Ask an anti-fascist anything

Ask an anti-fascist anything

Attached: 51TF0rK8LAL.jpg (500x500, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Which one of these characters most represents you?

Attached: 1523042282511.jpg (1400x654, 166K)

>in b4 one post by this ID
Remember, it goes in all fields.

Tell me of the reasons that drive you to combat "fascists."

And with that what would you consider a fascist?

why don't you fuck off?

Why don't you go after Peter Munk, George Soros, Rothschild's, Windsor's, you know, the real fascists that want to rule over everyone from israel?
It's a rhetorical question because i'm hiding this trash after posting this

No no, they aren't fascists

Are you homosexual?

Why do you not know what Fascism is?

Why do you hate white people and free governments? Isn't gay marriage, weed, and oral sex with animals good enough? Why don't you complain about the rest of the world's cultures that allow child marriage, execution for drugs, execution for sedition and criticism of the government? Why is a person saying "flaming nigger faggot kike go die" the most offensive thing to you?

Why are you fascists?

1st chapter of the IG report came out - did you see it?

in my city there are antifa stickers everywhere that have
>an injury to one is an injury to all
written on the anarcho-commie flag, but the red part has faded so now it just says
>injury to all
so my question is: how are you so bad at everything?

How do we BASH THE FASH online?

What is your favorite type of soy product?

are there any differences between the races?

What is it like to be mentally retarded?

Why do you destroy societies at the behest of micky mouse?

Doesn't it feel great knowing you finally belong to something?

How do you combat your inner fascist? Do you punch yourself in the guts or face every night before bed? When you use fascist tactics to attack fascism... Isn’t there a better way? Sure you get to punch people, which is fun. But maybe more people would actually respect your cause if you weren’t uber-trendy, welfare-mooching, ‘fascist’-bashing fascists.

How does it feel to make shit bait threads on an mongolian goat forum?

checked, saged, and literally >1 post by OP

How does it feel to know we're gonna gas you?

Your JIDF or show your flag.

It’s like you are psychic. Wow very impressed. Checked

What colour panties are you wearing?

Do you share your girlfriend with other men?

If not, how do you expect communism to work then?

do you suck the bulls dick

Why haven’t you killed yourself yet?

Do you watch Antifa Hotline?

What fields does sage go in?

So what’s it like being a fascist who calls himself anti-fascist?

Will you go out with me?

Why is biodiversity good but intellectual diversity bad?

The human immune system grows weak when it has nothing to fight against, the same can be said of the human mind .Why are you so afraid of opinions divergent to your own?

Do you ever wonder that perhaps you have too high an opinion of your own opinion?

All of them user

Checked. Masterful Aus.


Of COURSE soonone, tell us your ideals.

As always

i have no ideals, im a materialist

we want expropriate everything and are in fact doing so

how does your roommates (i.e. mom and dad) feel about your decisions?

we have taken over a piece of land in france and are currently engaged in battle over it

What's it like being a mindless follower?

The last time you got in a fight with a sign and/or garbage can, who won?

How does it feel to use fascist tactics in the name of socialism?

we won and the garbage can lost

are any of you not gay?

I don't speak frog, but that skirmish looks like it was today. I doubt you could hold it. Interesting tactics being in a no funz zone. Wonder how it would play out in the states with an armed citizenry?


where do we ship your remains?

we fight not in the name of anything but in the name of our existence, which like sovereignty, has no name

Fascism is almost identical to national socialism. Calling the left fascist is just intellectual lazy. Fascism does not mean "anti free speech".

Why do you support theft and democide?

you sure showed your parents

I find it funny how nationalists who recognize the need for violence and AnCaps who are anti-state don't like it when the people take to the streets to defend their rights.

there is no "citizenry" in general, there are only partisans. when we take off the masks you cant distinguish us fron the citizenry, we are fighting a partisan global civil war

have you had suicidal thought in the last 1.6 years ?

Third thread I've seen identical to this one. Only 1 post by this ID (just like the others)..

report and

who gets to decide what theft is?

is throwing out people from their homes in the crisis of 2008 was theft?

it depends who you ask

Does your hair color match your panties? I'm guessing green

We have a possibility that makes us freer than the gods: we can quit. This is an idea to be savoured to the end. Nothing and no one is obliging us to live. Not even death. For that reason our life is a tabula rasa, a slate on which nothing has been written, so contains all the words possible. With such freedom, we cannot live as slaves. Slavery is for those who are condemned to live, those constrained to eternity, not for us. For us there is the unknown—the unknown of spheres to be ventured into, unexplored thoughts, guarantees that explode, strangers to whom to offer a gift of life. The unknown of a world where one might finally be able to give away one’s excess self love. Risk too. The risk of brutality and fear. The risk of finally staring mal de vivre in the face. All this is encountered by anyone who decides to put an end to the job of existing.

Our contemporaries seem to live by jobbing, desperately juggling with a thousand obligations including the saddest of all of them—enjoying themselves. They cover up the incapacity to determine their own lives with detailed frenetic activity, the speed that accompanies increasingly passive ways of behaving. They are unaware of the lightness of the negative.

We can choose not to live. That is the most beautiful reason for opening oneself up to life with joy. ‘There is always time to put an end to things; one might as well rebel and play’—is how the materialism of joy talks.

Do you spit or swallow?

that's a lot of words for " yes "

typical leftist

ever watched the series "breaking bad"?

When will you come to Oklahoma?

we already there

please continu your work, the more you're acting like stupid anarchists who hate everyone that don't think like you, the more citizens are waking up faster than ever

I’ll be damned. I guess they keep a low profile lol.


are you a thin, cute twink? if so, I want to make love to you.

How do we combine relativity and quantum mechanics along with our current understanding of th universe into a unified theory of everything? Loops, strings or other?

Cool id

When will you grow up and get a job?

How is the time machine coming along?

What’s ur opinion of soy?

I love all human beings equally, judge them on an equal merit regardless of Race, Creed or Ethnicity and yet I still identify as a National Socialist.

There are many truly tolerant, in the real meaning of the word, people on here with intense amounts of empathy and compassion.

Its all about ensuring that every race has a safe space in the world to ensure that certain breeds of humans don't die out. People want to save the white rhino and the white tiger but say that it is racist to be concerned about the fact the white man is endangered?

Since this is a troll thread

So why did Jow Forums freeze for about eight hours?
I checked other boards and it was the same there.

I can't make a thread on it, I keep getting upload failed messages

There was an issue with CloudFlare going down IIRC. Jow Forums use it to prevent DDOS to the best of my knowledge.

Who do you wear the mask?

Jow Forums trap cult might have caused it too.

Why do you think one person secretly controlling everything behind the mockery of democratic bureaucracy is better than one person openly controlling everything? Do you think the highest reaches of the deep state, like, decide things by committee?

I'm still a bit nervous, the screenshot I took of two posts with eight hours between them refuse to post, it seems I can only do text replies.

how is middle school?


I am sure that it is just a result of maintenance, I doubt the board is being targeted (any more than usual) but I would be worried too if in a few hours images aren't able to be uploaded still. Keep trying in the meantime.

Do you cup the balls when you suck dick?

What really happens at band camp?
What was so cool about card games and Pokémon ?
What’s your favorite soy product?