Anti Depressants

Are anti depressants good or bad?!
I am on 20mg Citalopram now.
Did the jews finally get ownership over my brain?!
What is happening?
Is it just a political scam pushed by lobbyists to get us all on this shit?

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im going to see doctor next week he will probably recommend ssri but i don't want an ssri but idk if i want it

he was like here is benzo try try and i was like OMG k thnx and now all i want is ssri but then i can't do mdma cuz serotonin is a thing


make sure to get some sedative along with it. Citalopram has not many side effects and is apparently better than a lot of SSRIs in terms of that. Can't say much cause no clue.
I got Promethazine with it to calm me down cause its hard to sleep on Citalopram.
I wasn't able to get benzos cause here in germany they dont prescribe them at all or rarely cause muah addiction and shit.

Escitalopram is fine just dont touch fluoxetine or lithium etc.
It stops my depression and im still managing to get fit and have a working cock. But big pharma is 90% jew scam, just gotta look at reviews etc.

What about Effxor or venlafaxine

Stop use immediately user. At best it is a plecebo with side effects, in reality it is a chemical lobotomy, the effects are permanent, the side effects will require more and more drugs to combat, each of which come with their own list of aide effects, your body and brain will become dependent, you will never be able to return to normal, you will eventually loose all inhibitions, you will be easily suggestable, you will not be able to maintain relationships, you will not be able to hold a job, you will become dependent on government benefits.
Cease all intake immediately user.

yeah i read that many people have a low sex drive on citalopram
gotta watch out for that.
I noticed that i don't have much desire to jerk off atm and that makes me stay away from porn - which I think is a good thing so we'll see how it all turns out. Especially cause women, the chase after pussy were a problem for me anyway.
>implying I want to return to my "normal"
I don't mind completely changing and becoming somebody else. Let's go.

Fix the problem, not the symptom.

Don't ssri's.
Find God or get fit or both

It is mostly a lack in true understanding of how depression is actually caused on a neurological level. Current SSRIs tackle the symptoms but do not 'hit' the cause. Like treating constant pain with pain meds it may provide relief but does not fix the underlying problem. My bet: they target the wrong 'circuits' inside the brain. Still, best thing available so far ... although I say they are shit. Sometimes do not even work, depends on the person. Too many side effects. That is what happens if a society values the next gen Iphone more than medical research...

No experience but type the drug and review in google

I'm not telling you to get off them, but humanity made it 200,000 years with plague, beasts, barbarians, floods, and snakes all without antidepressants. The world is fucked up right now, but there a better avenues than SSRIs to fix yourself up. The fact that every single school/mass shooter has been on SSRIs should be enough to convince you.

I don't understand how people can take this shit. We barely understand the brain as is and we have an entire market for pills that fuck with your brain in ways we don't understand. My sister got brain surgery which requires you to be awake and after hearing about that I do not fuck with my brain.


If you want to treat depression user, eat well, exercise, get sunlight, stay hydrated, get good scheduled sleep, stop masturbating, and start taking cold showers.

Also, join a boxing gym. Working to make yourself stronger, and better at something challenging will be a hell of a motivator.

Here's what Vaught's Practical Character reader says about being cheerful.

Also, stop beating yourself down. You will never get anywhere with it. Either improve yourself or ignore your faults. THAT'S IT. Happiness is easy. No drugs needed.

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the environment changed though. It is easier to get by in small tribal communities were you actually do have a purpose like going out and hunting, providing for the wife and kids that are pretty much guaranteed cause you need to breed to keep the tribe alive etc.

Nowadays we are disconnected from each other and there is nothing human about our living conditions.

Yes, psychotic reactions are a rare but possible side effect ... even worse if you actually stop taking them without slowly dosing down.

I would say that's true because a fraction of people have true depression which is a result of chemical imbalance that can only be fixed by meds

don't take drugs unless youre highkey going to an hero, most are just mind altering brain foggers that enrich kikes. A much better option is to lift and clean your room, bucko.

>Are anti depressants good or bad?!
Depends on how bad your depression is.
I would not have had finished my degree without them and would be stocking shelfs in some supermarket by now without them.
They do have bad side-effects though.

