So then, how should we do ?
Well. We don't have to destroy to advance our cause...We have to CREATE, we have to create all that was taken brutally from us because of post-modernism and cultural marixm, subversion.
And how do you create ? With LOVE and PASSION. I'm not talking about hippie love, I'm talking about DEEP LOVE and PASSION for the things you fight for. Of course, identifying all the enemies against our cause is capital but do not feed the hatred in your heart. Instead, feed the LOVE, the reason WHY you are willing to fight.
With genuine LOVE instead of ANGER as a driving force, we all will be effective.
Don't live in hatred of Cultural Marxism, hatred of post modernism, hatred of the jews, hatred of Islam, hatred of non-whites immigrants, hatred of the subversion of our values ,...
Instead, Let LOVE and PASSION guide you and give you the strength to FIGHT FOR your culture, for your history, for your race, for your family, for your neighbor and your city, for your country, for your language, for your friends, for your love, for you pet dog, for your way of life, for the occident and everything it has done, for your ancestors, for the christian religion, for the moral and well being of your citizens , fight for yourself - your body-spirit-soul...fight to better your sacred temple, lift,study hard, eat well, engage in healthy activites and sane lifestyle, exercice a lot and promote this to your friends...Spread this meme to your friend and let them spread it to their friends.
That's how we win, that's how we fight and that's how we get the strength to fight until the end, even if we have to die for, it is worth dying for: LOVE AND PASSION.
I love this music's lyrics because it represents SO well my message.
So let's choose HOPE - LOVE - PASSION and let's CREATE and CONSTRUCT and BUILD great things instead of trying to destroy things with hatred.
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