Have the Jews backed themselves into a corner?

Over their centuries in Europe, the Jews would gravitate to the dominant power of the time to work their (((magic))). While resident, the benefit for the kingdom of having these skilled bankers and merchants for the most part outweighed their slow poisoning of the host society. Both the kingdom and its Jews grew rich.

As tends to happen throughtout history, eventually the Hegemon becomes decadent and corrupt, a rival emerges and before long usurps prominence in international affairs. Jews would see the writing on the wall and up stakes before their assets were seized by their venegeful, deperate former hosts.

Once in their new home, the Jews started the cycle again. It worked so well due to the physical differences being enough to hinder complete societal absorbtion, but not drastic enough to be seen as total aliens.

On a global scale, this key element no longer applies. The entire West has become the host of Jewish power, it's collapse would leave the Jews with nowhere to run. Israel would stand, but without American support it would resemble a modern Byzantium, doomed to fall to the crescent horde. Asia and the rest of the world, with no shared culture or heritage with the Jew, would certainly reject them after seeing how they exploit our people and seek to dilute our very race into mulatto consumer-drones.

Jews now face an unthinkable paradox, if they are to survive they will need to help their host people maintain and expand strength, at the very least more than they sap. The Virus must become a benevolent force to save itself.

Although I have my reservations about them, the Jews have their talents and the religion/culture makes a few good points. I'd certainly have them over the other races and should they manage to repair their damage and bring prosperity to the West again, they will have finally earned the respect of and a true place among us Whites..

What say yous? Can the Jews redeem their past ways and dodge the gas chambers?

Memeflag for lulz

Attached: Jude.png (212x238, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


yep, the jews seem to have painted themselves into a corner. dun dun duuun!

You do realize most of the west, including the US, supports Israel, right?

In the context of America, the only person anywhere close to a position of political power who's working to reverse the ongoing demographic change is Stephen Miller, a Jew. In Europe there are none at all, Jew or gentile. If that's not evidence of the fact that white people no longer have any autonomy of their own and are completely at the mercy of the interests of different Jewish individuals in the realm of politics then I don't know what is.

>The Virus must become a benevolent force to save itself.
They will dump any host nation before it fails, short the crash, and be reinvested in NEW Host nation leaving the Goy to suffer

Its ALREADY Happening!!
Kikes are investing in CHINA for the future
US to be dumped within the next 10 years.

At present they do. A future scenario of a le 56 percent grade banana republic west may become more susceptible to foreign (Chinese) subversion/influence against public perception of Israel. Additionally the military edge currently enjoyed by Israels backers would quickly erode under the oversight of its new, less intelligent and ultimately less capable populace. Aging Abrams tanks cant hold the line forever and Jews posess a more structured, plagiaristic intellect than the innovatve one needed for military R+D.

White peoples hearts and minds are owned by the Jew, theres no doubting that and its likely to be semi-permanent, even if their meddling stopped today we'd remain changed by the experience indefinitely. As much as we are their disposable golems, surely more than one of them can tell they need us too to keep the nasty Muslims from wrecking their sandcastles.s

Personally i think this graph HIDES the Truth about how far the US will fall. They cant scare the Goy too much.

Notice they're predicting Europe to be totally fucked too

Open borders are a source of (((our strength))) Hmmm....

Attached: GDP-projections-to-2050.jpg (940x537, 135K)

Oh yeah, Jews have always kept a few goyim by their side as allies, mostly just in political struggles against other Jews. One of the most peculiar examples was the strange friendship Trump had with Roy Cohn; Cohn basically taught him how to be a Jew and screw over other Jews.

I'm not of the opinion that Jews are "bad" or that they all have the same or even similar interests in mind (this is demonstrably false) but like it or not there are very few things in existence that Jews aren't behind. Even one of Moussolini's top political advisors and his biographer was a Jewish mistress of his.

Attached: images.jpg (119x121, 4K)

Jews in the USA outnumber Brazilian Jews by orders of magnitude, not only for economic reasons but for safety, the worst of NYC has nothing on the favelas and wealth blends in better when the normies wear proper clothes and eat too. The Jew knows where the grass is green and browning it too much can only hurt him in the long run. Goys arent worth scamming when their Shekels run out.

This is getting at one of my points, Jews have value in their insights, calculative mindset and 'nads to pull the shady but necessary strings to keep society running smooth. Cohn gave Trump the shrewd, biting teeth of Jewish business sense to Trumps beast and crucially, nigh-immunity to their corrosive venom.

