Why do Americans believes that white can't cook? Is it because Italians, French etc. are traditionally considered non-white?
Why do Americans believes that white can't cook? Is it because Italians, French etc...
Wrong they think the British cannot cook
It's a nigger meme because they all grew up eating poor cuts of meat covered in shit spices to make it palatable.
i love fish and chips tho
i actually kind of like their inn or tavern culture
Never heard this stereotype. They must be yankees.
>hmmmm barely cooked eel boiled on its own piss...
>all that greasy heart attack shit
No wonder Angloids are almost as fat as mutts.
I've never heard of this. I have heard ameriniggers say whitey cannot spices and they always show bare chicken as an example. It's always the fucking chicken.
There is a black people meme that white people eat bland food.
Americans dont think that. Blacks do.
non white americans like to say this.. but they're retarded and need to feel good about themselves somehow. no one notices or cares, the sjw polite whites will laugh along.
Germans can cook.
It comes from years of them cooking for us.
nigger meme.
Anyone with a basic concept of world history knows that white people literally conquered the globe and casually genocided native populations for the sole purpose of expanding their kitchen's spice cabinet so they and their descendants can take the lightspeed express to motherfucking flavortown anytime we damn well please.
thought it came from the fact that anglos like those weirdo pies or some shit like eel pie or whatever?
Italians are caught in an interesting limbo when it comes to US racial conversation. Every Italian is portrayed as a criminal and they play up stereotypes as intensely as ever. I.e. fat tony and the italian scenes in the simpsons, commercials still use italians for run of the mill "that's a spicy meatball joke". It's just interesting to me to see the juxtaposition of "one person from every continent in every commercial" mentality, followed up by "let's have a fat guinea with a mustache yell about how subways new chicken parm is a deal they cant refuse"
>French considered non-white
fuck off nigger
looks like when I take a shit
eat more fiber
niggers need to latch onto something to convince themselves that they are human. the only traditional foods they have are live cow anus and mud cookies. so they just pour every spice they oun on a slab of chicken until its completely inedible and they call it "KULCHA N' SHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEET"
what the fuck are you talking about? Jesus christ
>niggers are american
Is my chainsaw Danish?
Another point:Some European food, for example Hungarian, is pretty spicy.
Die Antwoord is the second worst thing to come out from SA, just before Mandela.
Who the actual fuck doesn't consider frogs to be white? I mean, I get there's tards who unironically believe italians and spaniards being tan means they're not white, but the fucking FRENCH?
>French considered non-white
Well they were white.
since when were the french not considered white? I've heard italians aren't, but not the french.
Also it's largely because anything edible that comes out of the british isles is trash
>implying blacks think
>believe italians and spaniards being tan means they're not white
I mean...it makes sense.
are american nigs as good at cooking as they claim to be?
it's only jews who are considered non-white, and not just because of the nigger lips and nigger hair, but because of the subsaharan african DNA.
Goat-fucking Muslim invaders aren't French, though.