eugenics is the worst form of racism. apologize
Eugenics is the worst form of racism. apologize
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That would make sense if eugenics were racist. It all depends on what you are selecting for.
I'm sorry.
For not killing more niggers.
just fucking kill yourself
fucking finally
This but unironically. Cloaking racism in pseudoscience is a brainlet strategy.
I agree.
having trouble uploading photos?
>Implying eugenics is about killing niggers.
Yes doesn't work but text is better than nothing. I was really worried that I might not get my next dose of shitposting.
Yeah it's not the first time that it's happened, anyone got a clue about this?
why cant i see the picture lol
It has nothing to do with racism. Not our fault whites just happen to be the superior people.
I think it's related to the pic problem
Yea image uploading doesnt work
fucking hell it's the second time this year
I can't see it either, what about anyone else?
Wait, positive or negative eugenics? Or just anything that isn't fucking like monkeys and letting whatever happen happen?
obviously positive eugenics is "racist"
When mankind tries to breed themselves for some purpose, but they have no idea what.
I can but I'm the OP
No idea. It's like every once in a blue moon threads stop moving, it won't take any posts, then it just starts up again without photos.
KYS faggot.
Daily reminder that thanks to eugenics, Iceland does not have to suffer mongoloids anymore.
Abortion is good as long as you do it to subhumans.
welcome back. now post something of value or be banned
Image upload still not working. Fucking CIA niggers
close enough lol
If this statement is true then how do you explain woman that uses eugenics on the daily basis?
Eugenics is the logical end state of trying to make people better.
we have done eugenics for many centuries, it just wasn't coordinated.
Actually every single organism on earth that reproduces via sex is doing eugenics.
Who wanna go to Heaven?
Jews conduct eugenics on europeans to make them better slaves.
And then the jews are all like: "Eugenics is evil, don't try to improve your race!"
>proven in every breeding program of any organism on the planet.
Explain yourself, user.
>because it isn't
what about sterilization for cash, if the program is open to all regardless of race social or economic status?