Could this be the most autistic poster on Jow Forums?
You have been posting this shit all day every day for a while now. Tell us about yourself and how you came to be motivated by such a topic.
Nicholas Martinez
T. Sub-rural retard
Kevin Allen
Here is a preamble to my opinion on the matter. It may prove valuable in your data mining efforts.
Mason Ward
he's never had to justify his existence through add work before
there is nothing wrong with bettering yourself and or future proofing your skillset
Camden Gonzalez
I didn't choose to post THIS thread every day. I post it because it gets the most reeeeeing from rural and suburban retards.
Camden Allen
More details please. Tell us how you feel when you post it
Evan Torres
>Tell us how you feel when you post it It's not that posting it, it's BTFOing cottage industry people and preppers.
Isaac Thompson
>a movement where people use their free time to work outside their profession- is economically degenerate.
How is that any kind of problem? Exactly how much time do these people dedicate to working outside of their profession? So if I change the oil in my car myself instead of taking it to the shop I am being economically degenerate too?
Christopher Howard
Make a 5 min video or vocaroo detailing your thoughts on the topic, Im not sure you are sincere but it is an interesting topic
Jackson Wood
>>a movement where people use their free time to work outside their profession- is economically degenerate.
>How is that any kind of problem? Exactly how much time do these people dedicate to working outside of their profession? Abby amount is too much. >So if I change the oil in my car myself instead of taking it to the shop I am being economically degenerate too? Yes.
Christopher Gray
Benjamin Miller
Where would I post this video? And why would a video help?
James Young
>Civilization exists because we are generate through each other's specialization- we trade our increased productivity. You sound like a retarded psychopath. People should understand and partake in a wide range of roles in life, or they will become victims of cartels, guilds, experts, and glib faggots like yourself.
most great discoveries wouldn't have been made had it not been for le weed/LSD
Liam Edwards
The autism is strong in this one.
Josiah Scott
>economically degenerate The only thing more degenerate then the consumer, who typically only wishes to sedate his lust, greed, pride, sloth, etc, is Classist Consumers who think their consumption make them better then other.. Fucking Nigger/Asian/Woman logic
Men make things, but i guess supporting china or garbage from Ikea would make me less of a degenerate
Brayden Martin
We will all die in the clearing fire of nuclear war, chinkchong.
Mason Sullivan
I'm designing a 3D printable dildo and nothing can stop me. Bwhahahaha
Alexander Scott
I'm sincere. But I'm not making a video. But thinking of making audio podcast of my threads though
Jose Rodriguez
Also: fuck you, I don't want to be dependent on 'specialists' for every little fucking thing in my life.
Also2: how do you define profession? Where does simple self-sufficiency end, and professional work begin? If I vacuum my room myself, am I working in the cleaning profession? If I do my dishes myself, am I working in the dishwashing profession? If I cook for myself, am I already in the the catering business?
>such economic degeneracy
Aiden Carter
>This thread, every single fucking day. Show me on the doll where the maker movement touched you.
Nathan Clark
You literally have autism OP. The bad fucking kind unironically. It’s a god damn hobby, calm your tits.
Connor Wright
OP doesn't have the room or ability to do anything on his own. This is how he relieves all the pent-up frustration.