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Women are retarded that's why they should be treated like property and times were better when arranged marriages existed in the West.

Imagine how fat/ugly/retarded those female fans are though

absolutely womyn

As if Nasim doesn't have a bunch Jow Forums groupies making dozens of threads about her a day.

As an apex predator I can smell their sweaty, dark petri dishes from across a room. Please release me from this hell.

the female brain is very simple in terms of what triggers an attraction response. a man being the center of attention means he's high value means his genes are good means he should be mated with. it's why women never fail to lust after famous men, regardless of what they're famous for. women are very mechanistic in this sense and it's why every successful culture has imposed strict controls on female sexuality, because left to operate in an unrestricted fashion, it does retarded shit like sending love letters to serial killers.


Women's liberation is a slippery slope. We can see that now without a reasonable doubt.

Which is cringed as fuck. The chick was hot for a 39 year old with a fit body but was a psycho vegan zoophile.

nasim was a true autist though

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That was political though and her videos were hilarious. This guy just killed random people.

Why would you think that?


If I paid millions just to plaster my face on billboards all over San Francisco, even if I'm selling absolutely nothing, I'd end up getting laid just because I'm "That guy" on the billboards.

>tfw I have that exact body type

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Remember kids, the media says that if you kill a bunch of people then women will love you and thousands will read your shit.

I really don't see how video games and guns get any attention by real life people. Kill the media and the problem is solved.

Nasim was hot, kind, loved animals, was 39 mommy tier, attacked jews right in their lair, hated blacks too.

>just imagine how sick and desperate those bitches are?

If you're a broad and you do a righteous act, you automatically go up 3 points on the hotness scale
That's just how it is, I didn't make the rules

>circa 440 a.d.
>be daughter of the emperor
>hear about a fucking savage chink from the steppe named Attila that is killing and raping everything in the east
>pussy wet as fuck
>decide to write a letter to said savage asking him to come and marry you because your pussy is so wet no roman could handle it
>savage sees it as a chance to legitimaly obtain the throne of the roman empire
>change course of his horde westward to Rome, raping and killing another million or so on the way that would otherwise been left alone
>your pussy single-handedly destroyed what was left of the greatest empire the western world have ever seen
>mfw Grata Honoria

Attached: Princess honoria.jpg (220x315, 24K)

its a great message to send to the r9k tier incel nerds

kill a bunch of people and you can get some roastie attention. maybe even a conjugal visit in your lifetime

This isn’t new
Women love the bad boys. Why do you think nigs have it easy around white chicks

Link pls

gas yourself, kike.

>Commit mass shooting
>Get pussy
Why aren't you shooting up your school, Jow Forums? Bloodstains take you from a 3 to a 10 instantly

Link to vid?

they know he cant fuck them
its "safe" to them

you'd have to be beyond socially retarded to not understand this


It was even worse when ted bundy was killed. Just look it up.

The fuck am I watching... It's like those Elsa Spider-man Poo videos.

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this faggot was rich and he smoked all those normies down there

We shold have learned from the fall of rome but no , our ancestors had to fuck things up and let us a falling civilization.
It makes my blood boil.

Attached: Justfuckmycivilizationup.gif (760x358, 3.64M)

She is not appreciated for being a shooter who killed kids though.

I think you mean:


Learn the difference.

I love these threads

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Any evidence that hybrostophilia decreases with age?

>one killed a bunch of innocent children
>the other took the fight to the very (((people))) responsible for censoring the right and spreading extreme leftism
You Canadians are a rotten bunch.

Women are evolutionarily adapted to find men capable of violence and willing to use it for their interests attractive.

Cucked German whose mother and sister are probably gargling arab cock as we speak calsl them retarded just for doing what's natural.

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it's not over, you're forgetting one giant thing that is different this time. Niggers. The beasts of the field. Do you know what happens when niggers are left on their own?

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This , female liberation is the cause of the fall of civilizations.
It pains me to say it but the evidence is here , ever since female suffrage was given everything went to shit and the state did not stop growing until a cuckbox called a home today cost 30000 salaries due to taxes
Meanwhile morons get free stuff.

This all started because women love statism , the fuckers even caused ww2 by supporting both fascism and communism.
In fact hitler and mussolini had stronger support among woman in general and hitler got way more female votes.

