How could you hate that sweet little baby face?
He was charming
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stop shitposting, margaret
Is that Justin Trudeau?
But he's so damn cute
He was a pedophile tho
He was "literally" a son of a whore.
Justin Trudea looks just like his father.
A cross between Trudeau and the Happy Merchant.
Isn't it a little suspicious that the theory of Trudeau's fatherhood by Fidel Castro is something even debated? Isn't it strange that we have to look at the dates when Trudeau's mother and Fidel were together in order to disprove conception?
shit stache, annoys me every time I look at it
>Isn't it a little suspicious that the theory of Trudeau's fatherhood by Fidel Castro is something even debated? Isn't it strange that we have to look at the dates when Trudeau's mother and Fidel were together in order to disprove conception?
This was what Fidelito Castro wrote in his suicide note when he committed suicide a few months ago
>Amid a wide-ranging barrage of complaints, the note suggests Fidelito was angry with his late father, the revolutionary Cuban dictator. Fidelito wrote that his father, Fidel Castro, was “always comparing me unfavorably with Justin” and “dismissing my achievements in comparison to his success in Canada.“
>“But what was I to do? I am Cuban. My brother is Canadian. If he was born and raised in Cuba, he would have lived in our father’s shadow forever just like me.”
One of Margaret Trudeau's biographies even talks about the time she spent with Fidel Castro.
It is so fucking obvious. Fidel had like 12 kids in his life. Of course he fucked Justin's mom.
It's easy to hate him because he looks like Justin Trudaeu.
Yeah Trudeau has a pretty face but he doesn’t know how to run a country at all. But yeah he’s a looker
Because his shit actions caused all the criminal spics from Cuba to come to the US.
Along with all the dirty poor ones that flutter kicked their way here holding onto drift wood.
If only the Cuban spic people had any balls he would have not taken control or been thrown out shortly after he did.
Not being a faggot like you.
The seed es strong.
does somebody have a link to the letter?
Castro prob over 200 bastrad kids or more.And every STD out there even the one's we don't know about.
He was an egomaniac and a complete cunt
As a child his hobby was torturing animals.
As an adolescent he was a serial rapist.
Later he bece a massmurderer.
Never worked a day in his live.
Wow, so charming.
Typical leftist subhuman scum.
Not as charming as this guy.