Ok so he's either playing 4d chess or he's simply too stupid and uninformed to have a consistent policy on anything. Im a fan of occams razor and the simplest explaination for trumps wildly varying stances on DACA, syria, trade and everything else is that he's an poorly informed idiot who fires everyone but sycophants. Convince me I'm wrong.
Ok so he's either playing 4d chess or he's simply too stupid and uninformed to have a consistent policy on anything...
>I wanna join the TPP
>But I don't want any of the bad deal shit
Basically just asking for a better free trade agreement that doesn't have the retarded corporations sue governments clause.
My take on it
he originally made the announcement when he was with a group of farmers and governors of rural states like Nebraska, just like he said we might rejoin the Paris Climate Accord after meeting Macron. he's a a reactionary guy influenced by whoever he talks to, remember his NRA and "take the guns first" comment? he's at least slightly senile, no denying it
like most of his tweets and spurious announcements, nothing will actually happen. just relax and enjoy the chaos, shits, and giggles
Trump is just retarded.
He campaigned-- very successfully-- on the premise that free trade is bad. He would go to a rust belt town, and tell them that the maytag factory closed and went to mexico because of NAFTA. Free trade is bad for Americans because labor is cheap in third world countries. Companies will always choose to manufacture in places where labor can be exploited. There is no way his 'new negotiation' of TPP will address this.
Youre admitting he's a total fucking retard then?
Yeah ok I'm convinced. Checked
Your last thread fall off the board, shill?
Hey there m8 this is my first thread tonight. Do you seriously think somebody is paying a kiwi to post 'trump is dumb' threads? Im just some poor cunt stuck in the house with a broken leg
Oh so you’re different from the kiwi from an hour ago posting the same thread. Yeah. Of course. What are you an orc that killed the last guy?
You're a faggot, it's a valid question.
THIS, nice digits by the way, he needs to be called out on this bullshit.
To all the MIGApedos who claim he’s playing naked pokemon cards: acting like a spastic is being a spastic.
Every time Trump is "considering" something, that means he's fucking with a competing country, or the media
>Every time Trump is "considering" something, that means he's fucking with a competing country, or the media
Every time Trump is "considering" something, that means he's waiting for Fox & Friends to take a position.
Yeah im a different guy bro. I'm an american citizen on a work visa. I left before trump was elected and didn't vote, during the election I thought he was an idiot who occasionally had a good point.
So what do you think of trump deciding to join tpp now?
>start trade war
>suddenly everyone wants to talk about ttip again
it's a scheme to shove ttip down our throats, without any protest
Hey you bitch, mine is valid too. How do we know he’s not an orc that killed the last guy and is now just using his house until the Rohirim show up.
He cheated on a porn star without protection.
What do you think?
Or he’s just as clueless as he seems.
He hasn’t decided on shit. He says he might join it if the terms are completely changed.
Trump is asking for changes that would make current discussion on TPP obsolete. The problem was it was a shitty trade deal that would benefit consumers and hurt workers.
As we’ve seen with the new steel tariffs trump wants to revamp our trade to be beneficial to domestic production.
If there's no protest is just shows that the people who elected him actually don't care about his policies, only his rhetoric (which is funny because he is incapable of stringing a coherent sentence together)
no, he has just become a puppet of the deep state after a year
convince me that faggots haven't posted this shill thread 150 times already
Trump is literally incompetently retarded
I don't know why he eats McDonalds and watch fox news in his free time. Genuinely fucking stupid and mentally lazy.
More like a sociopath attempting to care about his country, probably making him a mess desu.
>He campaigned-- very successfully-- on the premise that free trade is bad.
Skipping a few caveats there mate, one of the bigger ones being that he disputed that such deals WERE actually free trade deals. I actually don't think he gives a fuck whether a deal is a 'free' trade deal or not, it's all just fucking words, the bottom line and natsec concerns are all that I suspect he gives a shit about, semantics be damned.
