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Is this another obama circus judge appointee?

I was going to say "the president can just ignore" but then I remembered that sessions is a huge cuck who will undermine Trump by refusing to refuse this judge's orders

So is this the only thing he's not allowed to consider in this case?

> Municipal policies include prohibiting police or city employees from questioning people about their immigration status and refusing requests by national immigration authorities to detain people beyond their release date, if they were jailed for breaking local law.[1] Such policies can be set expressly in law (de jure) or observed in practice (de facto), but the designation "sanctuary city" does not have a precise legal definition.

Just give every city the same amount


>kike bumps a kike thread
and no one batted an eye


you know that the younger generation actually votes against candidates that support israel right? 20 years from now and you wont have the USA as an ally faggot. enjoy dying in your desert wasteland.

i actually admire china for not having these obstructionist kikes larping as "judges" or "lawyers" or "journalists" or whateverthefuck they call themselves. why is drumph so weak? people want a chad not a incel president that bowes to kikes

all I have to say is fuck Trump and fuck the obsolete white trash of Jow Forums

Its gonna be waay less than 20 years for israel to get bombed out of existence

Then consider their willingness to follow federal law in awarding the grants. Leave the illegal immigration language out of it.

If you look at the anti-Syria war resentment growing on the right, then things look really bad for Israel. Dems already hate Israel and are starting to turn on "fellow whites". The main constituency that likes jews is Evangelicals, and they are getting redpilled because 1. war and 2. jews don't like them and even attack their support for being disingenuous (from jews of all people this is fucking hilarious). Israel will have no friends within ten years.

La creatura.... la muerte de la raza blanca...

boy, i'm sure glad the judicial branch has authority over the executive branch..

More legislating from the bench! You can withhold funding if states don't have a minimum drinking age of 21, yet can't consider this other feature? Stupid.

>A federal judge sided with the city of Los Angeles on Thursday in ruling that the Department of Justice (DOJ) can’t factor "sanctuary city" policies into decisions over how to award local policing grants.

>Bloomberg News reported that U.S. District Judge Manuel Real agreed with the city’s argument that the Justice Department was abusing its power in basing grant awards on whether a municipality’s police force cooperated with federal immigration officers.


>U.S. District Judge Manuel L. Real, widely regarded as one of the toughest jurists on the federal bench, says his most important case in his 25 years as a judge involved his 1970 order to desegregate Pasadena schools.

>Real is also the fastest federal judge in Los Angeles when it comes to processing cases and is known for his tendency to throw lawsuits out at an early stage if he thinks they have no legal validity.

>Partly because of his speed and toughness, he has been reversed more often than any of his colleagues by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
>he has been reversed more often than any of his colleagues by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
>he has been reversed more often than any of his colleagues

Guys, read this : McCabe throwing Comey under the bus ... really getting interesting!
( +Dems lying as usual )



Manueeel Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreaaaaal

Oy ole!

Everything will go to supreme court and get approved there.
Democrats have dropped the ball on the appointment.
It's gonna hurt for a really long time.

he should start throwing these judges in jail

I don't understand how evangelicals like jews, i thought that ews are beyond converting and are going to hell for not following Jesus anyways. Im christian and even i dont understand he love for jewish cock.

>thread is still here

dumb kike

Can't ICE just bill the sanctuary cities directly for deportation operations caused by their sanctuary status?

i hope youre right user. the greatest tragedy in history is that hitler didnt kill all the jews.

>shills for war towards Syria
>supports jews and mudslim
>Racist against white people
>Fails at Building fences and walls
>Makes himself look like an Idiot no matter what he does
>Russia bad, we good world
>did no repeal obama care
Can we all agreed that Trump is another Hillary with Penis?

I'm not even kidding, Q-Amom is having a huge effect in redpilling religious boomer women and in particular evangelicals about those-who-say-they-are-Jews-but-are-not-Jews

>he has been reversed more often than any of his colleagues by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

These assholes need to face some kind of repercussions for their judicial activism. They are supposed to uphold the law not rewrite it as they feel fit.

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sanctuary cities require a federal legislative solution, tbqh.

even tying federal grants to local action requires legislation stating as such.

enforcing seatbelts and speed limits as the federal government wants is tied to grants, because the bills specifically say "only give highway funding if they follow these highway laws".

the police grant legislation doesn't make any requirement and POTUS isn't able to add the requirement post hoc, it's a congressional responsibility.

republicans need to hammer that immigration shit through before the midterms; tie funding to enforcement, give california a giant middle finger.

Rules for thee and not for me....

>The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco on Thursday upheld the right of the federal government to impose a 55-m.p.h. speed limit on highways by threatening to withhold highway construction money from states. ... "It will not affect the 65 m.p.h.Sep 1, 1989

no, it's upholding congress' right to impose conditions in legislation, while denying the president's right to impose conditions by personal fiat.

two entirely different processes being handled, here.

>Jewed again
hes jewed us

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i keep saying it but no one listens. andrew jackson did nothing wrong. marbury v madison was the biggest fuck up in american history. judicial review was a mistake.

>T. Chicano prieto

Supreme court win incoming

Emperor Talk-A-Lot

Then maybe trump should make some unwritten rules or push congress.