Have you already forgotten about the farmers, Jow Forums?
Have you already forgotten about the farmers, Jow Forums?
what the fuck do you mean 'forget'? It's just another number
white people fall for the diversity meme, and get slaughtered because of it. It's a nonstop cycle, it's not like Zimbabwe was the only other country to do this.
I don't know what is expected of me? When I see a white women with a negro child, do you expect me to run up to her and show her the countless stories of coalburners literally getting raped to death by their own children once white society leaves? They won't listen, white people never listen. They're dying like flies, yet 90% of them don't even know about it. An infuriating people that I cannot stand being apart of
you can only blame the jews so much, trick me into killing myself once, shame on you. Trick me for the 8th time, shame on me.
White South African here
All white South Africans I personally know and are in my family have more than enough money to move to Europe.
They just don't because they like the weather.
So yeah, you guys should probably care less.
My feelings on South Africa haven't really changed in 20 years.
We haven't forgotten you, Sefrican friends.
Thanks for the info Schlomo
No sympathy for whites in shithole Africa
Post green mamba or fuck off
People aren't getting angry or upset about the farmers because it's all a bunch of stories online, with the occasional pictures of surviving people who were tortured, and videos by youtube drama people. If you don't SEE the deliberate attempt at white genocide, the poor innocent niggers dindu nuffin, and you're just being racis'.
Some kind of video of 5 niggers storming a house and raping people while gutting their children WILL result in people taking the situation seriously, especially if the police are confirmed to close the case.
you're a complete scumbag, you know that right?We can see what life is like for the rural whites there, the actual Afrikaners. They CANNOT leave.
middle class liberals who caused the mess like yourself can leave. No one else. Family get killed on a farm? Well no white orphanages allowed cuz racism, the parentless usually end up dying from the young feral niggers. Usually some sort of stoning for an accusation of stealing something. I've really looked into this.
In an old thread I tried to convince saffers to do this. They refused, and for some insane reason they couldn't see how important getting footage of this is
>implying capetonians don't jerk each other off about how things are fine and everyone besides them is racist behind walls razor wire and private security guards
Same bullshit, different place.
>set up cameras
>wait to get murdered
I wouldn't tempt fate like that
No, I literally just argued why South Africa is the textbook example for why universal rights are counter-natural and don't work.
I haven't forgotten. Racewar when?
this is what I meant
If you're not a complete fucking moron, you'll be absolutely blown away from this saffers response right here. These absolute fucking idiots always try and start arguing with me about how getting evidence of ethnic cleansing ISN'T important. I realize these people are kind of cut off but holy fuck it's infuriating.
>implying capetonians don't jerk each other off about how things are fine and everyone besides
Cape Town is like living on Beverly hills. Rich whites fled there once apartheid ended, thus raising housing prices insanely. I fucking wouldn't even mind living in capetown. It's basically a different country.
From what I heard so far, Australia wants to give them between 5000 and 10000 visas. It's unclear if this is an one time thing (like it was for the Syrians), or if it's an annual quota. Even if it's the latter, there are 4.5 MILLION whites in SA, so... they better seek other ways of leaving.
I also heard that priority will be given to relatives of those that are already living in Australia.
>South Africa is the textbook example for why universal rights are counter-natural and don't work.
Elaborate if you would
No we haven't forgotten, we just don't care.
hows capetown? arent they supposed to be out of water by now?
I didn't say its not important, don't put words in my mouth. I said I personally wouldn't tempt fate like that.
Nothing happens.
Also. People are producing documentaries and shit about it. What more to do?
They are on the Australian goverments agenda.
What more to do?
Shit needs to escalate now before we can do anything else.
fake news bullshit
The basic principle of the various universal rights is that when applied, everyone gets to use them in equal fashion.
Two parties or more engage in civil dialogue with universal free speech, that is you don't beat up the other for his opinions and the other returns the favour and in so doing, the conversation / dialogue continues and philosophy flourishes.
In short, universal rights apply universally.
What the idealists didn't consider is that universal rights can only be upheld by a homogenous people. That is, two parties of the same tribe.
Case in point is South Africa.
The Boer are a blend of hugenots and free-spirited humanists. Meritocracy, equal opportunity, giving anyone a second chance. That sort of thing.
The Bantu are different. Congoloid warrior migrants who swept down south explicitly to conquer. A typical African tribe.
Now despite all the fighting and civil strife, the Boer have long upheld their meritocratic humanist ideals. That the British mandated Apartheid and the ex-colonial gouvernment maintained Apartheid didn't detract from the people's beliefs.
Abolishing Apartheid was the ultimate symbol of this, however much damage it caused.
It opened up the seat of power to people who didn't have the chance before.
Universal rights were now being applied universally.
What you see now in South Africa is a black, Bantu gouvernment that views the Boer not just as oppressors, which suits their marxism, but also as a rival tribe. Neither are native, so if the Bantu want to maintain their current position of power, they must eradicate their tribal enemy.
The dialogue is dead. One party still reaches out for a peaceful, humanist and idyllic solution, and the other party wants to deny them that universal right.
And they can, because they're in power, or at least under the illusion of having power.
Universal rights don't apply to (((universal people))).
What about those black south african Olympicians who have just gone missing here in australia. Fuckers just walked out of the Olympic village and are probably hiding hoping they'll never be caught.
My dad is a diplomat in South Africa. Nothing is happening, there are rare instances of blacks squating on abandoned property, nobody is getting killed, the law about taking land from white farmers is not even implemented yet.