As for Trump in general, his actions and inactions, are more important than his words. Almost everything he says is designed for persuasion/misdirection/chaos. Often all three at once. His actions in this case is not signing TPP. He has stated multiple times he would reconsider if the deal was improved. The deal hasn't been improved. He hasn't signed. Look at gun control. Look at DACA. He spoke a surprisingly strong game on both. Look at the result. Fuck all action and in the case of DACA he's actually made a decent case for blaming the Dems more than him.
And for the inverse, looking at how many republican judges he has put in place. IIRC he has actually put in more than any previous administration (happy to be corrected/clarified). Hasn't said shit about it though, and in fact uses misdirection by pointing at how hard the dems are making it for him to get his recommended staff approved.
No incarnation of the tpp will benefit the american working man when a cnc machinist in cambodia will do his job for 1/10th the wage. This was the cornerstone of the trump campaign and the only part of his policy i liked
> Imagine a world were evil satanists had infiltrated every layer of society.
>Imagine how not only the ppl at the very top in media, banking politics and so forth were fuilthy traitors to humanity - But also the layers beneath them.
>Now imagine that ur a good guy. And you and ur redpilled good guy friends in the armed forces (who have been aware of this for a very long time while biding their time for the right moment) are doing your countermove.
> How do you get this done without having ur own sleeping and brainwashed population sperging out and start rioting and killing eachother in the streets by the fucking millions ?
Ill tell u how.
> You troll EVERYONE.
> You give everyone just enough to for them to NOT go ballistic.
> The masses are on the edge of their seat, but just short of actually rise of the couch because big daddy is either playing 14D chess and the dark cabal is about to get taken out - Or agent orange is about to get impeached any day now.
>Everyone is telling themselves that their "hopes" will probably be true any day now while their eyes are sucked to his twitter and the looming ww3.
> And while u all slept the fucking pedophiles are getting arrested by the thousands and soon one morning u will wake up and realize that this was the most epiq takedowns of all epiq takedowns ever.
OP be like
Well then you’re in luck because Trump loves to talk shit but ultimately acts in a way contrary to his words. He doesn’t talk a big game, he talks about three massive games at once but always is only gunning for a single one. And sometimes it’s not even what he’s talking about.
Art of the deal is 90% misdirection. Make your opponent think they’re getting a great deal when the truth is you never negotiated for anything less than what you wanted originally.
>Ok so he's either playing 4d chess.....
Its 4D chess m8.
Ok thanks for the input, looks like one way you can still support trumpy is by being totally insane
Your defense of trumps wildly inconsistent policy and betrayal of basic campaign tenents is 'u mad'?
I feel that the simplest explaination for his erratic statements is that he's just not very smart or possibly somewhat senile. If he could speak a coherent sentence I would look past the tweets but every time he opens his mouth its a barely comprehensible word salad. I don't buy that his 'chaos and misdirection' is a strategy as much as the result of someone with no idea what he's doing
It is an insane world faggot
If it’s stupid and it works, it’s not stupid.
4d chess. Easy dip buys of my entire life.
>mfw all the tears on r/investing from those who lacked faith
At this point I am 98% sure that he is unironically playing 56-dimensional intergalactic unicycle racing.
He is clearly just too fucking smart. He's just throwing random shit out in every direction to confuse every body, saying confusing shit to catch China off guard while he does a trade war with them.
>hey maybe i'll get back in the TPP how bout that China, look I still have options
>wait no here's a 150% tariff
>haha okay actually i'm a globalist now we're just going to do hillary's policy plans
>wait jk here's a 175% tariff
>okay are you guys going to do what I want or what
>we're pulling out of syria
>wait no we're bombing syria
>okay actually we're bombing russia forces too
>what are you guys crazy? I would never bomb syria, we won't be taking any action
>okay actually we might, we'll see what happens. Oh I also never said we were going to bomb syria come on grow up guys
He's literally a fucking madman. Jeb was NOT KIDDING when he said he was the chaos candidate
>we're going to protect the 2nd amendment
>okay actually we're going to confiscate the guns and try them later
>nah fuck off we're not doing anything to the guns
>okay we'll do bump stocks
>okay we're not doing bump stocks
>actually we're doing WW3 now okay
>just kidding we're pulling out
>no actually we're sending SMART BOMBS
>ahhh nah we're not gonna do that
>I would never sign up for such a garbage deal, WE'RE TAKING THE COUNTRY BACK
just stop. everybody stop. just sit back, strap in, and hunker down. Don't question what he does.