The Jew worked alongside the Goy and we both are better off. Hillarys Jew backers worked against the grain, pulling strings on a dying puppet to fool the Goyim into furthering their self-destruction, the weaker candidate they produced never had a chance no matter what they did, Trump was superior.

>I'd certainly have them over the other races


Attached: washing-jews.jpg (962x641, 170K)

lol ahmed is mad

I swear, on principle they would rather swindle you out of a few mill than start an honest partnership with the potential to earn them billions. Fuck, I would really love to be wrong, but it does look like a choice between war and enslavement for whitey.

another fucking kike
gas yourself ugly jew

Attached: 1522273589538.jpg (638x598, 312K)

why would i do that when i'm better than you?

I always imagine a self-hating Hapa wannabe NatSoc to be behind these really belligerent posts.

The elite jew realizes that soon no one will be alive who can physically remember the 6 gorillion which makes it lose a lot of its impact, one that cannot be restored by guilttripping because the whole experience the guilttrip is targetting does not exist

So theyre preparing another purge of regular Jews so they can shame and guilt people into servitude for another 70 years or so

>Can the Jews redeem their past ways and dodge the gas chambers

Scenario: Bilderberg 2025 saw a sea-change in strategy for the global elite. The ground beneath the West was eroding at an accelerating rate and if something wasn't done even the elite feared the jack boot of China would be upon them before the century was out. It was clear: the West had to return to its former might, to regain its beleagured sense of purpose and embrace the bold vigor only true pride in itself could give.

Cogwheels set in motion, within 25 years a new generation had been raised and educated in a society that nurtured their development rather than hindered and distorted them. As the work and academic fields received more restored, optimistic youngsters year by year, their flourish shined bright and blew dust from the neglected apparatuses of Economy and Thinking. Responsible allocation of the vast Jewish wealth to promising individuals and enterprises without the extortionary interests, fees and taxes of old provided a return to society as a whole as well as to its creditors.

Communist mentalities were still being encouraged by underground elements, but fell on deafening ears year by year. Students were focusing on self-betterment and educating themselves, grassroots communist stirrings dried up once marxism left the cultural psyche. It's ugly sister Feminism following suit as a generation of new Mothers rejected selfishness, they'd been raised to know Man & Woman were created to synergise, true love and family can never be an individual affair.

In the long run, as the USSR before them had too, China overtaxed themselves trying to keep a flawed idology at pace with true success, military spending to maintain an army of largely unwilling conscripts ballooned while its export-focused economy strained against its own structural inertia in the face of demand for 2nd rate goods collapsing. Better people made better products in the west, cheap was no longer valued and China fell back into the 1800's before the youngest of that first meeting died.

I think the jews have total control.
Mass migration of Muslims into Europe and their superior birthrate will be a future excuse to nuke europe.
Game over. Spite wins.

As a drug user, I am familiar with the short term mentality Jews and my crowd share, but even the hardest up desperate junkie wouldnt sell his last dealer to the police if it meant no more drugs forever. Jews know they cant swindle African Warlords/ Towelie Sultans and a few shekels more wouldnt be worth losing their guard dog race for good. Even if they made it to the stars I'm sure theyd rather smart whites fighting aliens than Brazil-niggers too incapable to fly ships without a Jew needing to pilot and risk their own kind.

I may be wrong, Jews might steal their way into their own extinction or even overcome the Eastern races as they did us and fully seperate from the blended super-goy into a higher species altogether. Fuck knows... my stake in the fight is I want the beauty of white girls to endure, that sole factor fueled our racial lifetime growth, birthing our people, giving our culture a lens to focus expression of its beauty in art and verse. The white woman has a special beauty, its why seeing one with a Black man makes such an impact. Once desecrated, her beauty can not be returned and blackness, its total contrast to the values of whiteness, is the zenith of irreverisible corruption of all we hold dear. Purity stained indelibly by sinful lust, paradise lost once more.

Most white women have "potato noses" and manly faces.

This thread is dead.
Isis writes long replys.

>the religion/culture makes a few good points
Jews reject Christ even though he fulfilled L I T E R A L L Y every prophecy written about Him a thousand years before He lived, down to prediction of when He'd be born, die, rise again, and even having his garments gambled for after crucifixion -- which, by the way, was prophesied by name... even though the concept of crucifixion didn't exist in the culture of the time it was prophesied.

