I hate myself. There is something wrong with my face. I can not stand it anymore...

I hate myself. There is something wrong with my face. I can not stand it anymore. Maybe I am just a self centered narcissist idiot who can not assume himself. I have a stupid pretentious face. People think I am crazy. They think I am lazy entitled weirdo. I blew all my opportunities because of my anxiety and my lack of intelligence. My mouths looks weird when I talk. I do not go out anymore. I find out I am ugly. This is killing me. What is the fuck is happening to me? I use to be talkative and social ...

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Stop coming here and your life and outlook will surely improve

what are you even doing?

waiting for everyone to call you a nigger, then upload it somewhere with the point being ''look how racis these white ppl are''?

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>There is something wrong with my face.

you're black

Why my face change so much one picture to another. I kept straight face

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>I hate myself
>People think I am crazy
>I blew all my opportunities because of my anxiety
One of us. One of us.

You look like a normal black guy. Stop insulting yourself and get a job.

your hair reminds me of a brillo pad

I honestly looking for an answer. I keep spending my inside thinking about me and me and me and why people will think of me. All I want is to help me people and share love but now I am so nervous around people. I fear their judgement. So I thought I will put myself here. This is the place where people might be the more honest and raw after all


Man up nigga!

you look normal just need a different hair style. you dont look bad at all


You look a bit black, user.

But you know, I think it would be better to post on Jow Forums, unless you are ashamed of being black and want to be called a nigger.

honesty kinda qt. [spoiler]NOT EVEN GAY OK[/spoiler]

Your face looks normal and you are imagining things. It looks slightly different from one picture to another because cameras only capture an instant and the lighting or lens can make a dramatic difference.

dude you might be a nigger

idk man you look nice to me (no homo)

You look decent, you're obviously not a model but I don't see anything wrong with your face or style.

The problem is in your head, not in your face.

Have you tried using an Algerian camera? That may be the problem.

>Jow Forums - Politically Incorrect
Take it to /soc/ pal.

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I sincerely wonder what people around here look like, because I honestly imagine almost all of them being 40+ fat fucks but after all, you can never know. Someone should do a Jow Forums-faces thread.

Go see a psychiatrist, or atleast a therapist or something.

This is what i would do.

You should get a haircut, that unsymmetrical afro is wack.
Also get a new pair of glasses, only women and hipsters wear those.

Hey, you are beautiful.
I don't think you should worry too much.

You clearly have the mental capacity for self-reflection which is something that will treat you well in the future. You aren't like the others.

Fuck off CIA nigger


>I honestly imagine almost all of them being 40+ fat fucks

Probably more like fat 18-30 year-olds with social issues and internet addiction.

no u
*SRI btw

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>There is something wrong with my face
I think you are black, user

You don't look bad, you shounld't care about what others think of you, this kind of fear only holds you back and won't make people think better of you, maybe it even makes you do weird things which is why people think you're crazy, obviously you should still take care of yourself but you thinking so much about yourself is probaly because you don't want to look bad to others.

I went to see one. He told me that I have nothing and laugh at me when I talk. One thing is when I talk sometimes my mouth looks weird. I afraid of talking now because of it. Sometimes when I don't talk my bottom just reduce itself like I am bitting my lip. What is that?

This. Either fat or unnaturally underweight like me.

Still manage to have a girlfriend, though. Despite being autistic as fuck.

Have you tried moving to Africa? You may find that you fit in a little better there.

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Don't use fluoridated toothpaste and stay away from those French fluoridated table salts. You are beautiful.

Its all going to be ok user, cheer up!

maybe you realized that humanity is a lost cause and chose to stay the fuck away from their dumpster fire

anyway nice blogpost

what a psychiatrist or therapist gonna do ?
if you are ugly ?

how does living in a mud hut feel like?

You need to stop reproduce yourself, you are a ni66a my friend. Only devaluates the country you are in.

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It's the glasses.

He obviously has some big confidence issues or is in the early stages of depression.

Haha you want the honest truth? Nobody gives a FUCK.
If you base your happiness off what other people think, you won't ever be happy.

all french men wear glasses user

>Maybe I am just a self centered narcissist idiot.
Well, not every overly self-centered person is a narcissist, but yes, you are obsessing about yourself in a very unhealthy way.

Stop obsessing, dude. There is nothing weird about your face at all. You really need to get help from a mental health professional if you continue to obsess this way.

Social anxiety is not all that uncommon. It gets better with age and experience.

Also, in America you'd pass for white if criminal.

I see the problem here user, you're a nigger

then he should stop internet for a while and go outside

Ditch the problem glasses and shave your head my negro friend

Don't mess with me, pal

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i know that feel,you should lift it help alot

This is what most of us should do, really.

hey not all of us can do that.

just be yourself niganon

You look like a normal nigger. NEXT!

you look normal, your english is great despite it not even being your native language, you can speak in full sentences and you're very self aware, which means you're smarter than 70% of americans on this board
deal with your anxiety and for the love of god stop posting here

Your skin looks a little oily but otherwise you look like a perfectly normal black guy. Clean up a little bit and don't worry about what others think. You can do it, user! :3

PS: Go back to Africa :3

rectangular frames you tasteless nigger

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Get off the internet and find a hobby, start painting, put all of those anguished emotions on canvas. Chicks dig artsy guys.
Also start lifting, to get good gains, you gotta put all of the pain and doubt in those last final reps that feel like hell, its a good de-stresser.

>le mutto

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Could you read something funny on camera like Tyrone?

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You want to know your problem?
everything you fucking say.