Women are destroyers of civilizations due to their nature.
For every 1 women like hipatia there are 49 more that don´t give a shit about matters of state and progress.

Ask a woman about the syrian civil war and will probably tell you that it´s happening in south america.

Biocunts should be rounded up and processed by our robot overlords at the mechanical breeding grounds

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But his build is hilariously bad

someone post the Elliot Rodgers fangirl


women are such animals

Nasim died for our sins. She gave virgin birth to a movement.

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>Implying that vacciness are not widespread and universal
>Implying that the cost of moving from south africa to europe is not minimal
>implying that african countries don´t have the fastest growing economies.

World war z was a documentary , israel is the only country that has walled itself on time.
We are doomed , hear me we are all doomed , we will be overrun by hordes of aids infested niggers , there is no place safe.

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> Women

>the anti-gun virgin
>the cruz missile chad

I don't have the image but there was this one going around a while ago where someone from here created a fake tinder profile using some male models photos for it. He basically admitted being sent to jail for molesting a child in his description but was very sorry about it.

It was insane the number of responses he got from women who not only were flirting with him but making jokes about child molestation and even giving him their address to come fuck them.

Was a real eye opener on modern women. Wish I hadn't lost the folder that had the image in it.

You'd make a good trap whore.

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Elliot Rodger got a pretty fine gf on youtube

Women are slaves to their nature, while men can somewhat control this nature. That's why majority of women can't do tasks requiring basic forms of logic. They do great at multi-tasking, but that is exactly their gift and curse from nature. Unfortunately not being able to focus all your attention on one task, makes you no less different than a child with autism / ADHD, who is easily distracted, never able to work on fields that require intensive attention, scientist, surgeon i.e. Another thing that comes natural to women, is being a whore. Women doesn't care about trivial things such as identity or race, all she cares about are "superior genes" from alpha males. That's what her body wants, her body literally begs her and makes her crave for dick on a daily basis, just as men get a stiffy from seeing a hot chick. Nothing woman ever says even matters, they contradict them selves all the time, they them selves don't know what they're talking about. That's why they love when guys tell them to shut the fuck up and stick their dick in their mouths, that is the only function her mouth has.

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>They do great at multi-tasking
>falling for that meme
> Mäntylä (2013) compared men and women who concurrently performed a counter-monitoring task and an n-back task and concluded that gender differences in multitasking reflect spatial ability. Here, we suggest
>(a) that there are no gender differences in a ubiquitous real-world version of multitasking (i.e., talking on a cell phone while driving),
>(b) that the data reported by Mäntylä do not, in fact, provide clear and unambiguous evidence for gender differences in multitasking, and
>(c) that individual differences in the ability to multitask are more likely associated with executive attention.
>It is also noteworthy that normative data collected on more than 6,000 participants reported by Redick et al.(2012) revealed “extremely small or no gender effects”(p. 169) on such complex span tasks (including a version of the operation span task; see Table 1), which are thought to measure executive attention. Hence, this null effect of gender on executive attention, whereby the latter appears to play a significant role in predicting multitasking, may help explain the apparent lack of gender differences in multitasking in the larger literature. In fact, to this end, we cannot think of a good a priori theoretical reason to argue that men and women should differ in their baseline executive-attention ability to maintain task goals and to avoid cognitive distraction.

Probably mostly white girls sending him fan mail and nudes. White women can't resist hot mutts like him.

>hated blacks



Its not even just serial killers though.

Look at how many fan girls "professional gamers" have, and they're always manlet dweeby looking autists, and yet they still have 7-8/10s trying to get with them because they're famous for being good at a video game.

You see women are attracted to guys that have a lot of eyes on them, no matter how retarded or fucked up it is. The popularity tingles the female sex organs and her brain will want the guy.

Sadly they're probably not at all bad looking knowing how batshit insane the average female is here

now read that again, bring me the sauce and the name of the person who did/submitted the paper

>b-but studies can't be biased

>decide to write a letter to said savage asking him to come and marry you because your pussy is so wet no roman could handle it
lol no it was because the west was taken over by barbarian savages who overthrew it like 100 years later
>your pussy single-handedly destroyed what was left of the greatest empire the western world have ever seen
this is a fucking lie, it was integration with the goths that killed rome, honoria was trying to prevent that


Obvious fags.