Jews reject God because they want to be godlike, themselves. There is NOTHING good about them.

why do i even some here and listen to lapdog faggots like you?
please jew,save me,us...?

Attached: oGZ87VQ.jpg (596x596, 50K)

> The entire West has become the host of Jewish power, it's collapse would leave the Jews with nowhere to run.
Asia, Australia, North Africa, South America.

No. The jews will always be the synagogue of satan. They killed Christ. They are an eternally wicked people. Also:

>Among us whites

Hello Schlomo. You overcompensated and exposed yourself. White people don't say "us whites", "fellow whites", etc.

Still seeing the jews are a race meme, tisk tisk, fucking retarded mutilated dick morons

We're too yellow, fellow Chinamen? Don't think so.
Is just a part of the West that got lost. They're not their own thing.
>North Africa
Want to kill Jews already, can't see that changing.
>South America
I'm okay with kikes going here, good fucking luck to them.

The ones you've seen maybe, id wager if you took 20 people and asked what features defined 'white girls' your answer would be alone. At least imo white girls are the race LEAST prone to those traits, maybe 2nd to Asians but negligibly. Bog standard white-girlness to me is non-black hair, soft facial features and ass/boobs just shy of my 'ideal' but still present and appreciable.

Christians reject Islamic theology even with it being in the same canon, Jews don't need to believe in Jesus because Moses already serves that role to them, Jesus for Christian and Muhammed (lol Hell hopefully) for Ragheads.

This is why pol is dying, someone who lurks gets an idea but gets shouted down by cries of 'SHILL" for straying from unqestioning loyalty to King Milos creed and something that may be conducive to our shared learning here is missed and discouraged from returning. All thats left just about is pol humour and shitty reddit threads.

>implying most white women don't have ugly noses and manly jaws
Pic related

Attached: 1523546068879.jpg (500x488, 39K)

Chinks have same merchant nature. They'll welcome inflow of capital.
>North Africa
Crackers got purged, shitskins realise crap's nor working. Here come kikes the saviors.

Other two are not even objections to my previous post. And when SHTF 80 years ago in Europe 'member what kikes did? Half of them flocked to your island and half to more remote US. How Straya is not the same?

This is why pol is dying, someone who lurks gets an idea but gets shouted down by cries of 'SHILL" for straying from unqestioning loyalty to King Milos creed and something that may be conducive to our shared learning here is missed and discouraged from returning. All thats left just about is pol humour and shitty reddit threads.

Shill? Milo? What the fuck are you talking about?

I pointed out why jews are cursed by their master satan and how your posts are coming off as suspiciously jewish in nature.

>Boo hoo our shared learning you're discouraging me

No you're being called out for your garbage theology "knowledge" and being held accountable for the shitty ideas you propose.

>Jews don't need to believe in Jesus
>Their religion/culture make good points
>Jews will become a higher species
>Our people

These are some incredibly jewish things to say. Stop deflecting with lies. Or is that what jews do best?

You really are outstandingly ignorant of geopolitics and cultures, Ivan.

>honkey noses are ugly
Don't get me started on mutt features, Jamal.

Attached: b.jpg (400x225, 11K)

Strong argumentation, nice.

Only aquiline noses are attractive, mongoloid. Most whites don't have them.

>. The Jew knows where the grass is green and browning it too much can only hurt him in the long run
They need dumb worker class.
Hence why they want to make us high IQ whites into MUTTS
Easier to manipulate and control.

>After AI is mastered NONE of us Goy are needed.
Then the hard CULL begins. (as oppose to the soft kill going on right now)

>i dun liek joos

Attached: goyim brain.png (212x239, 22K)

>joos ar bad pipo

Attached: brainlet2.png (667x656, 83K)

best posts in thread tbqh

Show real flag

Trumps already trying to get back on the TPP deal after making a big deal about dropping it, I hope he doesn't fuck it up for the US people. There are some very clever kikes behind the TPP.

The punishment that is coming for the Jews (and Muslims), is of divine essence, and there will be no escaping it.

Certain things do not happen by random chance.

Despite your cherry-picked example, the noses of white women are a shadow of those on Arabs, Blacks, abbos etc. Opinion discarded.jpg

Ok, maybe I was rash and over-generalized it, but pol is stifled by close mindedness, it has been since Trump won and all that Keks will shit went down. My idea may be totally fucking retarded, I only posted it to know if it was. As with other long-term citizens my social circle is minimal so anything i form in endless pondering hours of Neetdom comes here for testing. I find out its dumb and try again, rather than build a belief system on total delusion id rather it be shared at least by the other lunatics.

