in the northen chaco

>burger minds
>be burger
>think the world revolves around you and your country
>can't put 2 and 2 together and figure out the Australian poster is talking about Maryland, Australia
And you fucks wonder why the world hates you small minded ignorant retards, oh wait no you don't wonder, because your so ignorant that you can't even see it.

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If you live in a white community you are surrounded by whites and not in need of an internet connection.

I took AP human geography in high school And only learned about it because when you use a Mercator map it's massive

Yeah I noticed them too and wondered what was there. Not a lot and icey winters where humans can't survive without outside support. Useless.