[citation needed]

Get religious and stay off the screens. I know Jow Forums hates him politically, but Peterson has excellent lectures for depressed young males who feel cut out of society.

Melts your brain bad. Anti-Ds fucking with my ex's mind are why I'm divorced now

ive watched a lot of his stuff. Like the full 2017 Personality lectures all 22 of them.

not sleeping regularly is probably the biggest problem that people have, then not eating write and not exercising.

See: anything by Robert Whitaker

I self medicated myself with a serious porn addiction instead.

For lifelong depressives they're good for anyone else they probably increase their chances of homicide and suicide. Some people believe they change the chemical makeup of one's brain forever and should be avoided at all costs.

i lift clean my room and do drugs so

>taking pills that make you happy
Just fucking kill yourself already.

Citalopram is shit SSRI, enjoy your apathy and emotional flatness.
It literally takes the joy out of your imagination.

Citalopram is the older cheaper version, Cipralex is better (20mg Citalopram=10mg Cipralex). A SSNRI like Venlafaxin would be even better.
Before taking any SSRIs/SSNRIs check your Vitamin D level, check Zinc level, take 5-HTP (precursor to Serotonin) in the evening, eat lots of probiotic food (90% of your Serotonin is in your gut), eat lots of healthy fats (fish, olive oil - because most hormones are made from cholesterol by your body), exercise (releases Dopamin).

Bro stop taking synthetic jew.
Smoke some quality weed

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If you like feeling dead inside, then go ahead, gobble them down

It’s not a matter of becoming someone else, it’s a matter of becomeone a nothing.
You’re young (I can tell) your angst won’t last, your hormones will calm down naturally, take up drinking until you turn 30.

>Are anti depressants good or bad?!
very bad
and sad
drop at any cost
lie if you must about it

go be a cunt somewhere else

You only take anti-depressants if you are like fucking insane and can't even articulate word without crying and you need to be locked on some room before you kill someone or kill yourself.

You need therapy, or just get over it, if anxiety is the problem then you need to get over your problems, pills can't fix your psyche, they only make the pain less painful, it's like treating gangrene with pain killers.

>Stop use immediately
Never stop any psychiatric medication cold turkey unless you want to write off the next few days/week and experience a pick and mix of all the listed side effects.
Taper the dose down and come off gradually.
Stopping the use of chemical jewry is the wise course, but doing it safely is incredibly important.

ah yes the you're young guy kek

Ssris make people annoying as fuck because they are unusually happy for no reason. It changes their personality. I can tell within a short time of being around someone if they are on anti depressants or not, there are subtle changes that happen that dont make sense in regular human behaviour and reactions. The root cause of the depression should be tackled not covering it up with a drug.

Depends on the pill, if its only shit like klonopin then you can stop one day, take the next day, stop the next day and continue until you can extend it to two days without taking and such, lowering the doses (like from 2mg /day to 1mg / Day), after a long period you can just take it whenever you feel pretty nervous, like you can't even sleep or something (the actual use of it, you only take this if you can't sleep)

Now if we are talking about serious shit like anti depressants which are an actual mood changer, then you must detox it properly and always asking your doctor.

Fuck off mutt
Go buy a couple of snacks from the drugstore and come back when you are a good medicated jewish dog

Just got off them recently was on zoloft for about 3 months made me numb didn't find things funny everything was just neutral. My thought is they cause you to think more logical. My life is shit the whole time I was on them I was thinking I should probably kill my self. As that would be the smart thing to do. They caused me to black out when I drank. Woke up with my arm covered in blood with cuts all over with no memory of doing it. One good thing was it got rid of my irrational paranoia.

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I am in that state, thinking of killing myselfand thinking more logical but i am not even on anti-depressants, like i said i just take klonopin whenever i feel so nervous i can't even sleep.

