Devs April 13 >Guardian: Preparations for a possible Russian counter attack on the British base RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus were underway on Thursday in the event of US-led military action in Syria. >Russia's UN ambassador says top priority is to avert war in Syria, doesn't rule out possibility of US-Russian conflict. >DefconWarningSystem: Some reports that backchannel talks between the United States and Russia over Syria have broken down "badly". We don't know how true this is. >President Trump met with NSC members, has yet to make final decision on Syria.
Devs April 12 >Tigers get redeployment orders for Yarmouk offensive >Mattis to Congress; US military does not have evidence either chlorine or sarin were used in Douma >Merkel states Berlin will support allies in Sy, but “Germany will not participate in any military operations" >Al-Sukhnah; SAA, Hez and Liwa al-Fatemiyoun counter attack IS along DeZ Hwy, reports state they reclaimed some of the lost points >Macron; "We have proof" chemical weapons were used by Assad last week >China calls for restraint amongst all parties in Sy
I always said he was controlled opposition. Though I supported his rhetorical statements. Fact is none of the things he says he would do during his campaign have been done. I knew this would happen and that he'd eventually show his final form before having Europeon-Americans shipped to some shithole to die for Israelis at home and abroad.
If Trump focused on issues I cared about if he played my ball game than he would have cut government expenses and begun a campaign of systematic nationalist militia armaments meant to ultimately ethnically cleanse as much of the western hemisphere as possible.
>Israeli warplanes fly along Lebanese-Syrian border despite warnings from Aoun BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:40 A.M.) – Just 48 hours after Lebanese President Michel Aoun issued a warning about violating Lebanon’s airspace to bomb another Arab country, Israel once again conducted several flights above the small Levantine nation.
According to a Lebanese military communique, the Israeli Air Force conducted several flights over southern and eastern Lebanon, flying as far as the Syrian border.
The communique specified that sirens went off as Israeli warplanes flew over Bint Jbeil, Marjeyoun, Nabatieh, and several small towns in the Lebanon’s Beqa’a Valley.
any new developments??? from what I have read Israel#1 John Bolton and Mad Dog Mattis disagree on the strategy going forward. Israel#1 wants shock and awe while Mad Dog Mattis is calling for restraint citing the possibility of escalation.
Gabriel Moore
That's the rear cockpit of a HIND.
Noah Howard
What's the deal with JAI getting bussed to Jarabulus? Will they work for Turkey now to clear idlib of HTS or just squat in the ES zone? Could something crazy happen like them getting a Saudi airlift to Yemen to fight for them there
>Surprise ISIS offensive against Syrian Army yields new gains in southeast Homs BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 P.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIS) activated their sleeper cells in the southeastern countryside of Homs, today, leading to a big assault against the Syrian military near the town of Muhasah.
Taking advantage of the Syrian Arab Air Force’s (SyAAF) absence in the area, the Islamic State was able to seize several points from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and National Defense Forces (NDF) in the Al-Quraytayn countryside.
According to a report from the provincial capital of Homs, the Syrian forces near Muhasah were forced to retreat from several points in order to avoid being overrun by the terrorist group.
The report added that the Islamic State launched their assault from more than one axes, as they maintained a presence in the mountains and caves near Muhasah.
that is basically it >Will they work for Turkey now to clear idlib of HTS probably this >Could something crazy happen like them getting a Saudi airlift to Yemen to fight for them there If they come under Turkish control I dont think they will go and fight for the Saudis in Yemen.
Charles Williams
>not gay >travelling with 3 "assistants"
Jaxon Sanchez
why would anyone want to prevent the bombings? it presents all kinds of fantastic opportunities.
>Britain should press for independent UN-led chemical weapons investigation: UK Labor leader BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:15 A.M.) – The leader of Britain’s Labor Party Jeremy Corbyn stated on Thursday that Prime Minister Theresa May should await the results of an independent UN investigation before launching airstrikes in Syria.
