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Kek, show us the way
So is Macabb. Hhahahahhahahahahahahaahha!
I would like to see that big faggot Comey in cuffs.
Get fucked doubters.
lol, well that was a big ass downtime
just gas these fucking traitors already
lol what a bitch... can this guy ever stop whinning about shit?
Trump will rot in prison.
Q Group is trying to save the fucking world. I hope more anons start listening.
(((you))) are scared
Scared of what? According to you (((we))) control every facet of your life.
We got the best President ever!
All of Drumpf's grandkids are kikes.
>Q made some cryptic ass statement that involves Trump going on Twitter and complaining about something
>It happens
Nah, that stopped on November 8th, 2016 and you've been losing power ever since. You're all going to pay dearly and israel is going to be wiped off the map.
>All of Drumpf's grandkids are kikes.
Gas yourself.
james comey is a turd
You dumb nigger everyone knew the ig reporr was supposed to drop this month.
am i cool yet? will i ever get a gf? how does my neckbeard look from thia angle
Did g00k pay his Internet bill?
I really don't get what you people see in him... You all see him being based or whatever retarded shit. I just see an old man crying about how everyone is so unfair
you guys are the living inside of a ben garrison cartoon
>that stopped
Not according to you delusional psychopaths that think everyone is a mossad agent on 4chins.
>Not according to you delusional psychopaths that think everyone is a mossad agent on 4chins.
You seem to be butthurt....Maybe it is because you're a kike and you're realizing you've been on the wrong side of humanity for your whole life. You're about to watch the entire world you once knew crumble around you and israel will crumble with it.
Oh yea? tell me more about me. I'm looking at a monitor with your name DOB and SS.
Yes, but can you triforce?
>will i ever get a gf?
Not with that Redditspacing you won't
>im a retard with no understanding of politics
yeah, we know
Part of the OIG report is out:
yeah, everyone in the DOJ is corrupt crooked hillary supporters except for the IG
lmao this is such desperation
Pepe is unironically inspiring as fuck.
I believe the claim that the NYPD made when looking into Weiner's laptop, they said at least 70% of government is compromised, the rest have been waiting for someone to clean it out.
pure projection from Trump
When did this come out? Wtf.
This is the only place mentioning it.
>DOJ just issued the McCabe report - which is a total disaster. He LIED! LIED! LIED! McCabe was totally controlled by Comey - McCabe is Comey!! No collusion, all made up by this den of thieves and lowlifes!
Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves.
-Andrew Jackson
fucking shill.
pretty much
Pulling up your file now.
Oh wow, there's some real gold in this one.
>i lack the insight to understand the nuance of US politics and rely on reddit, facebook and msm to tell me what to think
we know you're retarded; you don't have to keep reminding everyone
Thats so hilarious irony.
>Complain about people leaking classified information
>pardon someone who outed a spy
you have to be 18 to post here, faggot. Libby was never the leaker, the government knew the leaker was Armitage and still drug out the investigation for a year just to see who they could entrap.
Trump is the greatest thing happening to americans right now. Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't
How interesting that I'm not entirely ignorant about American history - including the battle over having a federal bank - and yet I've never read this quote before. I wonder (((why))) that is??
Lurk moar
finally some brutal trump bants on twitter
been way too long
GUYS I THINK THE MODS IP range banned Israeli IPs. They still need to let us start making new threads and post images though, wtf.
For years I was a huge FBI fanboy. I even share a name with one of the most famous FBI agents of all time. They were my heroes. Comey ruined that.
Today maybe his all time twitter rants
I dont think he's in control of his twitter anymore, unless he's really close to breaking down and going ballistic on everyone on capitol hill.
I have forced them to restore 5chan.
Whar happened to Jow Forums 8 hours ago?
I actual do not care what Trump does. I voted for him for one reason, and that is immigration. Democrats will turn our country to a non-white third world shithole. All the crazy shit he says is just icing on the cake because lefties go crazy.
LOL pissbaby needs his bottle
Because 'vipers' and 'thieves' are how Jesus described (((them))) and (((they))) certainly don't want you to read what God Himself said about them.
I meant irony cause you get your information from Jow Forums
Someone posted something that wasn't bullshit and the place got shut down.
I saw a jew in /ptg/
Except he's the President of America and you're just a faggot.
Here to brighten your otherwise meaningless life have a (You).
But I am posting from Israel.
NYT Best-selling author James Comey now.
Show some respect lads.
Rekt, fucking loser
>. can this guy ever stop winning?
Q is a boomer meme and Trump is a kike
Ooooo he's president that means he's good.
Lemme ask you something was Obama good?
Give me a second, I'm still browsing the other guy's file.
>attacking Syria will cause Israel to crumble
>all his kids are KIKED and so are his grandkids
>openly stated he is dedicated to the survival of Israel
>right hand man is now Bolton who would gladly sacrifice every American if Israel asked him
How can you be an antisemite and blindly support a man who openly and privately loves and support someone Jews?
it fukkin broke, I haven't seen an official response
up there with Kurt Eichenwald now
>proven leaker
>as he pardons a convicted leaker and one of the major neocon shills of the iraq war on the same day
what did he mean by this?
Kurt's writing a book about his struggles with epilepsy now. So brave.
Has /ptg/ been purged? Where will I shitpost when Tucker is on?
Praise Q, the son of Kek and a virgin Pol, come to give us our daily bread.
It was a fuck you to Comey
Qanon is a boomer meme and has destroyed both 4pol and 8pol in the process.
I love how the leader of the "free world" says someone should be investigated and nothing happens. Fucking start an investigation nigger. Do it. You're the boss
pardoning Libby? a dude whose crime is what a decade old now and not at all related to the current bullshit?
it just makes him look retarded
>Fucking start an investigation nigger. Do it. You're the boss
only democrat presidents can do this because none of the govt underlings will leak that they started it themselves.
this must be the sharebluenigger script of the day.
Nobody was ever charged for the Plame leak, and anybody with a fucking brain knows Richard Armitage was the leaker.
Shareblue is a boogieman that's used by upset newfags whenever Trump is criticized.
are we back?
we still can't post images or make threads
>unclassified info
plz leave
I see the front page is still down too. guess we should be somewhat sparing with the thread bumps
Even acrimonious ex lovers don't talk this rude. Trump must really love Comey.
How can you post on Jow Forums and use a word like that. Do you believe everything Trump says? Even after 2 years of him being in politics, you take what he says literally? If so, then you're fucking retarded.
Someone who can likely testify about innerworkings of the CIA
This timeline is awesome!
So brave and STRONG.
That except of his memoir about being on the verge of tears with Obama brought ME on the verge of tears.