>be knife bin charity
>spend time and money making video
>get only 28 views and 1 subscriber in 2 months despite London murder rate exceeding New Yorks.



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What they will do next after this ‘successful’ campaign?

>Proceeds by posting on Jow Forums for views.

Oi, bin that antisemitism m8

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You got a License for dem black people bruv?

It seems YouTube buried the first comment that mentions Jews. I had to click some stuff to make it visible. Really makes me think

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when you miss the old times so hard that you bring your former enemies into the country feed them three generations just to relive the glorious battles in your own capital city again

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I always asked myself. Knives aren't illegal to own, only to carry. And even then there are some non-locking short blade knives that you can still carry. But about those that you can't, why not just keep them at home instead of throwing them away?
Do the retards behind this ever thought about that?
Why would people throw away a possession that they have in their home and that is completely legal?

i guarantee that every time they empty those knife bins, they are full of 99% rubbish, and a knife or two if they are lucky.

To save a life, user

I dont think my paki frend will fitti on there

It's supposed to be for criminals who are carrying knives on the street

>be criminal
>illegally carrying knife in public to commit crimes with
>see poster with clever rhyme
>realize I am breaking the law
>run to nearest bin to drop off knife

Full proof plan Britain

I know it's dumb as fuck. Mayor of Londonistan ended stop and search for this shit

>let's install knife bin because shitskins

I feel bad. Their intentions seem good.

we should honestly have these in America
not the laws that come with them but just the boxes
people find abandoned guns in weird places like parks and shit
be good to have some place to throw away stuff that you don't want left about

actually stop and search is racist, it disprportionately effects young black men like myself

is it disproportionate vs your population or vs your crime rate?

>what is garbage can

white people commit the most crime in britain actually

idea: make a load of shivs and hand them out to random people in the street.

That girl in the vid is a qt, I wouldn't mind Britain becoming more mixed if it means more good looking women.

holy fuck does the UK really have a "free knives bin"

but if you throw a gun in the trash who knows who is gonna find it
it doesn't happen often but kids have died because they found a toy gun left in a park that wasn't actually a toy
we need a good way to get rid of a gun without having to fill out paperwork and without risking it falling into the wrong hands

that wasn't the question

Per capita or overall?

They also understand proportionality

What kind of dick smoker takes a gun from their residence to a park/kid infested area to throw it away?

What do they think this is going to accomplish? Anyone who would willingly turn in their knife wouldn't be the type to us it to kill anyway. Is there something I am miss?

Therefore it's good.

a nigger mostly but it's happened
I'm a felon and I had o get rid of some shit I found cleaning out my garage before
had to call the cops on myself and fill out paperwork and shit
would have been nice to just be able to toss them in a bin someplace

London puts criminals on the honor system...and that's a good thing!

oi m8 thats an illegal spoon ya got there ya betta bin that before i knick ya!

>all are dislikes

>would have been nice to just be able to toss them in a bin someplace
here is a list of places i can think to get rid of a knife written in under 30 seconds:
>a drain
>a skip
>a dumpster
>a wheelie bin
>a hole in the ground
>a hole in your stomach
why doesn't your brain work?

Looser regulations would allow those guns to be resold at a local pawn shop instead of abandoned in a park.

You do have a point. Future reference, lakes, storm drains and gas station trash cans between the pumps.

>bongs in charge of understanding English


How come I'm not allowed to post in all threads, only certain ones?

>affix "knife bin amnesty box" sign above your letter box
>get steady flow of free knives
>sell back to street thugs

what didn't I understand?


>4chinz down to add leaf containment code

>How come I'm not allowed to post in all threads, only certain ones?

Day of the rake, syrup nigger.

Kys 53%
Is anyone else getting errors when trying too post any images?

GOOD POST. Fucking low IQ subhuman nigger.

yes i am getting errors too, it's down to Jow Forums maintenance, but your posting errors are entirely unrelated to the maintenance and result from you being a faggot.

They lie about it and say it was successful and lobby for more money to make another one.

>being this retarded

I can't wait till Pablo rapes your family.

>add hubris to congenital defects

>I can't wait till Pablo rapes your family.

83 dislikes

>law abiding lad puts knife in bin
>negro breaks in to his house
>goes to find his knife to defend himself

>laughs in bong
>gets stabbed

can confirm
stabbing incidents have increased 120948% since the creation of knife bins
I am currently being stabbed as i type

If the brits end up victorious, and this ends up being the reason for it all, I shall applaud them.

>what is my safe

It's just sad. I get depressed when I think what the world will look like in 100 years.

and nothing of value was lost

>knife amnesty
>stab them to death
>well officer I was on the way to the knife bin with my miniture samuri sword and that man attacked me
>btw I'm muslim
>no jail for me

What if I carry something not qualified as a weapon and proceed to use it as a weapon? Checkmate, bobbies.

>Murder someone
>Dispose of knife in anonymous knife bin
>Someone takes the knife from the bin and eats a steak with the dried blood of my victim
>They absorb my victims soul and seek vengeance against me

Fuck that shit man

this thread fills me with both lulz and disapointment in my country.

Remember, every knife binned is a potential life saved.

If you put 2 knives into the bin, that's 2 potential lives saved

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