“Britain should press for an independent U.N.-led investigation of last weekend’s horrific chemical weapons attack so that those responsible can be held to account,” Corbyn said, as quoted by the Reuters News Agency.
Corbyn questioned whether or not May was being influenced by U.S. President Donald Trump, adding that she should instead press for an independent U.N. investigation into the alleged chemical weapons attack in the Syrian town of Douma.
“Britain should press for an independent U.N.-led investigation into the suspected chemical attack in Syria rather than wait for instructions from the U.S. President Donald Trump on how to proceed,” he stated.
No seriously. I am not protecting Assad with this argument. When I try to protect him I explain why this is an obvious false flag... It's just that this whole story, this whole reaction is illogical. Why are they killing soldiers that didn't gas others?
Do we have collective responsibility now?
David Campbell
Im not going to like a commie just because he might be right about a subject for once
>playing hardbass and videogame music in their vids >mission one use knife for hunting >mission two use cane for hunting
just who the fuck are these guys lol
Isaac Butler
>In rare move, Iraqi forces strike ISIS in Syria BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:10 P.M.) – The Iraqi forces positioned along the Syrian border carried out a rare attack against a group of Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists inside Syria’s Deir Ezzor Governorate.
Led by their Popular Mobilization Units (var. Hashd Al-Sha’abi), the Iraqi forces struck the Islamic State’s forces in Deir Ezzor with missiles and artillery shells.
According to a statement from Hashd Al-Sha’abi, their forces struck the Islamic State militants after they identified a terrorist gathering near the Iraqi border-town of Tal Sufouk.
>Guys, help me answer this question I made a thread about: → Western media is heavily controlled, there's some dissent but it's minor. Control of western media is arguably more efficient than in say the USSR, they use much softer methods to influence but getting 90% of the media to say what you want through subtle means is more effective than getting 100% but openly throwing dissenters in gulags.
Landon Morgan
Assad launched missiles at US, after US was caught using chemical weapons in Cincinnati.
Gavin Rogers
>>playing hardbass and videogame music in their vids BTW hardbass has almost no popularity in Russia and it's a meme it's popular or widespread here
So they are most likely LARPing, or wanna appear LARPing
Jack Richardson
are you retarded? that's exactly how to stop violence.
Christian Sanders
kys subhuman
Zachary Reed
Okay, but why aren't dissenting forces bring this question up? Corbyn, Cubans, Russians, whoever is not okay with this crap?
Henry Morales
Listen man.
All this is, is some cheap pathetic tactic, just to remove some soldiers.
Less soldiers=better chances the rebels/terrorists will capture Gov land.
It's that simple. It's sick and pathetic, but they do it.
Carter Thompson
that can't happen because it was Jihadists that launched the missiles. the biggest evidence is the same bullshit they've been using for the last 5 years: >chemical weapons were used and we know Syria still has them and are using it against the opposition
why Syria would use chemical weapons when its own army can win without launching it makes no sense what so ever and only concludes to the fact that CIA-backed Jihadists launched missiles at the Syrian Opposition, just as the Syrian Army closed in.
William Cooper
Many might have written off the SDF since it's founding but it's transformed into the most pluralistic and stable group in the war. It's the only one that equally represents all it's members, fights together without a million different "legions" all infighting for their own goals, and has the most stable home front despite the constant ISIS cells and MIT assassination/destabilization attempts. Burger help aside, it's quite impressive and I can't say I know of another group like it.
Sebastian Hall
it's all about acting irrationally as fast as you can before they put you in court Look at all the US presidents and prove me wrong
Christopher Torres
Irrelevant news; belgium joins the german position on potential strikes on syria, or in other words lelgium is not a fan of striking syria The interesting bit is that they use the words syrian goverment instead of the usual muh regime I was mostly mocking burger logic, i agree that bombing random soldiers that have nothing to do with the chem attack is weird as fuck
Charles Turner
You don’t have to like him dumbass, you just have to work with that position of anti-war. Put your differences aside for a bit.
