Over their centuries in Europe, the Jews would gravitate to the dominant power of the time to work their (((magic))). While resident, the benefit for the kingdom of having these skilled bankers and merchants for the most part outweighed their slow poisoning of the host society. Both the kingdom and its Jews grew rich.
As tends to happen throughtout history, eventually the Hegemon becomes decadent and corrupt, a rival emerges and before long usurps prominence in international affairs. Jews would see the writing on the wall and up stakes before their assets were seized by their venegeful, deperate former hosts.
Once in their new home, the Jews started the cycle again. It worked so well due to the physical differences being enough to hinder complete societal absorbtion, but not drastic enough to be seen as total aliens.
On a global scale, this key element no longer applies. The entire West has become the host of Jewish power, it's collapse would leave the Jews with nowhere to run. Israel would stand, but without American support it would resemble a modern Byzantium, doomed to fall to the crescent horde. Asia and the rest of the world, with no shared culture or heritage with the Jew, would certainly reject them after seeing how they exploit our people and seek to dilute our very race into mulatto consumer-drones.
Jews now face an unthinkable paradox, if they are to survive they will need to help their host people maintain and expand strength, at the very least more than they sap. The Virus must become a benevolent force to save itself.
Although I have my reservations about them, the Jews have their talents and the religion/culture makes a few good points. I'd certainly have them over the other races and should they manage to repair their damage and bring prosperity to the West again, they will have finally earned the respect of and a true place among us Whites..
What say yous? Can the Jews redeem their past ways and dodge the gas chambers?
Memeflag for lulz