At this point I now understand that he truly is god emperor. He's spinning 20 different yo-yos at once. He's the david blane of politics. I am almost positive he purposely keeps his own staff confused so they all tell the media different things and there's just like 6 conflicting stories coming out of the white house at once.
I comprehend what he says with zero issue.
There is a difference between speaking with poor grammar and vocabulary and being hard to understand. In fact, I have seen people argue that his BASIC position on issues is actually EASIER to understand because of how he speaks.
I wish when he was off the cuff that he did speaker slower and with a wider vocabulary, but for whatever reason that is how he talks these days.
Additionally, I rarely find any of his statements erratic. That is actually one thing which has improved massively since the campaign. Very few David 'Beeline for a Headline' Dukes , jailing women who get abortions, or putting badges on muslims. Though, I would argue there were mitigating circumstances for the first and third. He's come a long way since that escalator.
>Also, I want to thank the White House Historical Association and all of the people that work so hard with Melania, with everybody, to keep this incredible house or building, or whatever you want to call it -- because there really is no name for it; it is special -- and we keep it in tip-top shape. We call it sometimes tippy-top shape. And it's a great, great place.
Does he talk like that to misdirect people into thinking he's dumb or is he just dumb?
>Does he talk like that to misdirect people into thinking he's dumb or is he just dumb?
he just spits stuff out on the fly
I don't know why he talks that way. Maybe because he thinks that to a large swathe of rural america they find it endearing. Maybe they do.
And what he's saying in that passage is that those people do a great job of keeping the white house in good standing. He was clearly trying to be in good humour. half his audience were kids as well, remember.
If he was as dumb as he sounds he’d be homeless. We have to err on the side of caution and that indicates assuming trump is a lot smarter than he lets on. Whether he’s doing it on purpose or that’s just the way his mind works, it’s still how he works. And it’s working.
You mean how Trump speaks in an utterly simple manner, which everyone perceives asretarded. Well, fucking do not feel like explaining this shit, but whatever fuckers. So, if a person wanted to send a message out to the entire world in the English, he or she would write it at a 3rd-grade level. Trump speaking in basic English allows his message to reach a larger audience.
Currently, and feel free to correct me on this, Trump is probably the most popular person on the globe now. Thus, he's not speaking merely to Americans, but the entire planet.
Putting aside the why, yes I would agree that his manner of speaking does get his basic message across effectively to the masses.
Completely disagree. It might be hard to have global perspective on this as an american on Jow Forums, because a lot of the foreigners you would interact with are more likely to have a positive/neutral view on Trump. Most people who HAVE an opinion dislike/hate him. It all just comes down to media messaging for the most part. It's is the polar opposite of Obama where he was essentially a saint, and a cool one at that.
I would argue though, that a LOT of people have drifted from towards neutral/positive views on him from where they started. I put it down to the world not ending, the continued 'crying wolf' from talking heads creating fatigue and cynicism, and even some of the things he has actually achieved.
he will wind up owning it like a boss. like everything else he does.
>realize he made a mistake, because he is no longer in the trade deal that goes around china, now that he is in war with them.
>cannot exit NAFTA cause of CHINA war.
>Im a fan of occams razor
okay, lets say less protest. it's just lube though
in Germany media is also starting to get filled again with ttip
he's getting blackmailed PERIOD
He has done a complete 180 on policy since the fire in Trump tower where his family lives
(((who))) really set the fire?
When I put the term popular, I meant as well-known or famous.
>feel free to correct me on this, Trump is probably the most popular person on the globe now
Yes, youre very, very wrong. Have you left the USA since november 2016?
Well in that case then absolutely.
Fuck off with your Muslim razor... we’re not interested in your Muslim shit here
He's the most powerful man in the world but a wildly unpopular figure on the global stage. Trump intentionally dumbing down his public statements so people who speak english as a second language can understand him is a hilarious theory though. You don't actually believe that do you?