Go start shilling for anything anti Israel and anti muslim oil barons and stop complaining about how these groups have destabilized western women with bots, media and government manipulation. Then the women will be giving pussy freely again to those who actually deserve it.


I bet some of them are hot, crazy, but hot

i would not date a hot girl who was crazy that is how you get accused of rape and other shit

hybristophilia, user

nasim looks like she would be in a death grips music video

better start lifting mein faggot

You really think this nigger has to worry about that right now?

What is on his forehead? Was he going for the charlie manson swastika?

It really makes one wonder how Elliot's life would have turned out had he survived his rampage, I think it would be pretty ironic if he got his own mass shooting fan club, in fact in light of his flamboyant and retarded demeanor I think it would be all but guaranteed.

Murdering people is alpha and Chad as fuck. Typical beta wimps won't even punch someone. It's no wonder women flock to a real man.

>Murdering people is alpha and Chad as fuck.
this is the most base and universal trut

say that again when youve got a half chub after a few drinks.

A malnourished woman?

Wasn't he short though?

I like how he would murder anyone who gets close to his girlfriend. Gosh, so dreamy and devoted!


.....same thing happened to manson. He almost got married on death row.

Hitler and Mussolini were sexy as fuck and you are just jelly.

>nu/pol/ reddit cucks being this jelly of a hero
Doesn't surprise me, this board now unironically shills for Israel like a bunch of retards. If the Dorner shootings happened today we'd never get any good memes and every newfag would just be shitting all over him instead acting like fags

>mass murderer
I'm not saying that he isn't guilty but is he convicted. They would like to be able to convict by media accusation, they really would.
Lick person up - record behaviour - gaslight

>Ask a woman about the syrian civil war and will probably tell you that it´s happening in south america.

no, most literally get annoyed at the mere mention of anything 'political' or 'war' related, the topics alone trigger them.

Lock, obviously

>he actually fucking linked wapo

They are American after all

That's some impressive cope m8

Women get hot for violent murderers. No joke.
Whenever girls discover my cruel side, which I hate to show, they fall madly in love with me. When I act nice, they lose all interest.
It's the way their brains are wired. It's so fucking sad.

You are so fucking right about that. I have had two girls pull this "he threatened me" or "he beat me up" bullshit. Know a bunch of guys that have been lied about too.

That's because they are subconsciously drawn to GRUG SEE BAD MAN, GRUG SMASH.

I once infiltrated a fan site for that guy who shot up the Batman movie (I can't remember his name) and none of them were ugly, some of them were fucking dimes. They were psychotic about who they allowed to have the passwords to their chats and I pretended to be a fangirl and they let me in. I saw all of them on webcam (it was that site from years ago where multiple people could be on cam) and yeah, no hamplanets or swamp donkeys.

I remember womynz saying that men are no better because we all said we wanted to fuck Casey Anthony which is such a stupid fucking argument because there is a clear difference: We would have fucked Casey Anthony BEFORE she murdered her kid, they wouldn't have given these autists the time of day before they murdered people.

its funny how you pol losers will never get love letters.
no girl will ever want anything to do with you.
and its not because you are fat and ugly.

>and yet they still have 7-8/10s trying to get with them because they're famous for being good at a video game.
I've seen women fall in love with someone because they were good at a video game, even though they weren't professional gamers. At least some of them see video game playing as a competitive skill.


No one is sending this faggot letters, they are trying to encourage the kind of faggots who browse Jow Forums

Please be 14, because if you're any older, the amount of faggotry in this post will cause Jow Forums to crash.

Google Charles Manson's wife.

>shoot up school
>get snail mail nudes

it happens a lot to these types of extremely violent men.

I agree that they shouldn't be broadcasting this though it is going to literally make some incel go postal

Some women love dangerous boys. They feel they will do whatever it takes to keep them and their offspring safe, even if it means killing. It's an ancient biological perogative.

A lot of them are hot. there are lots of women who have a thing for prisoners and murderers. You can find specials on them on youtube and some are actually pretty hot.

Not everyone here is MGTOW. Some of us have girlfriends and wives. That number has probably increased since 2016.

Nasim is hilarious

>psycho vegan zoophile.

Hot as fuck

How are snail-mail nudes not superior to electronic nudes? It takes real effort to send a letter these days.

Truthfully if you have a wife and spend your time on here you need to get your priorities right. 75% of this board is high schoolers.