Why do g*rmans think their country is better than Eastern Europe?
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Because we are, why else would Eastern Europeans move to Our country?
Because their eastern european overlord (Merkel) tells them so
Because Space Hitler tells us that Germany will survive the Heat Death of the Universe. This is the Endsieg. List of things that will not survive the Heat Death of the Universe:
David Schwimmer
Taco Bell
Pleather jeggings
Planet Earth
Most of Western Europe thinks like that, me included
Unironically this.
eastern europe is fucking trash.
there's absolutely no hope for eastern europeans except for maybe ukrainians who are going full on fashy 1488 nowadays, all other eastern european countries are dogshite, especially r*mania.
It's funny isn't it? Yet in my home country Russia there are so many faggot Germans. I want them all out.
From what I've seen of Germany as a tourist, it's fuckin beautiful. Life is probably good too.
>inb4 get run over by truck
The only reason your shitholes don't starve to death is because of our gibs.
Duisburg. 230k people
Cluj Napoca, 320k people
Pick one.
Because we are the most powerful country in Europe!?
Why else are there so many R*manians coming to Germany if not for the gibs?
Wrong Romania has taken only 5% of EU money or even less for years.
Aren't of most the Germany prostitutes actually Eastern European women?
Honestly, it is just as much indoctrination as the hate for their own country. We are constantly being told how well we are doing as a country. At the same time "they" also make us feel like we do not actually deserve all this success. This is necessary to make us willing to share all the wealth we as the people of this country don't actually deserve with all the foreigners, who have it so much worse and deserve it so much more. The German leftist is very confusing, because he has this false sense of superiority and thinks Germany was the best country in the world (which is also the reason why many Germans are so condescending and believe all other countries could learn from them), but at the same time he is ashamed of the "success" and hates his country. Most Germans are blind to all the things that are actually pretty bad here in comparison to other EU countries (not even talking about immigration here) and they'll happily ignore it.
Those are ethnic shit we expel ourselves to keep the country crime free.
Gyppos aka ziegäner. They intentionally call themselves similarly, like a guy who rents a sportscar to pose with on instagram.
Yes romanian, hungarian, ukranian, czech, polish.
I actually really, really like German humour
Nope buddy that was ein Haufe von Autismus.