Jow Forums just likes happenings.
There are many ways the white South African situation could be solved. Malta sells EU citizenships, they could convert to Judaism and go to Israel (they don't mind if it's white people doing it), Canada has a very generous immigration system, South Africans living abroad could start a protection net to help them leave (like Jews do).
If they can't, or don't want to leave, a Yugoslavia solution could be implemented in South Africa, through the carving of an white ethnostate somewhere. Western troops could help them secure the country and keep the blacks away. This would by far be the best solution.
That's really not the point. The point is that you lot need to convince your remaining population to invest in some fucking cameras for when they come for you, it also helps if you have indisputable evidence for protecting yourself when the 'police' decide to try and charge you for surviving their systematic assassination attempt (fucking upload the footage first before they do). It's not about the individual, it's about the community.
You guys have tried convincing people with words and photos after the fact, you're either going to have to adapt to beat the 'media silence' on the issue or you'll be exterminated, going out with a whimper.
Straya couldn't support 4.5 million more people anyway. We're being pushed to the brink with 180,000 fucking chink, somalian and poo immigrants being brought in every year, all of which have undisclosed cash in hand incomes and claim gubment gibs.
You’re what’s wrong with America, I rather take in Boers and Afrikaners then allow you faggots to stay here.
my country certainly hasn't, not sure what the rest of your gay countries are trying to do about it though
Interesting write-up, hadn't quite thought of it that way
I was always under the impression that universal rights were entirely unreasonable, not because of what they represent but because of how they're applied/executed (and in this case I'm talking about how hundreds of thousands of nation-wrecking niggers and mudslimes are allowed to arrive under the guise of adhering to these universal rights because doing otherwise would be alienating their right to medical care, right to a home, right to food, right to literally fucking everything, etc)
>Looks at the "bring white South Africans to the US" petition
>21902 signatures
>Meanwhile, the "muh guns" petition
>287558 signatures
>A minimum of 100000 signatures are needed to have the government discuss them
Amerimutts really have their priorities, haven't they?
the white afrikaners dont want to migrate anywhere you dumbfuck
theyre comfy as shit there why would they want to move to a place where theyll get less comfy?
We haven't. Fuck yourself eurocuck
Well, why is it that only white men have managed to establish and uphold universal rights, and why is it only white men who are defending them?
That's what led me to the thought train, along with the natural self-evident truth that there's always a position of power with a fitting hierarchy, wherever you look.
They need to die so the niggers stop being fed. A worthwhile sacrifice if you ask me, It's their own fault for feeding them in the first place.
/sag/ stopped getting posted. Ultimately if the South Africans can't keep their general going the way the British and Australians do then it's difficult to have a concentrated place to discuss shit.
Also I think part of the problem is that those threads attract fucking retards- there's that one guy who says Saffers should die because they're 7% black and therefore mulatto shitskins who deserve to be eaten. And then there's always dozens of people saying "dude just leave lmao" or "if I was in south africa I would overthrow the ANC singlehandedly with only by cock and my machine gun against the army of nignogs"
It was pretty great though when there was that happening with the flagbro sticking it to the commies. Best funtimes on Jow Forums in a while.
We should keep making them, I think I still have some of the images saved.
Dumb cuckfederate poster
The problem is that marxism is deep ingrained in conservatism in America, otherwise you wouldn't see so many cuckservatives shilling for importing "based mexicans" from parts of that country that support socialism.
In the US people either don't know South Africa exists or only know about "muh apartheid". I would say this is probably the result of the Muldergate scandal, when the Vorster government was caught trying to buy up conservative magazines and newspapers in America to try and get an Apartheidist lobby going the way the Jews have their Zionists. Then it got further fucked up when Reagan sidelined Pat Buchanan and the Paleocons who recognized that South Africa's policies were basically necessary to Western nations to not be overrun by shitskins. Then it got worse when Reagan himself got his veto overruled by cuckservatives and liberals in Congress putting sanctions on South Africa.
Overall conservatives in America don't know about South Africa.
Obviously. It was spammed so hard for weeks that people got bored. What flag is that anyway?
On the picture I mean. I know you are posting from Iceland
That's the new flag of South Africa
Even so, you can't get not even 25000 people to do something as simple as signing a petition in a country of 320 million. And some of those that did sign were foreigners anyway.
Meanwhile, the South Africans that have gotten to the US already are treated with suspicion and veiled hostility by conservatives because they're "foreign", as it can be seen with Elon Musk.
I hope you haven't forgotten about them again in just 8 hours, Jow Forums
I'm glad you disgusting boers are dying
What's a framer,
the problem is when they attack they are able to trash or take any cctv for the most part. Or the government seizes it and its "evidence".
I wish I could forget about South Africa.
Unfortunately I can't since other people on pol keep posting about them.
So I have to loudly protest Boer immigration in order to prevent them from ruining our gene pools.
No, I haven't but there's nothing I can do for them. All I can say is good luck to the Boer.
Can't they like, become friends with Trump?
I wonder what his opinion on the situation is..
You should not forget about your future.
more worried about Syria
safe gated neighborhood?
No, its more important than possible WW3 as far as I care because its already happening
How is it down there in Stellenbosch?
>white people being disproportionately targeted
>openly hostile communist government
>showing clear signs of being in the preparation stages of genocide according to multiple genocide watchdog organisations
Im sure the situation in Rwanda was also a slow and steady process too