>be me >be a 27 year old ugly beta loser nofriends autist with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, never been to pub, club, or party >wake up at 9 am >read some of atlas shrugged >went 2 days without junk food and feel much lighter and not fat; have a shit and feel even lighter >felt tired and hadn't been to work for 2 days so decided to skip exercise and drink coffee in flat then go to job >went to job, left after 15 minutes >planned to borrow the nicomachean Ethics from the library and then spend the entire Friday evening reading it (gaining the pseud cred as the normies enjoyed themselves outside) but the library didn't have it >became depressed after seeing multiple books packed with pseud cred in the library that I feel like I have to read (Plutarch, Herodotus, and leviathan; the latter looks like trivial shit written in near gibberish) >went home and gave in to my nihilistic impulses and bought food to binge on (picrelated) and now feel fat >spent evening binging and browsing internet then reading final 40 pages of atlas shruged; would feel guilty about not reading more but don't enjoy any books any more, especially not the shit on my shelf
I've also spent the entire time feeling sad over my lack of a day to day philosophy, routine, or practical goals.
Connor Richardson
>Paris as it was no longer exists
Juan Mitchell
Join the army.
Aaron Jenkins
Please stop shitting up the board with tales of your shitty life.
I passionately hate London. I go there for work quite often and using any form of public transport or just walking down the street and you can see why the BBC thinks the way it does.
Ethan Howard
Tyler Gray
Your daily posts breathe sighs of relief into my soul. Never stop, user.
Google the lass who wrote it. She's typically one of these thickos who seem to have convinced people to let her write articles for their website.
Not surprising though she feels the way she does as she's a non-white. Those things in Powell's speech are things she would never understand or admit are true today.
Bit like those two black people they just had on Newsnight to talk about it who insisted he was all wrong and how multiculturalism is great
>what are statistics I visit the place and several other towns in England and Scotland (as well as other countries) fairly regularly. London is not doing well.
Does the West just need to accept it lost over Syria and Russia won?
James Wood
Fegelein did salsbury
Jose Gomez
Fair enough.
Is your experience different?
Jackson Evans
It's a bare faced Russian lie but it just ridiculous enough to work. It's quite a clever tactic as by the time bongland assembles a case to disprove it the Russians will have had the benefit of a smokescreen and enormous propaganda for their own people to be fed.
Nicholas Barnes
They don't call us the Eternal Anglo for nothing...
>Think back on my ((higher education)) >Realize I got a bunch of BTEC/GNVQs without doing any work in Year 11/6th form >Only thing that makes sense for me getting this shit was only because Blair/Brown were in meltdown and were using the 'future of Britain' spin with increasing education grades
My education and every 2005-2010 schoolchilds was a fucking politically motivated game....
It's not going to be so simple as all parties cutting their losses and walking away. That will not resolve the underlying causes fueling this crisis.
Camden Rodriguez
It's true. We did it.
Benjamin Torres
Depends where I go. I don't usually go to east London but even in the city and word the DLR around canary wharf is not good.
Aiden Robinson
London is turning into Paris in so much that all the immigrants are being pushed out into the suburbs and white middle class kids from all over the country a gentrifying zone 1, and 2. White working class have either fucked off completely or are commuting in from further a field. Also the people you see walking around in central a significant portion are tourists
Alexander Kelly
rimmer? vg tho
Nathaniel Ross
Absolutely perfidious
Brandon Kelly
>It's a bare faced Russian lie Unfortunately it's pretty close to the truth.
James Edwards
That's hilarious
Logan Foster
well yeah they kept changing the curriculum and grading system every fucking term
the cubit town estate on the isle of dogs got loads of Asian immigrants when all the white east Londoners pissed off to Essex for a better life in the suburbs
It was mandated by certain international special interest groups that our intelligence apparatus participate in the staging of this "attack." But we weren't the only ones involved.
Landon Scott
What if putin funnels ak-47s over for a right wing rebellion and he can have his pipleline we can have our country back