Ok so he's either playing 4d chess or he's simply too stupid and uninformed to have a consistent policy on anything...

Ok so he's either playing 4d chess or he's simply too stupid and uninformed to have a consistent policy on anything. Im a fan of occams razor and the simplest explaination for trumps wildly varying stances on DACA, syria, trade and everything else is that he's an poorly informed idiot who fires everyone but sycophants. Convince me I'm wrong.

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>I wanna join the TPP
>But I don't want any of the bad deal shit
Basically just asking for a better free trade agreement that doesn't have the retarded corporations sue governments clause.
My take on it

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he originally made the announcement when he was with a group of farmers and governors of rural states like Nebraska, just like he said we might rejoin the Paris Climate Accord after meeting Macron. he's a a reactionary guy influenced by whoever he talks to, remember his NRA and "take the guns first" comment? he's at least slightly senile, no denying it

like most of his tweets and spurious announcements, nothing will actually happen. just relax and enjoy the chaos, shits, and giggles

Trump is just retarded.

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He campaigned-- very successfully-- on the premise that free trade is bad. He would go to a rust belt town, and tell them that the maytag factory closed and went to mexico because of NAFTA. Free trade is bad for Americans because labor is cheap in third world countries. Companies will always choose to manufacture in places where labor can be exploited. There is no way his 'new negotiation' of TPP will address this.

Youre admitting he's a total fucking retard then?

Yeah ok I'm convinced. Checked

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Your last thread fall off the board, shill?

Hey there m8 this is my first thread tonight. Do you seriously think somebody is paying a kiwi to post 'trump is dumb' threads? Im just some poor cunt stuck in the house with a broken leg

Oh so you’re different from the kiwi from an hour ago posting the same thread. Yeah. Of course. What are you an orc that killed the last guy?