Brandon Taylor
considering it every day but the hope of one day visiting syria keeps me going senpai
Lol, whatever prepare your butthole K*rd because the Turks are coming.
Aiden Miller
You did good! I love it :D
Joshua Turner
Do you have army? wow
Jeremiah Morris
>Turks Paralyzed in Afrin because of all the Guerrilla warfare they are unable to fight >Still needs to commit airstrikes against areas it has claimed to have """Liberated""" because it cant counter guerrilla warfare Tu*key and the """FSA""" Are getting slowly ground up If turkey invades North Syria it will be Tu*keys Vietnam
Chase King
Therefore, when a prince decides to seize a state, he must determine how much injury to inflict. He needs to strike all at once and then refrain from further atrocities. In this way, his subjects will eventually forget the violence and cruelty. Gradually, resentment will fade, and the people will come to appreciate the resulting benefits of the prince’s rule. Most important, a prince should be consistent in the way he treats his subjects. Machiavelli - The Prince
Leo Flores
did we kill any soldiers last time trump struck? we notify in advance, nigga, just walk away
To me it looks like Russia actually is the bad guy here and they WANT the war.
Jaxson Barnes
>Okay, but why aren't dissenting forces bring this question up? Corbyn, Cubans, Russians, whoever is not okay with this crap? Bring it up where? There's plenty of complaints on social media but realistically 90% or more of the population just get their news from the TV and newspapers. American press is actually probably more opposed than euro and commonwealth media from what I have seen, fox news was running some anti-war stories.
It's rare for opposing major western parties to disagree on military matters as well, Corbyn is somewhat of an exception, generally they seem to work together to try and prevent voters from punishing them for unpopular conflicts.
Andrew Diaz
+/- 60 f16s can do some damage For the rest not so much, we sold our tanks (to finland and lebanon i believe) years ago
Ryder Russell
>did we kill any soldiers last time trump struck? You did.
merkel did something right thistiime. >there is no proof syrian gov did this chem attack >it likely the rebels did it >the is there will never be military option with syria >and this wont be nagotiated
>BREAKING! Result of clash between Russian SOF and 22 battalion of SAS in East Gouta: several Brits killed, other POW sent to Damascus. Yeah, we are gonna need a source for that bro
how many millions of $ in tomahawk missiles for 9 deaths?
Gabriel Taylor
How so? The SDF/YPG Held out for as long as possible then retreated to tel rifat / Manbij And Tu*key is still fighting SDF/YPG Commandoes/Guerillas in Afrin to this day If the SDF/YPG is so easy to beat then how come the Tu*ks havent finished of the Western pocket or taken Manbij?
Ayden Richardson
when will they reply ?
>167923424 memeflag aside >So it's confirmed that it was gas? no >Why do we still defend Assad? because he is the savior of the world >To me it looks like Russia actually is the bad guy here and they WANT the war. then take your glasses off
but trump did notify in advance. if syria decides to keep soldiers there that's on them at that point. maybe they thought they could intercept the missiles
Connor Cook
the FDP dho is pushing for war with syria heavily
Austin Walker
proofs? I swear, larping should be bannable
Eli Hall
but Jbeil is Byblos. Lebs kept telling me it means the daughter of Byblos.
Grayson King
>how many millions of $ in tomahawk missiles for 9 deaths? >9 deaths?
16, 16 deaths. SOHR is the most obvious CIA lapdog I've seen in my life. Even some Western media, like BBC, call it "opposition-affiliated watchdog".
And it's 110.33 million dollars. At $1.87M per 1 tomahawk
Lucas Flores
new strikes should decapitation strikes packaged with crippling sanctions. a no fly zone and blockade may also be in order.
Jordan Evans
What if we die of old age and war never happens? Would that sucks?
Jayden Morales
they just could have paid the 9 guys 2 mil each if they never touch a gun ever again. i bet they would have done it. and it would be cheeper
Matthew Collins
Are mutts ready to die for blombald blumpf and his Israeli masters?