Do you have any nigger friends?
Do you have any nigger friends?
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yes ge gives me back massages
i was born to a polish immigrant and working class Italian american retard in Philadelphia
did not have one white friend growing up. was made fun of for having dark blue eyes. now I live in a comfy white suburban neighborhood in bumblefuck pa with my gf and we have no friends because we’re both mentally retarded
I don't have friends at all.
Here's the deleted stream that Baked wants everyone to forget about.
Unironically, The only nigger I like at work is leaving soon, next week is his last, he's too smart to be a nigger, sad. He's going on a formation for a better job
I met a black guy tonight from new york. Didn't fit any of the negative stereotypes.
Anyone can become well spoken and educated. We generally only see the worst in people through the media. Like when black people go crazy for black lives matter. But the fact is the loudest and most obnoxious of us get the attention and the level headed ones get ignored and essentially unaccounted for.
Society craves chaos and disorder while at the same time pretending to be working towards order and stability.
timestamp for peak (((cringe)))?
I meant:
Sorry my dear liberalist(lite) leaf.
Cheers I was trying to figure that one out
The whole thing is pretty good but they roast his Tinder profile around 1:23:00. Lots of awkward attempts at flirting near the end. He also lifts his shirt at one point and he's chubby as fuck, looking for the timestamp.
Tough issue user. My best friend growing up was a Black/Puerto Rican dude. He got pissed off when I backed Trump and hasn't really talked to me since. I also have some inlaw blacks and Jews in the family and they're good people. But when war and seperation finally comes it will be ugly and there's no avoiding that.
Multicultural societies are bad for whites and basically all the degeneracy in our society comes from it. Segregation was necessary and you can see that in how far whites have fallen. Without collective identity whites have no way to form strong communities or push back against encroachment from the other groups or discipline our own appropriately when they're out of line. So it's really nothing personal this is just how it is. It's kinda sad but the world is a fucked up place so whatever.
These days I'm always polite to the other races (Cooler and infinitely less patronizing than the liberals I see every day) but I'm definitely not going out of my way to make non white friends. A lot of these Gen Z kids have no sentimentality about it all which is interesting to me as an old fag. For all the problems we had race relations were better in the 90's but then again America was still an overwhelmingly white country back then.
>But when war and seperation finally comes it will be ugly and there's no avoiding that.
There will be no war, you larping idiot. Either whites will find a libertine way to achieve stable demographics again (i.e. by getting rid of welfare) or they'll just give into the Castizo futurism that's headed our way.
only black people no niggers
I have lot's of kurdish friends. All of them like swedes, but hate our government. They are good allies.
This. Niggers are scum and need to be eliminated
Man i bet JF's cock is tasty
I´ve got an Italian friend, does that count?
He's a shameless manwhore so he's probably got some nasty shit going on down there.
Wrong. War is guaranteed faggot. As soon as there is a non white majority the country will start to break up. It will happen in less than 20 years. You can count on a chimpout by whites in Europe much sooner. Identity is hard wired and there is no escaping it. The only larping here is your psuedo homo futurism and cuckery.
Now go jack off to your trap porn nigger since that's the future you believe in.
Still waiting for the white chimpout in South Africa.
>Jow Forums having friends
i got a spaniard mate called silvio does that count?
I've had many almost all of whom have betrayed me in one way or another