I'm on Venlafaxin, Pregabalin and Mirtazapin.
I don't really use any Pregabalin anymore but I still renew my prescription. I'm fine without it. Mirtazapin is to help me sleep and I really need that. I just can't calm/wind down when I need to sleep so I could lay awake trying to sleep for 2-4 hours.
Venlafaxin has had the biggest impact for me clearing most of my anxiety making me able to do things I thought I wouldn't be able to do again. When I forget to take it or just don't I get quite fucked up after +3 days. 2 days start feeling it and I've been at max a 4th day I think and was pretty bad. I've lowered my dosage myself already. I think there's both good and bad in this from my own experience.

I'm on citalopram and fluoxetine how fucked am I

Can someone tell me whats going on with me?

Oh I also forget to mention I can't have sex on these as well. I go limp pretty easy and ejaculating is difficult. If I want to have sex it's recommended not to take anything that same day. I feel done with women anyway so not a huge loss and I've always thought sex is overrated.

Enslavement pills , sauce ? eat them and then quit them and see for urself

See a psychologist my dude. Try mindfulness based cognitive behavioural therapy together with meditation, a good diet, exercise, etc. You don't have to jump off the meds straight away, but use them to take that next step which is adressing the cause rather than the symptom.

I don't know but you gotta seek some professional help asap. You deserve to be happy and healthy and you can be.

Because of Klonopin? i take 1mg when i am too nervous, its like 3 mg per 7 days.

Or is it because other reason?

I don't know, you gotta ask a professional that. It's there anything else going on that might be causing it?

So stop doing the drugs and move out of your parent's house

Don't take that shit. It doesn't work, it makes your dick leak jizz, and the withdrawals are horrible

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You can't force your body to produce serotonin if your body lacks the building blocks for it.
Try boosting your L-Tryptophan levels

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When i was a child the world was better and i was teach a different thing from what the reality shows me right now, the world is so fucking shit i wanna throw up, i don't know how people even think of having sex with others when they are so fucking hypocrite.

I wanted to live in a world where i can actually do what adults told me to do when i was little, like getting working, getting a job, family and many other wonderful things but instead i need to worry about cold shit like bills, health care, sexual transmitted diseases, diet, i wish i could just detach from my body and fly away from this shit.

Everytime i see a person like you trying to at least give advice i feel like i wanna cry, because i really want the help of someone who isn't paid money for it, i want the warmness someone can give, not some paid up shit to make me feel better.

I don't even have friends to talk about this because they are too simpleminded and stupid to not realize there could be something better than just working your ass off for some paper with the name of your country in it.

Yes anti depressants are terrible for you. Unless you are actually sick in the head. Then they are good for everyone else.

Smoke weed you noob unless you are actually fucked then stay on the anti deps and dont drive a car or own a gun, ever.

Personally it's cheating. I think any real man will be faced with some "depression" at one point or another in his life, and it's up to him to find ways to either go around it or just completely obliterate it. However very few people do, they just get stuck facing this wall and keep butting their head against in vain, so unless you are willing to go above and beyond your own abilities to overcome it then that's what those pills are for.

I regret fighting my depression with books and introspection, I wasted a lot of my time doing that. Pills will get you almost the same way, and regardless of the side effects because the "side effects" of fighting depression with willpower alone is a lot of emotional and psychological scarring

Do not stop immediately. Taper off or get set for month wiped from your life fighting serious and unavoidable sideffects.

ok i'm going to be real with you here, your problem isn't your brain it's the way you think. i had the exact same problem and a lot of other people do too (maybe most people).

essentially the problem is denying reality. we make stories up in our minds about how the world should be, and when it doesnt conform to those stories we suffer. the first step is to accept reality as it is. that doesnt mean being satisfied with injustice or immoral things or just becoming a drone or whatever. it means seeing things as they are and starting from there. it means recognising your thoughts as thoughts and being able to step back from them and realise they aren't real.

i would recomend reading the happiness trap by russ harris, or anything by jack kornfield, or anything on mindfulness, etc. They might give you an idea of the way our minds make up these stories that make us suffer and that it doesnt have to be that way.

try joining a club or group or something with people who like doing the same thing as you. and dont be so quick to judge, were all in the same boat. in the same way that im trying to be compassionate to you, maybe you could try being compassionate to someone else. if you open up others will open up too.