>The giant (several meters) blue penis artwork by Carolina Falkholts meant to stir up a discussion about the human body, sexuality and freedom is going to be taken down after several complaints from people living nearby.
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>not stoning the degenerate to death
You are still cucks
You can stone the rapefugees to your hearts content when we send them back.
>when we send them back.
What a dick move.
>when we send them back
delusional meme flag user
Isnt there laws against exposing children to porn??? A flaccid dick would make much more sence
Don't worry. The winds are turning. Keep the animal behavior up.
>several meters
dicklets, when will they learn?
They will be sent back to Italy or Greece, where they entered Shengen.
>actually believing it his link
Why can't you guys appreciate art? There is nothing wrong with a huge blue dick hanging outside your window.
It is literally what the party leader of AfS has said. Don't even know why i'm replying to memeflags.,..
It's blue because it just came out of this woman's ass
>No BBC (Big Blue Cock) to see every time I look out of my window
Why even live Jow Forums
>people hating on the big blue cock
why? It’s a great celebration of masculinity
Fucking American micro-penis.
No wonder your women cheat on you constantly.
I prefer her 'pussy vision' painting.
>implying they'll win
>Implying if they win, they have the power to do that
>implying he believes a politician
>wake up
>look out from window
>a giant blue fucking dick appears
what the fuck is this
How hard do ya think it’d be to convince a bunch of Muslims they wanna put these up in their neighborhoods? If you approached the government as a Swede saying this is highly offensive I bet they’d do nothing. But if even one muslim says it’s offensive I bet they’ll let them rape the artist
That looks like gonorrhea desu
Tekeli-li Tekeli-li
>they’ll let them rape the artist
Ew no
At this point you can keep Skåne.
Too little too late
Maybe from behind?
They can rape the artist any time they want, it's not like we have actual punishments for rape in Sweden. What do you take us for, barbarians, hohohoo
>Just fucking nuke us please I beg you
tbqh, we can give it to you for free
>wake up
>look out from window
>a giant blue fucking dick appears
>begin salivating
>strap on cock lock
>wake up ahmed and the wife
>achieve several prostrate orgasms while watching her blow him
>get dressed and begin walk to work
>die when a 34 year old 17 year old throws a grenade at the bus because his 3200 Euro per month welfare isn't enough
They will soon. It was the Muslims that complained and why it was taken down.
It should have been everyone. Why do children have to be around a giant penis? What the fuck is wrong with you Sweden why can't you let people raise their fucking families?
>41 years old
The real issue is that it’s a circumcised penis. In a county who’s natives do not practice the aesthetic circumcision of their infants. Is this an attempt to normalise the Islamic practice? Islamic subversion?
>die when a 34 year old 17 year old throws a grenade at the bus because his 3200 Euro per month welfare isn't enough
Look at this sentence, mutt. Is this proper English?
It pisses me the fuck off that of all on this board, Anglos and mutts in particular are so bad at English. Fuck off.
>complaints from people living nearby
>implying muslims are fucking people and not animals
if it was all native swedish neighborhood there would be no god damn complaints except for one to increase refugee quotas localy
Normalising Islamic sexuality.
It was probably a play on 30+ years old afghanis posing as 17 years old children..
Why are americans so into getting cucked by ahmed fantasies?
Is it because they are lonely viring betas or that they got dropped down the stairs weekly as a child?
Why was this allowed in the first place?
You can't do that unnoticed and it doesn't take two seconds. People watched as this piece of shit drew a dick in the street.
I think you need to learn how psrlismentary politics work
You agree with the radical religious elements that take issue with sexuality, and you can't even see it. Truly, the most delicious of irony in these particular birds of a feather.
Because academia, government and arts have been rotted by cucks, faggots and women.
Most of the time this shit is government-funded too.
I would definitely complain, and im a native swed
That's why you would complain.
>"don't post the belgian one"
still gives me the giggles
I could draw a giant smurf dick too
Probably mussies complaining.
The complaints weren't by Swedes. Swedes are degenerate cucks. It was by muslims who have a sense of shame and modesty. We are gonna uncuck Sweden. Swedistan when?
>big mutilated smurf cocks are "art" in Sweden
lol what is wrong with these fags
Looks like you were right
Why do you not stone them to death when they spread their degeneracy in Arabia?
VERY nice
sweden literally like nazi germany, bad goy
Please sage, this picture has been posted for a few days. Shills at work.
Shes Hot.
being comfortable with the body and nudity is a long and storied European tradition
being too preoccupied over nudity and modesty is pure middle Eastern Jewish kikery
Europe was naked and physical and before the kikes used their twisted Jewish morality by way of Christianity to make the European man ashamed of his body
All the hot Europeans go to Dubai to whore themselves to superior Arabs.
The fuck is this? Sweden hates the benis. They would only want to paint a severed one.
>not severed
Shouldn't that be in Manhattan
Haha arabs are scum
>muslim migrants have more of a sense of decency than the native inhabitants
I don't even know what a normal benis looks like cuz I have tight foreskin that I can't even pull half way down the head.
No, you are. Why else would your best and hottest sisters whore themselves so cheaply and desperately there in hopes of getting an Arab man while you pathetically remain a lonely virgin?
-The economy needs tourism
-Monarchy wants to shift to liberal secularism as Qatar and Turkey sponsor the Islamist. And the monarchy is afraid.
What if i told you im not white. Im a kurd and i KNOW arabs are the absolute worst human beings paki
Get it fixed you fucking faggot. They give you free healthcare and you postpone it for later? This could be your only chance to get a functional cock.
>all major military powers have tiny dicks
>implying those women bring any money
Real tourists that benefit the economy are not skimpily clad young women from Europe.
Flag checks out, opinion discarded at the same time.
Fucking kek poo
Why don't people want to stare at giant dicks? Antisemitism and homophobia if you ask me
Perhaps the ancient gayreeks were right after all...
>so retarded he can't see the flag correctly
Saddam made a mistake by not gassing every last one of you vermin.
top kek faggots
When it comes to identity politics and victim olympics, children and their parents are always the winners. Something the feminazis never understand when they're busy trying to ban something.
They should have moved the embassy of Ukraine to that building from where it is currently located at leaving this blue-and-yellow painting untouched.
it appears to be circumcised, so I think you're right
>t. dick cheese lover
i dont think muslims should be mouthing off about penis size
some people are growers, not showers
better to keep your turtle in the shell where its safe
thats genetic
my poor little benis looks tiny, until its time for action
All Europeans are degenerate. All European women are slutty degenerate whores who weren't put in their places. Same thing goes for some asian countries like Korea. Same thing goes for much of the Americas. That is more than a billion person.
Lol poo in loo scum
Avatar 2 viral marketing.
kek. t. tiny dick mongrel
>t. 8 cm
Like I said, the incomplete job was a mistake.
just clean your cock you fucking idiot
Post your faces when native swedes know less about the state of their country than you do
someone should seriously paint a nazi over it, the bellend could be covered neatly with a stahlhelm, this gets the point across. Its meant to stir up a discussion about putting faggots in death camps.
>t. 50 iq k*rd
The gas didn't do your eyes good.
listen goat fucker i assure you my penis is easily twice the length of yours and i haven used mine raping my sister
you sand niggers are so weak in every way
if it wasnt for oil you would be lower than niggers and indians
even with the oil money the jew still runs your life for you
>Ameritard education
why does the swede have nigger hair?
yeah sure