No. You are not White. You are parasites, and it is blatantly obvious to anyone intelligent that this doesn't work nor should it. Jews have their own identity, and we have ours. The only ways to prevent future conflict would be to either separate the Jews into their own space, or forcefully bleach them White and destroy their culture, so they will be fully incorporated into the White race, but this destroys their identity and soils ours.

Attached: 1521118765698.jpg (635x476, 59K)

It would be easier to convince a mosquito to stop biting you than it would be to reform the Jew.

Most white have ugly noses, even if they're still better than mongoloid and negroid noses. But white women have manlier faces. Most women, whites included, aren't attractive. It's usually mongrels or nonwhites or insecure whites that hold white women to a high regard.

Attached: JewsLudwifKlagesMeme.jpg (733x483, 266K)

>Although I have my reservations about them, the Jews have their talents and the religion/culture makes a few good points. I'd certainly have them over the other races and should they manage to repair their damage and bring prosperity to the West again, they will have finally earned the respect of and a true place among us Whites..
Here's where you lost me. To do this, you would have to trust them. That would be an error.

The rate AI is going it'll end up outsmarting and wiping the Jews too before long, what a perfectly ironic endnote that would be. It's too much of a wildcard right now to put too much weight on AI in future settings, it could prove useless on a practical scale for all we know.

Delivered. Yeah Kiwi blah blah blah idc we still white for now.

Le 56 saying who isnt white. Whether from Khazaria or Egypt, theyre in it with us since we let them crash on our couch for 1500 years. It'd be naive to think they never once bred with our kind in that time, seperate or not.

>we changed goy!

You gotta go back, sry.

Attached: 1523371237225.jpg (756x553, 115K)

Jews are to the world, what the Devil was to Jesus in the desert, when he tried to tempt him with illusions of power based on endless riches and sex.

The Jews have employed the same tactics for the last 100 years to corrupt the goyim. They were punished in WW2, but still managed to escape full punishment, next time they will not. The goyim are going to reject the Jewish corruption of materialism and degenerate sexual behavior, and when they do, it will be a real holocaust.

Attached: 1414018126821.png (550x679, 101K)


>The goyim are going to reject the Jewish corruption of materialism and degenerate sexual behavior, and when they do, it will be a real holocaust.
Praying this is true.

Attached: xfile.jpg.pagespeed.ic.nz2Rpn7nNb.jpg (480x600, 66K)

Ok, so going with your assumption that only non-whites and loser whites hold white girls in high regard, what is the ideal, preferred race of women then? inb4 azn waifu, theyre for soyboys whore scared to be gay. My gf is Samoan, her ample size + family values being more my type than some white ho, but as a product of the globalist environment who knows what influenced who and raised different i may prefer someone my race/non-bbw. Programmed to mix, same as white girls get programmed to desire black-related traits when choosing a man (cock size [its bigger on blacks, they had to get one thing get over it], muscle percents and facial shapes). Even white figures portrayed as desirable will often have one or more 'black' type features.

Ashkenazi women are the best.

Asia would reject the Jew? Are you sure about that Goy?

Attached: China1496657737675.png (1056x2880, 1.79M)

here, got you some quality BRAAPP senpai

Attached: 1522765630264.png (550x728, 45K)

Take the nose out of it (although some argue white girl noses arent that flash either) and the differences between White girls and White-Jew girls would be jack shit more than average between white girls. Can't shit on your 'cant beat em then join em' approach though, rational, if a bit defeatist on the fate of your own kind.

Israel is one side of the shekel

Unless you are willing to gas the (((liberal elites))) at the same time, none of these problems are going to go away

There is a natural order to the universe, and to our existence. It's not fully deterministic of our future, but it provides a balance. When that balance is disrupted, and one side becomes more powerful and corrupt than the other, something happens to restore that balance.

>Even white figures portrayed as desirable will often have one or more 'black' type features.

Cultural appopriation. decadence is a caucasian invention. from decadence came the bigger size. therefore all 'muh booti' type comments are in fact cultural appopriation. even asians have had enough civilization to have enjoyed decadence. on the contrary for blacc's

Good, stay away from them, subhuman.

Most Ashkenazi women have aquiline noses and don't have square faces like a lot of white women, so they usually look better than white women.