Nice work skipping close to a half dozen posts to engage with just one argument.
tbf it was obvious that he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed
i have an impression that 90% of the time he has no fucking idea what he's talking about, he's struggling to form coherent sentences and he changes his opinions on crucial matters every 5 minutes which basically means he's really uninformed
i don't know if he has early sings of dementia, but he seemed a lot brighter when he was younger
honestly i was really happy when he won the elections because he seemed honest and anti establishment, but he eventually turned into bush 2.0 with his neocon warmongering and his entire cabinet is full of globalists and jews
hes awesome and the smartest dude in the room.
ur just too fuckin stupid to realize it.
Theres nothing of substance in this thread bro. Just a bunch of 'if he's so dumb why is he president huh???'
The answer is obvious, and its because the average american voter is even dumber
No substance here?
Sounding really genuine about wanting to be convinced you're wrong.
Hes an idiot. His only goal is to be loved by the elite that hates him. He wants to be the president, but doesn't have the discipline to change anything or govern. Its all his ego and status.
Nothing would please me more than going to bed tonight believing that there isn't a blistering idiot in the white house. These posters are saying that trump talks like that because
1.rural america likes it
2.we should trust that he's smart because hes president and if he was as dumb as he sounds hed be homeless
3. so more people understand him (which is particularly funny considering his sentences are extremely hard to parse)
I don't buy it.
Ok here's the reality: he's a kike neocon puppet shill.
>the elite that hates him.
Who do you think Trump is m8? he is one of those elites.
Hi shariablue!
>if you don't want nuclear war you are shareblue
I dont care how unlikely it is that this is true. I dont want to take the black pill, i chose to believe. And it feels so good. Im sure you have something similar in english but we have a proverb; "better to hear the bowstring Snap, than to have never attempted to pull it". Go get those dirty kikes trump and save western civilization.
Honestly, why do you make these posts? Pic related is you.
No, it makes total sense. He's involved in a trade war with China. He can use US leverage to upset any benefits China was going to get from the TPP by changing it fundamentally. It's an extension of the trade war, and you're just a disingenuous shill with your head too far up your own ass to see it.
OMG renegotiating deals is flip-floping!
>renegotiating deals is flip-floping!
You can't renegotiate TPP you dumb nigger
>t-trust me guys, his 56d underwater upside down chess pays off soon!
When will you realize that Trump is not what we hoped him to be. The best candidate you had in decades, but still not good.
this. kys OP
Trump is baiting his enemies, shifting the focus. I'm not worried.
>it’s easier just to think he’s stupid!
Yeah no shit that’s easier. That doesn’t make it right.
Anyone who thinks Trump is anything but an idiot is even dumber than he himself is.
>the simplest explaination for trumps wildly varying stances on DACA, syria, trade and everything else is that he's an poorly informed idiot who fires everyone but sycophants. Convince me I'm wrong.
terrible troll attempt. good luck explaining how a poorly informed idiot built multiple skyscrapers with his name on them. and then you know, upset Hillary Clinton with half the government assisting her and won the election
>Anyone who thinks Trump is anything but an idiot is even dumber than he himself is.
where's your skyscraper? where's the Presidential election that you won despite all odds?
There's a reason opposition to TPP was (supposedly) the one thing Trump and Hillary agreed on. His stance on trade is THE reason he won the rust belt, Hillary couldn't shake the "Mrs. NAFTA" label.
TPP is everything wrong with globalism wrapped up into one package. It was so politically toxic that Obama's own party ran screaming from it, and no Republican would touch it until the lame duck session. The fact that they had to wait until after the elections to try to ram it through before the new administration took over tells you pretty much everything you need to know about it.
I have no idea what the fuck Trump is thinking. This is full retard. It's a slap in the face to every single rust belt voter that voted for him, especially the ones who had previously voted for Onigger.
This. The other 11 countries already moved forward with the TPP without the US, after stripping out all the concessions they made to US companies (especially Big Pharma).
There is no chance in hell they're going to add them back after America already walked away once.
He just wants to negotiate on his own terms. As with most of what trump does this is just business.