Stop thinking about yourself so much, self absorbed faggot.

you're doing it to yourself, if you wanted help you'd help yourself.

so ergo you don't want help. you want people to confirm how ugly you're.

It's pathetic. i've no remorse for a selfish prick. I'd feel sorry for you if you actually cared about yourself. but you don't.

I'd feel sorry for you if you were happy, but unfortunate. kids die everyday getting raped and burnt alive, and all you think about is how ugly you're. fucking sick.

get your mind together, get some god damn perspective, or fucking die.

>There is something wrong with my face
It’s black, user. I mean I get that blacks are generally dumber than whites, but are you really at the abs9lute low end?

This isnt Jow Forums

ressaisi toi ces connerie peuvent allez loin,j'ai le meme trouble que toi et ca fait 15 ans que ca dure,mon coeur plein ''d'amour" c transformer en une tumeur charger de haine

>el orgo de la france
dios mio..

Reasonably underrated post.

tu me cherche ?

Jokes on you, I’m barely over 30, thin/fit/ to the max and an abject failure in life and with women.
I bet you feel pretty fucking silly right now.

I have the same problem OP. The light is fading from my eyes and my skin is starting to droop. It comes with age and the abuse of red pills. Can you believe that I used to be the funny guy in the group? Now I barely speak. At least I'm not a nigger.

Let's say I finally understood that I am ugly asf, how do I get better from there. It won't stop me from comparing myself with other. Feel frustrated. Nor fix my social anxiety. Nor my self worth. All this daily thinking draw my energy and stop me from doing anything productive. I sleep through my day instead of doing the thing I wanted to do. Because whatever, who cares of ugly ducking guy in today society. and maybe my ideas are stupid so why even trying...

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Dude, u're BLACK

J'ai décidé de m'engager à l'armée de terre pour faire mon problème et me forger du caractère.

Excercise you absolutely retarded nigger
You realize that your 50 IQ brethren already solved this fucking mystery?
If I were you I would kill myself for being retarded, rather than Unaesthetic.

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T'es juste un renoi fragile. Tu dois avoir 20ans à peu près. T'es probablement un geek no-life. Tout le monde a tendance à péter un câble tôt ou tard dans ces conditions. Il n'y a rien qui cloche avec toi. En tout cas physiquement parlant tu es tout à fait normal. Je connais plein de mecs qui te ressemblent qui se tappent des meufs 8/10 sans aucun souci. T'es en France mdr profite les renoi sont à la mode. Sinon si tu sais plus quoi foutre de ta vie, tu connais l'école 42 ?

Nobody here gives a shit if you're ugly. What matters is your ideas. Your obsession with the idea that you're ugly is the ugliest thing about you.

afghan posters are us military.

get contacts, lose the bum fluff

You're not looking for a way out. you're looking to justify ending you life. you might not be at suicidal thoughts yet but you're on the way.

You don't see the problem but it's clear as day. everything you say is self destroying as is your intention.

Your ugly and that means your fucked right? maybe you've got to change what you want out of life? maybe you think too highly of yourself, you deserve better...

you don't. plenty deserve better but those people don't pity themselves, they work hard and find peace, those people deserve better.

You ugly and that is far from a problem, get over it, and move forward. be greatful you can.

calm down negro

Your silly letters in the wrong order don’t fool anyone.
It’s clear by your own crypto-English that you have no personality.
You should murder-suicide Justin. Thousons of women will wish they slept with you for one reas9n or another.

Let's see that little wiener user, for science.

Go out and help people in need. Whether it be by volunteering or paid to help the less fortunate. People will have great respect for you if you do such things

Maybe cause you are

Vegan Gains, is that you?

I really don't get men who care about their natural looks?

I get why you want to look sorted, but why would you care about your looks?

You're a virgin. People don't know when you lose your virginity your whole life changes and takes a 180 degree turn

You become like a normie Chad with social superpowers and laugh at virgins

ur a nigger.drink acid,muriatic.take 100 sleeping pills,drink gasoline,attach 40 sticks of dynamite to you,light match.
also drink bleach,swallow 19 lbs of nails,eat glass,bathe in fiberglass and drink toilet water.

c'est une tres bonne initiative,tu vas choper du muscle et tu pourra bomber ton torse comme un coq

You're a full blown homo with a boner for muslims. I've seen your posts in other threads.

youre too white

You're so fucking disgusting I can't stand you. It's not just because you're a nigger, you're a fucking hideous nigger

J'ai de la vie en collectivité. Mais j'essaie vraiment de faire des efforts. Mon problème c'est peut être que j'ai l'impression de mériter mieux et ne m'en donne pas les moyen. Je ne suis pas plus bête qu'un autre mais j'ai un besoin constant de travailler en binôme. Seul, je doute, le compare et finis par m'apitoyer sur mon sort. Comme d'autre dise c'est peut être du à mon manque de personnalité. Mais qu'est ce qu'il une personnalité, c'est que je me demande?

Y'all niggas need some Kirk Franklin in your lives.

There is something wrong with you nigga you ugly as fuck home boy why don't you loose the glasses?? Mabey you'll get some pussy

Guess what. I used to think I was ugly too but I didn't need any help, I just accepted my fate like a fucking man. People say I'm not ugly, hot chicks hit on me without me even trying. Maybe it's just in my head but even If so I just accept that I will never love my appearance no matter how handsome other people think I am. Sure it's painful to look in the mirror everyday and hate yourself but guess what.. YOU'RE A FUCKING MAN, YOU HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO LOVE PAIN. DON'T BE A LITTLE BITCH AND ACCEPT IT

has yuu ben triggered
you remind me of pic related.

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This is really bad bait.