america is fucked
America is fucked
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still would colonize it. I'm sorry Jow Forums...
The worst part of it all, pol? Bitch would sell just as many tickets if that was her whole show.
>Tells women to not rely on men
>Made her career off horny men
What the fuck is she doing?
minaj does have a nice ass, music sucks though.
Nah. It's just a fad.
And once this fad is over people will detest it. Happens often with fads.
nigger fad has been lasting quite a while now
since the 90s
I'm ready to acknowledge the US is a meme country, an imposing and unhealthy influence on others needing cleansing with fire
If she shakes any harder those things will fall off.
She's not American.
Fucking kek at those three massive screens showing her flapping ass at the end.
>literally gigantic screens of a black woman shaking her butt up and down with 20,000 people staring in wonder and amazement
why does this satanic MK-ultra mind control experiment give me such a boner
>He's the last memba of the DK Crew
absolutely degenerate. how did we get from classical music to this kind of degeneracy.
you're a nigger of course you're attracted to that gross sheboon
I thought that Ramstein concerts were degenerate
What the fuck did you say about my country you little fucking bitch?
holy shit, mutt memes are real its La Creatura
now that you mention it, I'm really not okay with how kangaroos move
blow it out your
pretending to have sex.
I hope he gets hit by a car.
What fucking world is this?
it is debatable but atleast rammstein has some artistic value.
disgusting fat ass
In a few years you will call here Madam President
Dios mio...La Creatura de la Americas
You are what you are. This is a Niggerian tiger taming forum anyway, so I guess you are among friends
nicki minaj is british
>aussie flag
>image not Jow Forums related in the slightest
>ass implants
is this peak degeneracy?
at least this American is not sharting in his pants
Her ass is fake and looks disgusting in real
I unironically want to fist fight a kangaroo. I think it would be a good opponent. Like it might win, but odds are neither of us would die regardlessofvictor.
holy FUCK
>america is fucked
as if anyone can escape Neo-Weimar.
haha I love this fuckin country
Man I work at a nightclub and I see girls dressed like this, fucking g-strings and leotards showing off their entire ass yet they wear this shitty fishnet shit over it and think "yeah this isn't slutty"
you must fuck loads of dumb sluts
There are nefarious forces at work pushing this kind of filth
>The number one movie in the country was called Ass. And that's all it was. For 90 minutes.
But in all fairness, shes looked at as a fuck toy. Nobody takes her opinion seriously or anything and she knows exactly what her audience wants. These types of women have existed forever and I would argue that they are a necessary function of society.
who that
We already has supergonorrhea and uncurable syphilis.
Oh, plus HIV
Have sex with strangers is not the best idea
Fuck I love it.
they square up, guy throws a punch, then everything is over and nobody knows how to act.
>>"uploaded to xvideo"
I've had dozens of girls hit on me, but none of them have a high enough power level to overcome my aspergers and social anxiety. They are like little level 5 mages and I am a level 500 archwizard
when will she do her first porn?
That ass is fake tho
>shhhhh only dreams now
Where Deus Ex, Idiocracy, 1984, We and Brave New World was documentary.
Disgusting. Lets not forget that (((they))) are exporting this filth to the rest of the world. And yet retards at /mu/ think that music has never been better, and that anyone who complains about the state of modern music is just another lewronggeneration.
It's bridged the gap from sexual to comical. Lost it when it switched to showing it on the big screen.
Is that real?
Nikki minaj is a national treasure
They're only 17% of the population, but Roseinstein, Goldstein, and Silverstein in Hollywood are always pushing them out there in pop culture, making it appear as if they're a greater percentage of the population than they are. I would probably be anti-American simply based off what a sewer (((Hollywood))) and the entertainment industry is, but it's a matter of reality versus perception.
Also, now with the internet, these creeps have never had less influence, so they're doubling down on the degeneracy. We have so many other forms of entertainment now and there are so many television channels, so only degenerates still watch this shit anyway. Ratings for the Grammys, Oscars, goes down every year. These fuckers are dying a slow death.
La Abomination...
is this site working now
thats brazil you fucking idiot
la creatura...
im scared
america gets laid.
error: upload failed
We’re all fucked
I just googled the name in the file and found some stuff.
well its a fuxk or be fuxked world
and guess who is doing the fuxing?
Wow, shocking, sheboon shaking her ass in front of niggers for money...I'm troubled by this
Do roos use their tail as a fucking third leg????
What is the difference?
>They're only 17% of the population
You don't REALLY believe that, do you? They don't participate in the census. An entire black family cannot fit into a minivan.
La Chupucabra...
Nailed it.
This one never gets old.
Danny DeNigro
>making it appear as if they're a greater percentage of the population than they are.
watching American news is fucking shocking. From the TV Ads you'd think they're 50% of the population.
Horribly underrated
They lean back on their tails and kick though. Toenails will cut you open.
>that ass on the jumbotron
Yes. They stabilise themselves on it when they kick with both legs
can you give me a rundown on WE, ive never herd of it
Excuse me, what the fuck?