France, are we still friends?

France, are we still friends?

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No, not until they restore the monarchy.

I say we DESTROY this movie and show them who the real rocky fans are. Who's with me.

Just like the harry potter raid. Tell em we don't want to hear their nigger shit
This is another black panther

I don't see that happening in France

The same monarchy that deposed the knights templar?
The same monarchy that had an austrian moronic twat lead the country to ruin?
Or the best one, gave the American colonies to the British crown in 1783 putting you right back into the hands of the cunts in London (Crown Temple States incorporation)

>The same monarchy that deposed the knights templar?
That same monarchy wasn't the same monarchy of its successor and that wasn't the same monarchy as its successor.

Macron shilling for Catholic support

Attached: macron-church-state.png (607x368, 44K)

sadly all of the european royalty are same bloodline so it doesn't really matter who is on the thrown, it's still going to be some khazar-roman bloodline that the vatican keep tabs on


Sadly we won't have a return to Christendom until
1) all of Europe experiences a horrible chastisement
2) Rome [Vatican] undergoes a chastisement for its adoption of leftist politics, promotion of protestant ecclesiology, and adoption of classical liberalism

Reuniting with the Church, while under a communist Pope, doesn't necessarily mean that they want to return to monarchy

Only if you stop making white flag jokes.

Attached: gauled.jpg (375x446, 63K)

Of course not. But it does show that there is a rising sentiment for a Christian France as opposed to secular France.

The first creed was fine.

Sure why not amerifriend.

I for one like you, Merry friends
but most French don't, I fear

if it wasn't for us, you'd still be paying 3% taxes for tea to the British, and all you give us in return is letting the bad guys win in WW2 and a lifetime of bad white flag jokes. And now are the ones bringing us into this war with Russia. Most of you are okay but I refuse to fight for what your side is fighting for

Attached: muh-white-flags.jpg (853x309, 41K)

we also vocally supported your revolution, I don't think we got involved physically though.
For what that's worth

>paying 3% taxes for tea to the British
Still less than what taxes were after the Revolution

Come on, mockery is how us mutts show affection. It's the people we don't pepper with jibes that we really don't like.
The way I see it, England may be our father but France is that awesome mentor that helped us get away from that abusive shitbag. Without your aid in the Revolution, we might not have happened at all so you guys rock in my book. So the next time we throw a white flag joke at you just smile and say 56%. We'll be on the same page.

Great, you supported a kike led communist insurrection. Super duper.

>we also vocally supported your revolution,
by declaring war on them?

its just jokes bro
any American that actually knows our history knows what France did for us and knows that without you guys there might not be a 4th of July to celebrate
we tease you like a brother, we wont always agree or get along perfectly but we'll still be brothers

You deserve frog legs
It's like fancy fried chicken

Inb4 make some promess to muslims but 'i speach to Christian too you see so shut up and pay for mosque"

There is no France anymore, sorry.

This honestly. The white flag stuff is just us busting your balls, but many of of recognize that the U.S might not even exist if it wasn't for France's help during the war.

Take your country back.

>You deserve frog legs
>It's like fancy fried chicken
That is literally a billion dollar idea. Deep fried frog legs chain restaurants. The leftists will buy them to mock the shadilay crowd, the alt righters will buy them ironically and the WASP conservatives will buy them as haute cuisine.

>implying it's a bad thing

I'd suck France's toes if it was a cute girl like OP's pic


>Take your country back.

The country consists of niggers and beurre (sandpeople). It is too late for them.

Amrican capitalism is absorbing french capitalism, so no, we're not friend.

Not being able to make new threads really sucks.

yeah we're caught in a transition


There are places in the US where it's not uncommon to find frog legs on the menu. Nothing special, but pretty good eats. Definitely worth trying for the lulz.


56% friends you fucking niggers

>Thinking you were anything to France other than a tool in their struggle against Britain

yea but some landowners got super wealthy over land speculation west of the Appalachians. So suck it Britain.

The tool gave us 0 advantage or what so ever. It was really Louis XVI being naive and shit, and thinking about helping the poor americans against the evil bongs (that last part is true though, you are the evil rotschild puppets).

Thanks user. got the capital to open a restaurant. it will be called "Le Pepe." Great dipping sauces. Frog Leg Bennedict.

Fuck off, the French Revolution started all this shit.

The Louisiana Purchase seems like a pretty good deal for both sides.

whiter then u, Mohamad

who wants lobster when you can get frog leg?

I had sex with a French chick a couple of summers ago when my family vacationed there. I wasn't terribly impressed with her. I was under the impression that French chicks were sexual goddesses. She was cute though.

give smelly french gallic gf for the love of god

They taste like swampy chicken.

holy fuck you are so corny and gay, please punctuate that post by sucking on a big fat vascular penis you flagrant homosexual


Currently in Paris on vacation. Almost everyone here has been friendly and helpful. Don't see where Parisians get the snooty stereotype.

Probably from dumb fat burgers who don't bother learning a lick of French and demand things there

Attached: 1503846133048.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Lol look at the current heir
Quintessentially French

Attached: Louis_XX.jpg (370x473, 28K)

Fuck the monarchy.

Restore the Empire.

Attached: frenchrev.jpg (800x600, 124K)

Love you too Dad, good luck with all that part and parcel stuff.

Honestly, I was just in Paris a few months ago, and it's not going to happen. The Muslim invasion stuff is overhyped; it's not really any worse than any other major city. That being said, the French are barely white.

i fucking hope not
fuck those french bastards