>Most Ashkenazi women have aquiline noses and don't have square faces like a lot of white women, so they usually look better than white women.

Yes they have painted themselves into a corner quite a few years ago already, here is a jew going over an article by a jew admitting to this:

I know it's long but it's really worth it.


Attached: palestine.jpg (900x860, 464K)

I don't give a shit about Palestinians but they are a good tool for making Israel the bad guy.

t. russian/arab

t. boomer kikelover

I'm a kike you subhuman.

In the mind of average Joe Pingpong theres FA difference between the Jew and the shamefur westernra that they keep at arms length even on good terms. Chinese culture is inherently race-realist and xenosceptical, The only way Jews are settling in China is in chains.

Idk what traps you've been with mate, even white mens faces arent very square, girls even less so. Maybe your ex gf was a lesbian but didnt know when she was with you and this has been the only girl closer than 10m to you.

Maori girls have squarer features, a white girl with a bit of that in her past might show up squarer but nothing like a true niggeress.

Fuck Palestine, at least Israelis aren't goat-fucker Muhammed minions. Jews make nerds from their beta men instead of jihadis

Attached: magpie.jpg (2962x2962, 1.23M)

You're in denial. Most white women have overly round faces or square faces.

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get rid of them or they will get rid of you


Ask yourselves normies that are lurking: why is this board flooded with absolutely fake anti-semitism every day? Where is it coming from?
This is AI.
This is done to control information.
This board is locked into a low-level of mindless anti-semitism and racism-- better thoughts aren't allowed to develop, because the AI propaganda machine floods them out.
Information drops are driven off the board.
Organic movements can't develop.
Dissension is sown in EVERY POSSIBLE VARIATION.
What is going on normies? Why are you being lied to? Who is controlling the internet, and has the supercomputing (hence AI) power to produce the volume of propaganda we're seeing? Ask yourselves.

Keep hating on Israel and the Jews, see where it gets you. You call for extermination of them, want to throw them in volcanos, and have their homes nuked. Well let me tell you this, they are watching what you're posting and think they're just going to sit by and let you shit post them and threaten their lives? They're going to defend themselves and they're going to kill you and your families. It will be justified completely because of the words and threats you chose to say against them.

The fake anti-semitism prevents intelligent viewpoints from forming on Jow Forums.
The AI controls Jow Forums

>Can the Jews redeem their past ways and dodge the gas chambers?
The ones who get out of propaganda, who don't psychologically engineer a population to be self-destructive, who don't have an interest in turning host nations into ruin.

They can. So can the ones who ask for forgiveness genuinely (they seem to have a problem with this)

>babbys first rabbit hole

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

The only way Jews will be forgiven is if they pay interest on the 6 million lie. Using basic inflation calculator and their usury system, the 6 million lie requires 62 million dead jews to make up for it and would need to be paid back immediately for them to be forgiven.

no, I hear counter semetic bantz while in the grocery, town office, radio, everywhere. Its fun

The magic is their Tribe group think.
We are more powerful than them it’s why shills come here to distract or promote an idea.
This reality is ours now and it’s chaos.

>billions per year provided by mutts
>killing Arabs with out impunity
>kicking Africans out to Eu or Canada
>gassing civilians hoping it will trigger another mass slaughter of European people

They just dont care anymore, they won 80 years ago and it will take another century or two before Africans and Arabs are to out breed the European peoples out, so just trying to speed things up. We choose Christ over goy serfdom and this is the punishment.

>implying the west will support israel when they're 90% sand nigger in 1 generation



"First off you're Jewish, alright?"

Some Jews are alright.

"Ohohohohohoho gross"

Jesus Christ is GOD in human form



Asians are woke on the JQ, Jews stand out. Asians are not White, the Jewish tricks won't work with them.


Australia is part of the Western World that he was talking about.

>North Africa

Muslims hate Jews, so no.

>South America

You mean the Southern Cone, let's be honest. There already are a lot of Jews down here (mainly in Buenos Aires) and in a way we're also part of The Western World.

If we go down, the Jews go down with us. They're White in the eyes of non-Whites meaning they will be targeted for extermination just the same.

>I'm okay with likes going here, good fucking luck to them.

Dude, they already are here.

Don't forget the importance of information being stored now that we're in the internet age. Once exposed, they will never be forgotten, and never given the benefit of the doubt again.

Attached: 1509760693524.png (632x724, 189K)

All they have to do is meme the JQ out of existence, normies don't care about facts only emotions.