Post images that summarize modern society

Attached: ass.png (580x260, 98K)

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Attached: 1521964523207.jpg (500x497, 64K)

Attached: 1500392809164-pol.png (637x693, 673K)


fucking disgusting, this makes me want to develop an underground arms factory in the UK countryside.

I can't post images so this is all I can do


Fucking roastie

What happened to 4chins 7 hours ago btw?

this made me mad

This is fucking bad, I'd be fucking fuming.

The elves who pedal power the servers were asleep


Holy shit the article makes it even worse:

>He is alleged to have stolen artefacts by illegal metal detecting



It had to be done, it posed a severe risk to anyone in the vicinity of the old man's house. A criminal could've seized any one of those items and wreaked unimaginable havoc on the surrounding neighbourhood. We can't just let citizens hold onto military-grade weapons, especially in such a poorly secured location as a random garage.


absolutely pathetic
bureaucrats to the WALL

They could've put it in a museum... :/

>especially in such a poorly secured location as a random garage.
As opposed as a poorly secured location as a random field he got it from?

>A criminal could've
broke the law all the same with or without knowledge of the machinegun.
Could a law-abiding citizen caused harm to himself or others in the respect of the law due to the presence of the weapon in a private property?

Only Jow Forums pass users can post currently

so put it in a museum and compensate the man for his contribution

this desu, fucking burgers

that was 2-3 hours ago

as a non-pass user I find the statement to be libel, as to suggest that I would fucking be a retard and buy a Jow Forums-themed yellow badge.

Can Jow Forums pass users post images?
If so, how do I buy a pass please??

this makes me mad everytime I see it pop up on here

>UK News
Please go back to picking my fruits stupid bean sniffer

destroying history under the guise of protecting society. does it get any more UK than that?

Fucking bongs. When will you end this shit

Oi you got a license for that metal detecting thing?


>mexican intellectuals

well this thread failed quick


Maybe because images can’t be uploaded for some reason.

remember not to sexual her contributions though, doing so will cost you your job, get you fines, and a few years in jail for sexual harassment.


This always makes me seethe with anger when I see it. Fuck Bongland to hell and back.

Since I can't upload images, here's a news story. This one should uplift you.

"Half Of Millennials Would Rather Live Under Socialism Or Communism Than Capitalism"

I could iron my shirt on that.


if he had live explosives, the bongcops were in the right for once

How can you see into my eyes...

threadly PSA to sperglords foaming at the mouth over this image:
they only took the ordnance
which was kept by a senile old man
in his garage
in the suburbs
and disposed of it
n i g g e r s

>Build 250k machine shop to make gun parts.
>Get shut down for unauthorized boxcutters the Muslim delivery guy saw in your pocket.

oy vey! can't have you keeping relics from the past goy...

the jew mauricio machir (our degenerate pig president) did the same in here, a guy had ww2 nazi memorabilia and jewish argentinian police raided his home and destroyed everything or sent it to the holomeme museum in niggertina

>but don't hit on me you silly boys! XD

>idk so I will post a picture of my ass in an attempt to derail this conversation and direct all attention toward me, even if it is hollow and superficial
fuck women

Those millennials, like myself, are still relatively young and inexperienced. They've also come of age in an era of scarcity. What little experience they have has been influenced by that scarcity.

>OMG creeeeepers!

faggot bitch

>Holomeme museum
Does anyone really cares about some dead kikes?


thats a thing everywhere its called trespassing, you think you can just walk on my property and start fucking metal detecting shit and digging around, dipshit.

Just when I thought the UK couldn't be any fucking dumber, they just blew up their own history. Sure, one can make the argument that the busybody laws forbid him from having machine guns. Fair enough. BUT PUT THE COLLECTION IN A FUCKING MUSEUM, YOU STUPID FUCKS!!!!! THIS IS YOUR HISTORY! Your countrymen died using these!!! WTF

>Appeal to false authority.
When did what millennials think about anything other than social justice become an authority? Let's face it Commiebro, 18 year olds have the reasoning aptitude of a 9 year old. 2000 years ago, 18 year olds were leading Armies and running Empires. How the sad the fall has turned out to be. We've extended childhood by doubling it, and even convinced these humans that they should be proud of their prepubescent cognitive abilities.

Commiebro, let's strike a deal. You get all of your Billionaire buddies, along with the Rothschilds who fund your silly little rallies, to stand in the breadlines with the rest of us, and I'll gladly serve your Communist State.



made me scream inside

>meme flag

Attached: Brainless.png (625x773, 111K)

Attached: 1377228464033.png (368x294, 9K)

argentines are philosemites so yes, only thing they care about

This is fake.
This has to be fake.
Please tell me this is fake.